Curious FDev decision(New FSD)

I'm not trying to be snarky, I'm really curious, as I tend to buy either A rated modules or D . Why would you buy a B or a C at all? Again, serious question as I'm assuming there's something I'm just not taking into account.
I know @St0rmFury already gave an answer, but for activities where you're reasonably anticipating a rebuy (particularly experiments) a C rate can really minimise rebuy... particularly for fuel scoops as you mentioned re: cost.

Minimising expense on things like scoop, fsd, hull etc can be the difference between a 5m and 25m rebuy for larger ships... I've been known to go out in ships with an empty internal or two, just because I'm expecting to die a few times faffing about with Thargoids, so i strip my a-rate scoop and fsd to get those rebuy costs down... yeah money is easy but I'll still take 50m worth of rebuys over 250m for the same number of rebuys.

Re B rates... they're also very useful less for combat, and more for hazardous environments where there's gradual downgrade of integrity, whether that's clean- hauling corrosives or operating in high heat situations for extended periods... B rate can help.
I'm not trying to be snarky, I'm really curious, as I tend to buy either A rated modules or D . Why would you buy a B or a C at all? Again, serious question as I'm assuming there's something I'm just not taking into account.
Adding to what others already said in this thread:
  • For utility scanners (KWS etc.), an A-rated one has twice the power draw of a B-rated and 4 times the power draw of a C-rated one, while mass is the same, and the range difference is not that big.
  • If you outfit a ship to keep low heat, it may turn out your power budget does not allow for two A-rated shield boosters, but does for one A-rated and one C-rated, for example. (I admit it’s a rather niche case, but still.)
  • Currently C-rated SCO FSDs have the lowest SCO heat generation of all ratings — sufficiently low, in fact, that the standard Python Mk II build will not overheat at all while SCOing.
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