Patch Notes Update CQC update (1.4.2) Stress test - Open build

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CQC could easily be integrated into every space station. Create an option and market it as a as a Holographic Combat Simulator (CQC-HCS) . Then simply add some fancy animated transitioning screen showing you entering a Simulator room/cubical, et voila! . Until then Just PRETEND :D

That explains the dying, respawning, earning some credits and prestige.

This is what I imagined it was going to be like. It really kills it IMO to have to exit and restart to go do something else (mining, pirating, missions, etc.) FD must have some good reason for doing it this way though....
"Quake in Space" - yeah, that about sums it up. Right down to the "I just get my kicks shooting everything and running around" crowd. I've tried it a couple times, had a few minutes of fun, then ran into folks who were obviously collaborating (voice chat on the side, perhaps? Or running Skype on the side?). No real skill, just bang-bang-bang. Not my cup of tea - but I'm glad they have it so it keeps 'em busy and out of the main game. I'll probably give it a go again after a few months, when things settle down. But for now, much rather build up my trading empire and see the galaxy!
"Quake in Space" - yeah, that about sums it up. Right down to the "I just get my kicks shooting everything and running around" crowd. I've tried it a couple times, had a few minutes of fun, then ran into folks who were obviously collaborating (voice chat on the side, perhaps? Or running Skype on the side?). No real skill, just bang-bang-bang. Not my cup of tea - but I'm glad they have it so it keeps 'em busy and out of the main game. I'll probably give it a go again after a few months, when things settle down. But for now, much rather build up my trading empire and see the galaxy!

What's wrong with enjoying shooting stuff and zooming around a bit? You just get your kicks trading and exploring by the sounds of it. Anyway, I'm not one of those "only pew pew" types. I once wandered aimlessly for over 2 hours looking for a black box (I had a migraine too). I eventually ran out of time to complete the mission then Frontier pure trolled me as it popped up "You seem to be having trouble with this mission Commander. We'll give you another 27 hours!" I can laugh about it now. :(

Oh! Incidentally: I attempt to coordinate with wing mates in matches via Skype or in-game comms. I assume you mean Deathmatch? Those beastly rotters.
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Different strokes, different gaming styles. That's why I ran private Quake and Descent3 servers years back. My friends and I preferred a different type of death match - had a blast, stalking and mind gaming each other. I do hope that FD eventually allows private matches.
"Quake in Space" - yeah, that about sums it up. Right down to the "I just get my kicks shooting everything and running around" crowd. I've tried it a couple times, had a few minutes of fun, then ran into folks who were obviously collaborating (voice chat on the side, perhaps? Or running Skype on the side?). No real skill, just bang-bang-bang. Not my cup of tea - but I'm glad they have it so it keeps 'em busy and out of the main game. I'll probably give it a go again after a few months, when things settle down. But for now, much rather build up my trading empire and see the galaxy!

Beware people are cooperating in a cooperation game!!!

So unskilled to cooperate!
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"Quake in Space" - yeah, that about sums it up. Right down to the "I just get my kicks shooting everything and running around" crowd. I've tried it a couple times, had a few minutes of fun, then ran into folks who were obviously collaborating (voice chat on the side, perhaps? Or running Skype on the side?). No real skill, just bang-bang-bang. Not my cup of tea - but I'm glad they have it so it keeps 'em busy and out of the main game. I'll probably give it a go again after a few months, when things settle down. But for now, much rather build up my trading empire and see the galaxy!

You in a transporter cannot be called a " Trading Empire " i'm afraid you won't ever get it in this game.

Not the less you should be happy that there are people who take CQC to a bit higher level and spend their time playing as a team, who knows maybe they will make Elite more interesting to a wider audience making not only Elite more popular but it could provide more resources to Frontier, which might end with better quality content for all of us.

More players more money, more money more content ( at least lets hope thats how Frontier thinks ).
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