I'd like to know how come your searches give such wildly different results, @Orvidius ?
If it helps, look at https://www.edsm.net/en/system/bodi...126431136/nameB/Oob+Freau+II-B+d13-1860+A+2+a , which is a 'typeless planet' according to EDSM and Spansh. Actually I think EDSM isn't even sure if it's a planet or star, so I prefer the term 'typeless body'.
And Shrogaae VV-Z b116 A 6 was rescanned from a zero-radius on october 25th...
Thats interesting... the number of typeless bodies increased for me from 33 to 45. Last time you wrote a number your number was greater than mine, it was 90 and I had 78. Now we are even but as I said, I had 33 in the list a couple of days ago. Is spansh not as relieable as we thought?
It's entirely possible that any discrepancies here are due to me, or the result of how my data is imported. One thing that will always be a problem is that if EDSM does any manual cleanup by removing or merging entries, I don't have any way of knowing. Right now there's no process in place for me to remove rows from the database automatically, so I'm sure there are probably entries that are orphaned for one reason or another. I doubt this would be a huge number though. I also use the EDSM ID number to figure out which row to update when a change comes through, so if there's a duplicate that didn't also get a correction on EDSM's side or has since been deleted there, then it'll still exist with bad data on my side.
So feel free to treat this all skeptically.
Maybe at some point I'll have to start doing removals based on a comparison with the huge bodies dump from EDSM. I'd probably have to process it on the day that it's updated though, and be careful about anything that might have been added or updated after the timestamp of the large dump file.
Anyway, Interesting, so you're seeing bodies where the major type (planet vs star) is missing too? My import process would probably drop those on the floor, rather than insert them into the database, so I don't think I'd have those included at all. Mainly because unlike EDSM, I split the planets/stars into separate tables, and so I need to identify which they are before I can create a row in the database.
Here's the list of planet names I have where I see a "radius=0":
mysql> select name from planets where radius is null or radius=0 order by name;
| name |
| Arro Naga 5 F |
| Aucoks FZ-D d13-51 A 1 |
| Aucoks FZ-D d13-51 A 3 |
| Bakusi An 2 |
| Blaa Phoe JN-A d1-577 Blaa Phoe LC-Z b5-29 A 1 |
| Blaa Phoe JN-A d1-577 Blaa Phoe LC-Z b5-29 A 1 a |
| Blaa Phoe JN-A d1-577 Blaa Phoe LC-Z b5-29 A 4 |
| Blaa Phoe JN-A d1-577 Blaa Phoe LC-Z b5-29 A 5 |
| Blaa Phoe JN-A d1-577 Blaa Phoe LC-Z b5-29 A 5 a |
| Blaa Phoe JN-A d1-577 Blaa Phoe LC-Z b5-29 A 6 |
| Blaa Phoe JN-A d1-577 Blaa Phoe LC-Z b5-29 B 1 |
| Blaa Phoe JN-A d1-577 Blaa Phoe LC-Z b5-29 B 2 |
| Blaa Phoe JN-A d1-577 Blaa Phoe LC-Z b5-29 B 3 |
| Blaa Phoe JN-A d1-577 Blaa Phoe LC-Z b5-29 B 4 |
| Blaa Phoe JN-A d1-577 Blaa Phoe LC-Z b5-29 B 5 |
| Blaa Phoe JN-A d1-577 Blaa Phoe LC-Z b5-29 C 1 |
| Blaa Phoe JN-A d1-577 Blaa Phoe LC-Z b5-29 C 1 a |
| Blaa Phoe JN-A d1-577 Blaa Phoe LC-Z b5-29 C 2 |
| Blaa Phoe JN-A d1-577 Blaa Phoe LC-Z b5-29 C 3 |
| Blaa Phoe JN-A d1-577 Blaa Phoe LC-Z b5-29 C 4 |
| Blaa Phoe JN-A d1-577 Blaa Phoe LC-Z b5-29 C 4 a |
| Blaa Phoe JN-A d1-577 Blaa Phoe LC-Z b5-29 C 5 |
| Bleia Hype ZK-O c22-12 4 g |
| Boewnst BV-G c10-45 B 6 a |
| Boewnst HS-H d11-7402 1 b |
| Boewnst HV-Y d30 A 5 |
| Byeia Eurk XJ-I d9-59 A 4 |
| Caelottixa |
| Ceeckia DY-I b29-0 1 |
| Ceeckia DY-I b29-0 2 |
| Ceeckia DY-I b29-0 3 |
| Delphi Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 1 |
| Delphi Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 a |
| Delphi Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 b |
