CQC 5.5 years old. Update 1 due yet?

Fdev can make a bunch of cool ideas for CQC but I dont think it would help with player count any (except for temporary bump) unless they add an incentive to play it beyond a "oh whats this thing called 'CQC'?", like actual pay instead of the 5CR per match you get now or arx rewards with a separate cap from the main game.
@CMDR Evolution I saw that this thread was a pretty good "summary" thread (mega thread? not sure what the proper term is) and so I'm working to keep it going and was wondering if you would be interested in adding the other suggestions to the OP under a "suggestions from other CMDRs" or something to have a easy spot where any devs that read this can see all the ideas more easily rather than needing to read more of the reply posts? If that is not something you care to do then I would make a thread with links to all the CQC threads that are relevant to its improvement and have a "master list" of ideas from everyone.

Great suggestion there o7. Sorry, I was away over the weekend but I've done that, this morning! o7

The OP has everyone's suggestions now included in one easy place (y).
I've also tried to cut out some of the 'to and fro' from discussions and included key parts so it's easier for the CM Team, devs and ourselves.
Let me know if I've missed anything o7. Here it is now:
I look forward to the day when there'll be new CQC matches. Please see below for the situation, specifics, personal and community solutions:

The situation:
  • CQC came out 5.5 years ago (edit - 6 years ago now) in Oct 2015 as an MVP.
  • It was then put on Steam but pulled as there wasn't enough content and so not enough users.
  • I was surprised it was put on Steam, considering CQC only has/had 4 levels and 4 ships.
  • Of course, Frontier then logically removed it from Steam early 2017.
  • By that time, Horizons had already been out for a year and many in the community expected ground based CQC but even by December 2021, there's nothing new like the 10 points below.
  1. Cross Play***. The separate platform communities can be finally merged as a joint community for CQC, as the pilot ;)
  2. Sphere of combat CQC with people having different roles to play in assault / defence matches
  3. Guardian fighters
  4. Other new fighters like the Taipan or even the Imp Eagle (considering CQC has the standard Eagle). Also outfitting unlocks E.G. fighter variants used for Hangers in-game since 2.2 (a year after CQC came out)
  5. SRV CQC
  6. Elite racers CQC
  7. On-foot CQC
  8. New levels including planetary maps. There are so, so many beautiful locations in Elite which can be used
  9. New lobby
  10. CQC bots - For this point, that wouldn't be needed if cross play was done

Community suggestions from this thread (clicking the names will take you to the comments):

