Data/materials capacity

Hello Commander acook59!

I think it if we change material capacity I would rather look at having "per material" values (as suggested on the forums), because it makes management a little easier (and potentially gives us more levers if by imposing different limits if so needed).

Please oh please make this happen!
I like the ideas mentioned so far, but I wonder if it would also be possible for Players to set ship storage limits on the quantity of chosen data scans. That way a Player could try to make sure there is storage space for rare scans, by making sure common scans do not take up all of the space. For example, by limiting "Atypical Shield Emissions" to a (Player chosen) limit of 20 the Player will not have to go through their data storage every so often, and should reduce the chances of missing a 'rare' scan due to full data storage. They WILL still need to check their storage, but it should be a far less regular requirement.
I would prefer material storage at a station or engineer base and have less on the ship. Maybe make it perishable at ship destruction.

This I like too, but even with that being able to tune what you collect would be a boon for players who are out in the black and not likely to hit any sort of base on a regular basis, and for miners whose storage can rapidly fill with common materials to the point where it interrupts mining.
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