| Delphi Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 b a |
| Delphi Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 4 a |
| Delphi Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 5 b |
| Delphi Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 5 c |
| Diaguandri C4 |
| Drojeae LH-Y c3-12 AB 1 |
| Drojeae LH-Y c3-12 B 1 |
| Drojeae OS-G b44-5 A 1 |
| Dryio Flyuae LL-B b59-9 B 1 |
| Eoch Flyi ZA-U d4-5901 5 a |
| Eock Eaewsy DU-B c15-0 12 h |
| Greae Byio BL-V d3-9 1 |
| Greae Phoea JH-N b52-0 5 f |
| Gria Drye RI-Z d1-201 4 |
| Hill Pa Hsi A2 |
| Lhou Ling A1 |
| Lhou Ling A2 |
| Lhou Ling A3 |
| Lysoosms ZK-R b46-8 1 |
| M7 Sector AJ-E b13-1 2 |
| M7 Sector AJ-E b13-1 3 |
| M7 Sector MV-J b10-0 1 4 |
| Ngobe B10 |
| Outopps KT-X c28-3 A 2 b |
| Phiagre 6e |
| Phroea Eaec OK-T b35-0 10 |
| Plaa Thua NJ-E c26-0 5 |
| Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 2 b a |
| Polahukuna A 2 |
| Praea Theia RA-D d13-1 2a |
| Praea Theia XG-B d14-0 A 1 |
| Praea Theia XG-B d14-0 A 2 |
| Praea Theia XG-B d14-0 A 4 |
| Praea Theia XG-B d14-0 B 1 |
| Praea Theia XG-B d14-0 B 2 |
| Praea Theia XG-B d14-0 B 3 |
| Praea Theia XG-B d14-0 B 4 |
| Praea Theia XG-B d14-0 B 4 a |
| Praea Theia XG-B d14-0 B 5 |
| Praea Theia XG-B d14-0 B 6 |
| Praea Theia XG-B d14-0 B 8 |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 1 |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 1 a |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 1 b |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 1 c |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 1 d |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 1 e |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 1 f |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 1 g |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 1 h |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 2 |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 2 a |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 2 b |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 2 c |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 2 d |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 2 e |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 3 a |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 3 b |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 3 c |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 3 d |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 3 e |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 3 e a |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 3 f |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 3 g |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 4 |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 4 a |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 4 b |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 4 c |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 4 d |
| Preia Phoe SP-W d2-156 Prua Phoe NH-T d4-241 4 d a |
| Prua Phoe UE-O d7-538 Prua Phoe CR-K d9-723 A 2 |
| Prua Phoe UE-O d7-538 Prua Phoe CR-K d9-723 B 2 |
| Prua Phoe UE-O d7-538 Prua Phoe CR-K d9-723 B 3 |
| Prua Phoe UE-O d7-538 Prua Phoe CR-K d9-723 B 4 |
| Prua Phoe UE-O d7-538 Prua Phoe CR-K d9-723 B 7 |
| Prua Phoe UE-O d7-538 Prua Phoe CR-K d9-723 B 8 |
| Pyramoe CM-Q b36-1 1 |
| Shrogaae VV-Z b116 A 1 |
| Shrogea ZH-H c11-185 A 3 a |
| Skaude YO-Q c21-82 8 a |
| Thailooe YO-Z d10 1 |
| Thailooe YO-Z d10 3 c |
| Traikeou WK-N d7-0 E 5 |
| Traikeou WK-N d7-0 E 8 a |
| Wredguia SV-G c10-4 B 5 a |
| Wregoe DE-D c27-5 4 |
120 rows in set (51.25 sec)
And here's the list of stars with no type:
mysql> select name from stars where subType is null or subType='' order by name;
| name |
| Blua Eaec QE-H d10-139 A |
| Boelts CL-Y e992 |
| Boeph XE-H d10-288 A |
| Byua Eurk AA-A g14 A |