Enonymous: I'd buy this. I don't need it added to elite. I'll buy a new game that's just SRV CQC. A simple VR wave shooter based on SRV mechanics. 20 maps. A few upgrades. Space Mario Kart.
SushiCW: Personally, my opinion is that a good investment would be AI that can competently handle installation-based "terrain" and objectives. This would unlock more mission types / scenarios in the regular game (imagine conflict zones centered on installations, with concrete objectives like "take out the power source inside the base"), and that tech could then be ported to CQC as well to allow bots.
I think the "queue from the main game" option probably would have helped a lot more if it had appeared 4-5 years ago, before it was too late to matter.
JohnnyDangerous: Since the new foot combat zones are basically arenas, why not combine the flying arena too? Make the combat zones arenas, include all the ships, and make the respawn rules the same.
Hydrino: it is still at the "has potential, needs fleshing out" state), and those are "in-game" and not a separate game, they need to move CQC to same "in-game" status and have the matches occur around in-game assets and using NPCs (aka 'bots').
CMDR Astraea Astralis: Really great suggestions! Especially the idea of adding racing to Arena... 🤤
Huros: CQC arenas need to be in game and have NPC opponents filling in. Seriously have three stations for each power where we can go and join a game. Bring in the guardian fighters too
Angelpichu: Why not allow custom matches between commanders with ships copied from their main game?
CMDR_Raikkonen: CQC should be added to the Frontline Solutions Desk.
It should also be hyped up in game as a big galaxy wide tournament (with all the relevant Galnet articles, and even Power Play characters throwing their champions into the ring)
JohnnyDangerous: I know it’s against the whole idea, but it really needs NPCs unfortunately. I’ve logged in maybe a dozen times but only played once due to no humans.
Pigletslastand: Bots would really help as the main problem is finding matches
zombieapocalypse: I've never even so much as tried CGC, it holds no appeal to me. But I do wonder if it could be expanded and incorporated into the main game to provide a risk-free environment for PvP tournaments and leagues. Or even just as a playground for testing out different ship builds.
SushiCW: Yes please on both NPCs and Frontline Solutions integration. Maybe that looks more like "conflict zone around installations with just fighters" than "gateway into CQC"... either way, it would be awesome.
Awan: As an avid enjoyer of CQC for what it is, I too would very much enjoy Update "0.Anything-Would-Be-Nice" to come to CQC lol.
Whilst fairly barebones, CQC is quite a lot of fun with little groups. It's quite a shame then that not even a small, pre-existing map has been added to its rotations at all. I know Frontier have stated in the past that they really only update content that people use, but I don't understand how one expects any kind of 'interest in longevity' if they do not at least add an addition to their, at one time, headline feature of an update.
zikolach: What if CQC would have been integrated into main game? Something like permit-lock system(s) where you can travel only by Apex and then join specific arena in a way similar to Frontline solutions. It could be also bots added to make it working for Solo players and to fill time where there is no opponents. The billboards on the main station's concourse would show current rankings, active rounds etc.
RyuStaar: Quite frankly, IMO the only thing they need to do to make people play CQC is reduce the absurd requirements to get Elite CQC. I mean who wants to grind out a year of CQC when you can get Elite trader/explorer in a few hours. I started trying for the glorious quad elite before horizons, looked at how long it would take. I was Semi-pro, 3 ranks in and JUST OVER 1% done after playing steadily every day a couple hours for 2 weeks. Like I'm wasting my life with that. I don't even mind CQC but no rewards seems crappy. Make Elite attainable and I guarantee more people will play just for that. Though I doubt you can now because then you trivialize the work people who do have elite CQC have done.
CMDR Quarter-Master: 11. Thargoid Scouts as opponents
I've summarised this one from Vurrath, basically suggesting different 'releases' or tournaments, where you can choose whether to stay in your old one or join a newer one with newer features
Silv3rDragon: I feel like the CQC bots alone would make it playable enough to increase interest over time to where you could actually see more than one person in there per day. I dont think it would take too much effort either as they already have ai for the fighters in the main game.
artao: I would LOVE to do some PvP, using my own ships, but WITHOUT the in-verse replacement cost...
HELL!! In all the times I've tried to use it I've gotten (gotten? um .. whatever) ... I got nothing. Emplty.
Let us use our in-verse ships. No replacement cost. Separate stats. (Altho perhaps betting on match-ups could be a thing. Both those involved and those watching.)
Kissamies: Maybe "AX preparedness training" PvE where you fly AX fighters against Thargoid Scouts.
CMDR Rabbit: CQC live or recorded "broadcasts" to a giant screen in the bar in tourist station or settlements, like a sports event. With all the NPCs oohing and ahhing.
Silv3rDragon: I like the idea of a reasonable amount of CR as rewards (say 1000x current to start) or arx as a reward with a separate cap from the main games 400. If the arx shared the same cap then there would be no point in adding it because most players i know hit the cap in the first 2-3 days after reset and then there would be no reason to play cqc.
Kaocraft: CQC is supposedly the most popular sport in the galaxy, yet there is no evidence that it even exists in the game world.
There could at least be a CQC scoreboard or leaderboard or something on a monitor above one of the bars, and some in-game ads/posters/banners making reference to CQC.
Silv3rDragon: What about adding a CQC option to the fleet carrier menu so that you could play a quick game or 2 between jumps?
The little matchmaking option in the chat panel is basically unnoticed and thats all the promotion it ever gets.
Pigletslastand: Unfortunately anytime that I've tried to look for a match there either hasn't been anyone or it's the same 2 or 3 guys that do it so much they can roflstomp anyone new entering. If you could play against bots to get used to it first and always have a match that would be best.
Also we need rewards.. everything else gets arx rewards for gameplay.
Silv3rDragon: I would love to see arx as a reward but for it to be any incentive to play at all it would need a separate cap from the weekly 400 otherwise there would be no point. Increasing CR rewards by at least 1-2k times what we currently get would at least be a start too.
FlyingChancer: We need to make CQC in-game, and create a GalTV so that people can watch some special tournaments, for example in the lobby of stations
Agony_Aunt: So the question would need to be asked, how to bring it in game? It would have to be a sealed off area, where non-participants can't enter. And also important, you really don't want anyone not participating even in the instance. With P2P every extra person can add lag or network issues. So ideally the instance needs to be sealed off. Nobody can see it of course, but importantly, nobody can mess with it by being present.
So... almost like it needs to be separated out somehow.
Perhaps FD could do more to bring CQC feel like its happening in the main game, but it can't actually happen in the main game instances.
Silv3rDragon: Fdev can make a bunch of cool ideas for CQC but I dont think it would help with player count any (except for temporary bump) unless they add an incentive to play it beyond a "oh whats this thing called 'CQC'?", like actual pay instead of the 5CR per match you get now or arx rewards with a separate cap from the main game.

