David Braben comments on VR [gamedaily.biz article]

I didn't quite understand what David Braben was on about when talking about VR not being family friendly.


I'm a virtual pilot in a virtual spaceship, flying around a virtual galaxy. Other players are possibly hundreds of miles away, not looking over my shoulder at what I'm doing. That is for AR which is a different beast entirely.
As for the hardware requirements. You had it in your power to support SLI/Crossfire but chose not too. Anyway this next generation of graphics cards will help towards that.

If Elite Dangerous hadn't supported VR I would have finished with it a long time ago.
Sadly, after the Gnosis debacle, even VR doesn't make me want to boot the game up.

Eh, it's a disappointment, but there seems to be stuff to find on the moon of the second planet - a Thargoid base and an alien forest. By the time I got on the glitches regarding shooting near the Gnosis were worked out so it wasn't as bad as it could be for me. I'm disappointed, yes, but I met some people, saw some stuff, and got out of the bubble for a bit. :)
I didn't quite understand what David Braben was on about when talking about VR not being family friendly.


I'm a virtual pilot in a virtual spaceship, flying around a virtual galaxy. Other players are possibly hundreds of miles away, not looking over my shoulder at what I'm doing. That is for AR which is a different beast entirely.
As for the hardware requirements. You had it in your power to support SLI/Crossfire but chose not too. Anyway this next generation of graphics cards will help towards that.

If Elite Dangerous hadn't supported VR I would have finished with it a long time ago.

Every Elite since the first one has turned out to be boring. One incredibly great idea that has never truly evolved. And now, apparently, we are all told that we should play it in the living room surrounded by family and not in VR. If you play it in a private space in VR then you're a bit odd and we don't really want to cater for you.

FD never got a penny out of me from 1985 until 1993 then nothing until 2013 and it's unlikely they'll ever get another penny.

They can't even sort the storyline out so Earth can be landed on and flown around. We can't even walk around a bit. All the while it's being driven by some inane pile of scripted rubbish. It all wreaks of procedural generation and the illusion verity when it's just a rotting pile of repetition.

Get some people on the team who know how to makes things interesting and enjoyable. Ten year plan? Well, it's not looking good.

Outside of the VR crowd the community leaves a lot to be desired too. No one ever wants to talk on the radio. OK you're going to kill me but let's have a chat first. Mulitplayer is a dirty word.

Boring game (with some potential) and a dullard community.
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Sorry, I can't explain the VR experience...

I've enjoyed reading the comments on the last 12 pages, pretty diverse opinions to be sure.

Among other games I also play ED, both in VR on my Rift and flat screen in 4k. Since the 1990's each PC I have built has been optimised for gaming (and have been over-specced for 'normal' use) because outside of working on the PC, gaming is my favourite relaxation. I'd have thought that most PC gamers spec up their machines to be as powerful as possible at the time of building and have at least an outline plan for improving it as time goes by (and finances permit) so casually assume that a large proportion of machines folk are using today are already 'VR Ready' owing to the demands current 'AAA' titles put on hardware if decent performance / graphics are wanted. (I'm happy to be wrong in this assumption) So DBOBE's downbeat comments appear to be counter productive.

VR is, today - in the grand scheme of things - niche, it's true, but not stagnant!

For my tuppence worth, I've only been playing ED for a couple of months so have a long way to go before I can consider playing around with some aliens in the game - such is life - but I'm sure the time will come.

Flat screen play is ok, I learned the game basics and setup my X52 Pro in pancake mode then played until muscle memory and habit meant that I didn't need to look at the controls to be able to play.

My first proper VR play was hilarious, taking my Krait out of the space station on a mining trip (Painite - guess who wanted to meet a particular engineer!) - me uttering somethin not at all like "oh my, isn't this ship too big to get through such a small hole!" and successfully bouncing off the wall below the letterbox... And those nice big rocks you have to mine weren't that big on flat screen, nor quite as scary! (sorry to all those already having VR headsets - you already knew this [yesnod] )

VR makes the game entirely different from flat screen, no longer on the outside looking in, but inside the game, disbelief suspended, and in awe of the skills of the developers in their ability to take me 'into the Black' so convincingly.
Every Elite since the first one has turned out to be boring. One incredibly great idea that has never truly evolved. And now, apparently, we are all told that we should play it in the living room surrounded by family and not in VR. If you play it in a private space in VR then you're a bit odd and we don't really want to cater for you.