| Byua Eurk FB-O d6-104 A |
| Dryau Scraa BF-Z d170 A |
| Dryau Scraa EQ-Y e8 A |
| Dryau Scraa EQ-Y e8 B |
| Dryau Scraa FL-Y f597 A |
| Dryau Scraa GQ-Y e383 A |
| Dryau Scraa LW-W e1-523 A |
| Dryau Scraa WT-A d479 A |
| Dryau Scraa YE-A f441 |
| Dryau Scraa ZE-A f32 |
| Dryio Flyuae WV-C d1396 |
| Dryoea Flyuae EM-C d6343 A |
| Dryoea Flyuae HS-A d1-3149 |
| Dryuae Auscs KN-K d8-7032 |
| Dryuae Auscs PT-I d9-7723 |
| Dumboea DF-R d4-11858 A |
| Dumboea EV-G d10-2750 A |
| Dumboea YO-I d9-5133 A |
| Eoch Flyuae EA-Q d5-110 |
| Eoch Flyuae EA-Q d5-310 |
| Eoch Flyuae FK-C d14-308 |
| Eoch Flyuae FL-Y e1766 |
| Eoch Flyuae NS-K d8-840 |
| Eoch Flyuae UK-F d11-16 |
| Eoch Pruae HI-J d9-3356 A |
| Eok Bluae HC-U e3-4958 A |
| Eok Bluae NN-T e3-2679 |
| Eok Bluae RP-M d8-4849 |
| Eol Prou DA-Q d5-422 A |
| Eol Prou VD-T e3-2637 |
| Eor Aoscs IC-D d12-3751 A |
| Eor Aoscs JC-D d12-1215 |
| Eor Aoscs JC-D d12-6419 |
| Eorld Proo YP-O e6-1066 A |
| Eos Chrea BF-A f530 A |
| Eos Chrea TX-T d3-7590 A |
| Eos Chrea XI-T d3-9202 |
| Eos Scraa BI-A d14-180 A |
| Eumols FB-O e6-428 |
| Eumols GW-N e6-154 |
| Eumols NX-U f2-199 A |
| Flyiedge DP-R d4-3 A |
| Froarks XD-T d3-2636 |
| Froarks XD-T d3-523 A |
| Gru Dryiae GD-A d14-1 A |
| Gru Dryiae HG-O d6-5 |
| Gru Dryiae KM-M d7-16 A |
| Gru Dryiae QY-I d9-9 |
| Gru Dryiae TE-H d10-12 |
| Gru Dryiae YQ-D d12-6 A |
| Gru Dryiae ZQ-D d12-9 A |
| HD 177816 A |
| Kyloall KT-H d10-1517 A |
| Kyloall KT-H d10-1996 |
| Kyloall KT-H d10-2061 A |
| Kyloall KT-H d10-2872 A |
| Kyloall KT-H d10-2969 A |
| Kyloall KT-H d10-3351 |
| Kyloall KT-H d10-3426 |
| Kyloall KT-H d10-3600 |
| Kyloall KT-H d10-436 A |
| Kyloall QT-R e4-4864 A |
| Kyloaln RG-B d14-7112 A |
| Kyloarph HM-V e2-2535 |
| Kyloarph LD-R d5-2965 |
| Lasoae TJ-Q e5-6929 A |
| Oephaidst AC-D d12-3250 A |
| Oephaidst AC-D d12-4600 |
| Oephaidst CR-N e6-287 |
| Oephaidst EQ-Y d315 |
| Oephaidst GC-M d7-2757 |
| Oephaidst IM-W f1-516 |
| Oephaidst KR-W d1-3594 A |
| Oephaidst MC-V d2-1915 |
| Oephaidst TP-G d10-8836 A |
| Oephaidst VJ-R d4-1499 A |
| Oephaidst XV-E d11-5806 A |
| Ogainks DN-B d13-6729 |
| Phoi Auscs BI-H d11-4534 |
| Phoi Auscs MI-S e4-1064 A |
| Phoi Auscs OD-Q d6-615 |
| Phoi Auscs TP-M d8-5204 A |
| Phraa Flyuae WQ-D d12-6166 A |
| Phrae Flyao VR-H d11-127 A |
| Phroea Flyuae CH-U d3-6415 A |
| Phroi Flyuae IH-V d2-3251 A |
| Phroi Flyuae LT-Y d1-414 |
| Phroi Flyuae NN-T d3-4715 A |
| Phroi Flyuae UY-I d9-5028 |
| Pyraleau EF-W b20-2 A |
| Pyraleau RY-D c14-16 A |
| Scheau Flyi DA-P d6-297 A |
| Scheau Flyi TN-S d4-7428 |
| Schee Flyi DX-J d9-1343 A |
| Schee Flyi TF-N d7-4376 A |
| Schee Flyi ZL-L d8-1820 |
| Screakiae BQ-G d10-156 |
| Skaude NI-Z d1-10 |
| Traikaae MX-U e2-6 A |
| Whambeia YL-D d12-1503 |
| Zumbaa TY-S d3-22 |
| Zumbaa TY-S d3-228 A |
106 rows in set (20.81 sec)
Huh. So I just looked at EDSM for the last two in the star list above, and both of them are in EDSM as systems, however neither of them have bodies there. The tab doesn't even show up. So EDSM must have either deleted the entries for being erroneous, or just doesn't display them due to being incomplete. So, more cleanup possibilities I guess.
EDIT: And I spot-checked one of the planets (Wregoe DE-D c27-5 4), and it's one of the ones that Lance appears to have scanned, but not within the last 7 days. I do most of my updates via the 7-days JSON. Usually a re-scan correction does appear to trigger bodies to show in the 7 days, since I usually do see corrections come through. But maybe there have been situations where this hasn't happened? I may need to do another re-sync with the large dump again soon.
So Orvidius' list may be caused by a difference in databases. That explains things. I've looked at another (Phroi Flyuae LT-Y d1-414) and it's a neutron in EDSM, clear as daylight...