How could those happen?
  • From the perspective of someone who works in tech for a leading UK company (and how I see Frontier) - an ideal solution would be to have a dedicated CQC product team.
  • Frontier really should have Agile product teams for large game features rather than projects in a waterfall release process. It that's already taking place, it would be massively appreciated to have CQC included within the Agile side.
  • Agile product teams allow constantly refining and improving different aspects without impacting other development from devs continually context switching.
  • Tech teams feel rewarded for the work they've built from the ground up, and that continues, as their work continues to get developed. I still think that can be done with CQC.
  • New CMDRs get drawn in by each improvement and existing CMDRs are happy as there's always something new (even if it's something small IMO).

CQC and certain other aspects of Elite could be so, so amazing - even more so than they already are and I already love Elite :D Hence my +6500 hours in game (236 hours in CQC) and over a grand spent with Frontier. I don't regret it but I hate to see problems and missed opportunities again and again.

Frontier, please don't ditch it. What you released half a decade ago was great, CQC just still needs to be fleshed out 🙏.
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Was thinking of less work just summarizing them like
"arx rewards with separate cap"
"increase CR rewards by 1000"
but that works too. Didn't know you could link them to the actual post though.
Was thinking of less work just summarizing them like
"arx rewards with separate cap"
"increase CR rewards by 1000"
but that works too.
Yeah, I did consider that too but decided to put more of their context, just to make sure other peoples (and your) points are properly conveyed. Hopefully that's good for everyone.

Didn't know you could link them to the actual post though.

Happy to share how I did it:
  • In a text box, use the forums quote button (from the top of the text box)
  • Type/Copy the users name and put it inside the quote you just made
  • Hover over the share icon of their comment (at the top right of their post)
  • Copy the link
  • Go back to your quote box and highlight the name you put in
  • Use the insert link button (from the top of the text box again)
  • Lastly, copy and paste the comments over
  • Rince and repeat :)
Hope that helps
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Summary of CQC ideas I would like to see in game:

ARX rewards of 10 per match with separate weekly cap of 100 (or more if you feel generous Fdev :))
Increase Credit rewards by at least 2000x. That would put it in the range of 20M/hr (yes it really is only around 10-15k/hr right now)
Add Guardian Fighters
Give option when quitting CQC to pick engineering materials as extra rewards of 2-3 G5 per match (or equivalent in other grades with down trading)
Add "current players" counter to game modes to see which mode actually has players in it
Enable already purchased ship skins in customize menu
Race mode with hoops like in tutorial
I created a thread giving my opinion on this since I didn't see this one, so I'm sorry for not checking more throroughly in this subforum. Anyway, these are the ideas I had so far:
  • Increase dramatically the credit rewards.
  • Decrease dramatically the amount of experience needed for increasing Pilot Federation CQC rank, especially since with the release of ED: Oddysey it now have ranks Elite II-V.
  • Reward ARX and high grade materials, whether the engineering grind problem is fixed or not. ARX rewards could also not count towards the weekly cap.
  • Reward exclusive cosmetics and engineered modules and weapons when increasing rank, or reward them as players reach certain rank levels (each 10, for example).
  • Reward exclusive cosmetics for increasing Pilot Federation CQC rank, for a ship of choice.
  • Display the number of players in each CQC mode, a quality of life feature that would save player's time.
  • Create a practice mode with bots and no rewards, similar to the incursion training simulations, so people can practice before playing against other players.
  • Add Faulcon DeLacy's Taipan to the pool of playable ships for the sake of adding variety.
  • The engineer Tod "The Blaster" McQuinn has a story with CQC Arena. Maybe shoving certain types of gameplay down player's throats is not a great idea, but even now they have to go out of their way in order to receive some invitations or unlocking some engineers, and even more so to engineer modules. Making it a requirement for receiving an invitation from him to have a certain rank in CQC, even if it's a low one, is something that could be done, and probably should have been done in the past; sadly, changing it now would not affect those who already met the current requirements.
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Summary of CQC ideas I would like to see in game:

ARX rewards of 10 per match
That is less than half a cent worth. Is there really anyone who can afford a computer or console who is even remotely motivated by half a cent? I suspect that if people dont want to play CQC, they also dont want to play if they get half a cent which they can only use in the game store.
Well if it was fixed then a lot more people would be playing it. Its not that no one uses many features because they were a bad idea but because they dont work or were never finished, like multi crew (anyone remember that feature?).
CQC live or recorded "broadcasts" to a giant screen in the bar in tourist station or settlements, like a sports event. With all the NPCs oohing and ahhing.