FD never got a penny out of me from 1985 until 1993 then nothing until 2013 and it's unlikely they'll ever get another penny.

They can't even sort the storyline out so Earth can be landed on and flown around. We can't even walk around a bit. All the while it's being driven by some inane pile of scripted rubbish. It all wreaks of procedural generation and the illusion verity when it's just a rotting pile of repetition.

Get some people on the team who know how to makes things interesting and enjoyable. Ten year plan? Well, it's not looking good.

Outside of the VR crowd the community leaves a lot to be desired too. No one ever wants to talk on the radio. OK you're going to kill me but let's have a chat first. Mulitplayer is a dirty word.

Boring game (with some potential) and a dullard community.

Like the game or hate it either way lambasting the community for not wanting to talk to you in game is not going to make people more likely to chat with you.

That said I do agree that for myself without VR the game would not have enough content in to for the almost 2000 hrs I have put in in VR
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You know I have to say, it takes a lot to get me angry (I teach four year olds)...

...a skill that will indubitably be invaluable to your continued exchanges in this thread! Did someone really say "What are you doing here?" to a fellow contributor in a public forum?![haha]

o.k.the penny's dropped as far as the subforums issue goes,was responding to op, apologies ,didnt intend to muss up the clubhouse .
On behalf of the incongruously, nay bizarrely angry dudes chastising you: "That'll learn ya? & don't come back...2D underclass scum!" *collective fist shake*

Wow!! If VR turns me into the kind of parochial, supercilious git prevalent in this thread...then I'll pass, thanks very much! [squeeeee]
Well. All I know is my Pimax 8K is on order.
Finally a true second gen device rather than all these half hearted 1.5gen attempts.

As with many confident, older people, like Jobs and Gates, Braben has become set in his ways and convinced himself that he is right.

Comments like, “we’re in a good place,” and the multitude of “very excitings” shows that he has misread customer sentiment and is prisoner to his own echo chamber replete with sycophantic yes men.

I’m not blaming him, that’s just what unfortunately often seems to happen to overachievers who end up bosses surrounded by mediocre people (read, normal people like me) dependant on them for their salaries.
Every Elite since the first one has turned out to be boring. One incredibly great idea that has never truly evolved. .........

Thing is, that increadibly great idea was mostly ripped off from various book based adventures we were all playing in the late 70's. Even the Commander Jamson thing was a rip from Traveller. So it's not surprising that it never really evolved.
Thing is, that increadibly great idea was mostly ripped off from various book based adventures we were all playing in the late 70's. Even the Commander Jamson thing was a rip from Traveller. So it's not surprising that it never really evolved.

Ok, but DB worked out how to squeeze it into the 8bit architecture of the time. The great idea was procedural generation. DB’s version of PG is real showing its limitations now though.
My cynical mind tells me, after considerable consideration, that Braben deliberately mentioned VR in a negative slant, because he knows Elite VR cannot be done on the PS4 Pro, and it isn't planned on the Xbox either.

By ensuring people hear he is more interested in 2D, and VR is just a niche, it tells me he wants to reassure console owners that they're not going to be 'left behind' by development that doesn't concern them.

I have done, and will always maintain that the consolisation of Elite has ruined the IP for me. It's held the game back by a LOT since it was initially developed. I imagine Frontier believed the new consoles could probably support all the features they wanted to add, but realised it wasn't so easy. And so the dreaded parity rose it's ugly head.

I'm not looking to argue about this, it is opinion based on fact, and nothing anyone says - least of all FDev - will change my mind on this.

Consoles are completely ruining the gaming industry.
Interesting... Elite Dangerous is one of the best VR games on the market and its creator does not believe in VR.

It's kinda contraddictory.....
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