Well, back to our list of typeless bodies... I think this is what we have left? (Just systems, some have multiple planets)
Wow, those are pretty messed up, aren't they? When there are mistakes like that, I'm usually inclined to think that bad data was sent to EDSM, rather than EDSM garbling it. But you never know. I wouldn't be surprised if those were manual submissions gone wrong or something, but I can only guess. On my side, I take whatever's in the JSON and dump it straight into the database, mistakes and all.
Wow, those are pretty messed up, aren't they? When there are mistakes like that, I'm usually inclined to think that bad data was sent to EDSM, rather than EDSM garbling it. But you never know. I wouldn't be surprised if those were manual submissions gone wrong or something, but I can only guess. On my side, I take whatever's in the JSON and dump it straight into the database, mistakes and all.
Way back I did a bit of running around fixing up dodgy data on a number of bodies, mainly bodies that indicated a really low radius, usually things 25klm, they almost always ended up as 2500klm and etc, just bad manual data entry. Hey how about checking your database for body values below 130km radius, there shouldn't in theory be any because I got most of them, but still worth checking for.
I found a few with < 130km radius, but these mostly look like bad data entry too.
mysql> select name,radius,subType from planets where radius is not null and radius>0 and radius<130 order by name;
| name | radius | subType |
| Bark PuIar 4 | 76.351 | Class I gas giant |
| EmiIy A 2 | 69.723 | Class I gas giant |
| EmiIy A 3 | 48.524 | Class I gas giant |
| HIP 26933 | 72.237 | Gas giant with water-based life |
| HIP 29980 1 | 67.309 | Gas giant with water-based life |
| HIP 29980 5 | 74.61 | Class III gas giant |
| Khalma ABC 3 | 55.801 | Class I gas giant |
| LE-JITED BY | 70.259 | Class II gas giant |
| lgal A 10 | 76.038 | Class I gas giant |
| LHS ABC 2 | 72.177 | Class I gas giant |
| LHS ABC 3 | 64.751 | Class I gas giant |
| Phroea Eaec CD-U D32-0 10 | 76.343 | Class II gas giant |
| Prai Hypoo TX-B do A 1 | 71.163 | Class II gas giant |
| Rati lrtii 5 | 43.083 | Class I gas giant |
| Sim Takush 6 | 41.764 | Class I gas giant |
| System Crucis Sector EW-W c1-20 C 1 | 23.717 | Gas giant with ammonia-based life |
| System Pleiades Sector KN-S b4-2 A 1 | 68.151 | Class I gas giant |
17 rows in set (51.04 sec)
I found a few with < 130km radius, but these mostly look like bad data entry too.
mysql> select name,radius,subType from planets where radius is not null and radius>0 and radius<130 order by name;
| name | radius | subType |
| Bark PuIar 4 | 76.351 | Class I gas giant |
| EmiIy A 2 | 69.723 | Class I gas giant |
| EmiIy A 3 | 48.524 | Class I gas giant |
| HIP 26933 | 72.237 | Gas giant with water-based life |
| HIP 29980 1 | 67.309 | Gas giant with water-based life |
| HIP 29980 5 | 74.61 | Class III gas giant |
| Khalma ABC 3 | 55.801 | Class I gas giant |
| LE-JITED BY | 70.259 | Class II gas giant |
| lgal A 10 | 76.038 | Class I gas giant |
| LHS ABC 2 | 72.177 | Class I gas giant |
| LHS ABC 3 | 64.751 | Class I gas giant |
| Phroea Eaec CD-U D32-0 10 | 76.343 | Class II gas giant |
| Prai Hypoo TX-B do A 1 | 71.163 | Class II gas giant |
| Rati lrtii 5 | 43.083 | Class I gas giant |
| Sim Takush 6 | 41.764 | Class I gas giant |
| System Crucis Sector EW-W c1-20 C 1 | 23.717 | Gas giant with ammonia-based life |
| System Pleiades Sector KN-S b4-2 A 1 | 68.151 | Class I gas giant |
17 rows in set (51.04 sec)
Yes as I expected they should almost all certainly be thousands, looks like they were entered in the incorrect way, should be thousands before the decimal point, so Prai Hypoo TX-B do A 1 | 71,163.000 | Class II gas giant instead of 71.163.
Yes as I expected they should almost all certainly be thousands, looks like they were entered in the incorrect way, should be thousands before the decimal point, so Prai Hypoo TX-B do A 1 | 71,163.000 | Class II gas giant instead of 71.163.
More likely user error. Many of the early entries that I corrected were from areas that were explored prior to the journal, EDSM and other automated reporting tools, they had to have the details entered manually into the web front end on EDDB. In that original interface I don't think you entered the comma for the thousands, you just entered the whole number, say 71163.000 (or even in meters) so it was really easy to make a mistake, so these are all most likely user entry errors.