I know way too much work, instancing issues and probably not at all feasable.
I love this idea. Instead of the bars we got new where there are folks scattered around like store window dummies drinking pots of glue, we could have folks buying real drinks like Lavian Brandy and Leesti's Evil Juice, and betting consoles where we can put money down on who we think would win a bout. If instancing is a problem with actual live events, FDev could use prerecorded matches, or ones with random NPCs
Thanks for continuing to ignore us @Bruce G . Much appreciated

For the few remaining people who stayed loyal when the vast majority of others have stopped (as you know), it really makes us feel unvalued by ignoring us.

For context relating specifically to this:

Still looking forward to hearing back. Thank you so much

For some historical context about suggestions, please see below. Here's the tip of the iceberg from a few threads I'd commented on. As you'll see below, in the forums and reddit, common points are raised and ignored time and time again by Frontier.

With the CM's now wanting to liaise with the community, the CQC people would like to stop feeling ignored after all these years:
June 18th 2016 - Taipan, new maps, rewards?
February 1st 2017 - Have FD given up on CQC
May 9th 2017 - CQC Botmatches are needed
August 27th 2017 - leaderboards, levels, rewards, chat, NPCs, Engineering?
September 10th 2019 - CQC Improvement Speculation
November 18th 2019 - ARX for CQC

Frontier, we'd love to hear from you. Thanks

With CM's looking at the forums every day - any response from Frontier please to this and the historical threads that continue cropping up over the years?

Again, CQC really was the first major MVP and it's been over 5.5 years, well before different MVPs which people are now waiting for. The CQC community have been left the longest it seems.

Please see the issues, ideas and solutions shared above. We appreciate it's not currently on the list, but to possibly have it on the agenda down the line, would be ideal.


Answering that though, if we all keep the talking and the great ideas flowing, then it'll really help Frontier when they finally get back to us 👍.

Good morning Frontier.

Have any CMs seen this yet please?

We'd be very grateful to hear something, anything, please and thank you 🙏.

Good afternoon @Bruce G

This is the thread we spoke about yesterday on the livestream. Thank you so much for taking a look and really look forward to hearing back.

Same here. @Bruce G took the feedback to the dev teams 3.5 weeks ago (AFAIK), thanks so much Bruce. Just waiting to hear back please.

Yeah, I think and hope the same. I'm a bit worried that @Bruce G from the CM team hasn't said anything yet as it's been a long time.

Bruce, can you drop us a quick update when you can please? Many thanks

Sorry to need to keep asking but it's difficult when we haven't heard anything back. I hope my polite requests for an update (over the course of over 2 months) haven't been seen as nagging as it's really not intended like that.

I'm sorry to ask, but perhaps another CM could help please?
@Arthur Tolmie / @Zac Cocken / @sallymorganmoore

Thank you so much and happy 6 year anniversary for CQC everyone o7.

We really appreciate all the hard work your team and Frontier are doing.

Is there any news yet please @Bruce G?

Loads of amazing ideas here! I don't suppose anyone's heard anything from @Bruce G by any chance?

In August's CQC Livestream, he said he'd be taking our ideas to the devs, gave my post a thumbs up in this thread and then has totally and completely ignored the thread. After patiently waiting for a comment along the lines of "Thank you to the community, I've relayed the suggestions for you" but have had my polite comments totally ignored.

In case Bruce was on long term sick leave / secondment / sabbatical and so not seeing the forums but only taking part in the occasional livestream, I tagged the other CM's @Arthur Tolmie, @Zac Cocken and @sallymorganmoore in October but haven't heard anything.

Keep the brilliant ideas flowing though! I'm still hoping something's happening or will happen after all these years.

... Anyone can see that the older players are the ones Frontier should've been listening to and trying to retain by communicating back with us. The newer people from Odyssey don't have the same level of investment like my +7,100 hours. But the fact that you consistently show you couldn't care less has significantly destroyed the hope many people had. Just look at the lack of any content on Youtube compared to every year before. Look at all the key people from years ago.... oh, and be sure to give Drew Wager a wave as he enjoys Star Citizen instead.

Putting your head in the sand doesn't solve anything. We're paying customers and many of the more loyal ones of us have left already or are very close leaving.

Elite Dangerous isn't a religion. We need more than just faith. Please see the OP for the suggestions from this thread. Thank you

Bruce G

Thanks for continuing to ignore us @Bruce G . Much appreciated

For the few remaining people who stayed loyal when the vast majority of others have stopped (as you know), it really makes us feel unvalued by ignoring us.

For context relating specifically to this:

... Anyone can see that the older players are the ones Frontier should've been listening to and trying to retain by communicating back with us. The newer people from Odyssey don't have the same level of investment like my +7,100 hours. But the fact that you consistently show you couldn't care less has significantly destroyed the hope many people had. Just look at the lack of any content on Youtube compared to every year before. Look at all the key people from years ago.... oh, and be sure to give Drew Wager a wave as he enjoys Star Citizen instead.

Putting your head in the sand doesn't solve anything. We're paying customers and many of the more loyal ones of us have left already or are very close leaving.

Elite Dangerous isn't a religion. We need more than just faith. Please see the OP for the suggestions from this thread. Thank you

O7 Commander Evolution, thanks for your message. I do my best to get back to people when they tag me on the forums so apologies if I missed something of yours earlier.

With regards to CQC, I've paid close attention to what's been asked for and worked with players directly and used what I've read on the forums to document suggestions and changes. This proposal has been passed along to the development team so now it's for them and production to run with. As and when there's anything to share, I'll be delighted to share it, knowing how much love there is for CQC.
O7 Commander Evolution, thanks for your message. I do my best to get back to people when they tag me on the forums so apologies if I missed something of yours earlier.
I get why you might not answer every ping... but he forum comminity would love an update... just in case you haven't had time to notice the new thread every hour about the lack of communications from FD in general.

I am classed as a white knight and even I think it's pathetic
O7 Commander Evolution, thanks for your message. I do my best to get back to people when they tag me on the forums so apologies if I missed something of yours earlier.

With regards to CQC, I've paid close attention to what's been asked for and worked players directly and used what I've read on the forums to document suggestions and changes. This proposal has been passed along to the development team so now it's for them and production to run with. As and when there's anything to share, I'll be delighted to share it, knowing how much love there is for CQC.

Happy new year Bruce.
O7 Commander Evolution, thanks for your message. I do my best to get back to people when they tag me on the forums so apologies if I missed something of yours earlier.

With regards to CQC, I've paid close attention to what's been asked for and worked players directly and used what I've read on the forums to document suggestions and changes. This proposal has been passed along to the development team so now it's for them and production to run with. As and when there's anything to share, I'll be delighted to share it, knowing how much love there is for CQC.

Thank you so much Bruce, that's brilliant to hear.

I want to say sorry for getting a bit emotional earlier but it's just because I care so much about Elite.

Thanks again and stay safe
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Can't we just flush CQC and concentrate on the proper game?
No one wanted it in the first place and the 8 people who play it can do something else.
Do bear in mind some peeps out there are completionists of sorts...

CQC completion (from what I gather...) Is:::

-- Rank 50, then Prestige once to unlock the permit to the CQC Home system

-- The "Quad" Elite status of reaching Elite within CQC

-- Reaching true max rank (Prestige 8, Level 50

A very HEFTY goal given the condition of CQC as is, for us console players (Xbox Commander here), it is very difficult to find a match, even deathmatch that requires 2 people is becoming task in itself

@Bruce G sorry to be tagging you in this, granted many other players maayyy have acquired the permit for CQC Home System, is there any plans to change the requirement at all?, Changing the required level or making it similar to other permits? (Reaching allied and snagging the permit mission from the faction mission board)

Maybe deducting a couple of billion credits from my assets for one?? 😜
Do bear in mind some peeps out there are completionists of sorts...

CQC completion (from what I gather...) Is:::

-- Rank 50, then Prestige once to unlock the permit to the CQC Home system

-- The "Quad" Elite status of reaching Elite within CQC

-- Reaching true max rank (Prestige 8, Level 50

A very HEFTY goal given the condition of CQC as is, for us console players (Xbox Commander here), it is very difficult to find a match, even deathmatch that requires 2 people is becoming task in itself

@Bruce G sorry to be tagging you in this, granted many other players maayyy have acquired the permit for CQC Home System, is there any plans to change the requirement at all?, Changing the required level or making it similar to other permits? (Reaching allied and snagging the permit mission from the faction mission board)

Maybe deducting a couple of billion credits from my assets for one?? 😜
The main trouble would be, then the permit wouldn't be a CQC permit anymore. Finding a match is unfortunately difficult on all platforms now. It's nothing like the first good few years and why I put CQC cross play as suggestion 1 in the OP 😉.

Ps this isn't aimed at you my friend but just in general regarding some previous comments from others: You'll always see people saying they want some elements taken out of the game but that's just because they don't do it and/or aren't open minded enough to try it out. I'll never understand their mindset but we're all entitled to our views. I haven't asked for mining to be removed and never would, although I never do it. Each to their own if you ask me (and probably 98% of the population). Let's all just do what we like and let others have their fun too o7
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