COMPLETED CG Deliver Xenological Samples for the Holloway Bioscience Institute in Colonia

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On the livestream they're sampling Quadripartite Pods in Lyra's Song. They really want people to feel the pain :ROFLMAO:

(My DSSA Carrier is out in that sector - say 'hi' if you head out there, but it's > 1000 Ly from the pods)

Well, apparently on stream they're doing quadripartite pods in Lyra's Song, Oodgosly HY-Z d13-4 - a cool 45,084 ly from Colonia :D
Edit: whoops, ninja'd!

Yea, it can really be a fun CG... if you have the game-master tools to teleport you around...
I am a relatively new player with no access to a FC right now so have to say I'm very disappointed. especially as CG's give me the motivation to play ED more and there haven't been any the past 2 weeks.

Pick one of the ferries departuring from bubble to Colonia:

8th Jan, 0700 UTC from LHS 2687, carrier Leeloo (Arrives to Colonia 9th Jan)

8th at 0200 UTC from Corbenic system, carrier The Bwaap Machine

9th Jan 1000 UTC, carrier currently at Nagnatae (Resplendent Fervor) Arrives 0100 10th Jan.


The Hamster's Cave will start a ferry soon, too, with stopping at the Trifid Sector near Pods.
forgive me if i'm being too greedy but this was a good opportunity for a double engineered 6A FSD. I'm not a fan of those decals :sick:
I think this CG could benefit from a longer duration than one week.

I'm afraid I'll skip this one.
I have FC, enough Tritium, enough Cr, enough time - and still can't find any reason to take part in this CG. Not interested in decals.
Maybe it's ok for commanders in Colonia region.
I took a look at FC Router - 47 jumps, 15-16 hours only for jumping, doing nothing. Then travelling back - the same. Two full days of playing - but not playing.
Doing nothing.
I will be sarcastic and will suggest ultimate CG of this kind: "CMDRs should play ED one week doing absolutely nothing. Any activity will be punished by negative points.
Top 75% will be awarded with "Waiting for Godot" decal.
Any more details? Where's it starting from, when is it heading on to Colonia?

Operation "Pod Peeling"

The FC Space Camel will depart tomorrow from Bilfrost system to Trifid Nebula.
Will stay in the Trifid during the weekend to support players with gathering Pod Tissues.
FC will depart to Colonia on Monday, for players to deliver the collected tissues to CG.
Afterwards FC will jump 2500 ly to a nearby system with the highest G planet, and then will return back to the Bubble.

Departure: 08 Jan 1000 GMT.
Arrival to Trifid: 08 Jan 1300 GMT.
Departure to Colonia: Monday morning, time to be announced
FC Space Camel is open to all, and has all services, with no tariff.
lol one sample at a time cant use multiple research limpets.
5k from bubble then 15k to colonia.
FC travel time 15hr. Time to collect samples ... Unkown ..

reward a decal and 1/1000th of the cost to get there.

yer great CG
lol one sample at a time cant use multiple research limpets.
Yes you can - 1 per controller ... I have 4, others a rather large 7 :eek:

5k from bubble then 15k to colonia.
In someone else's FC ...

FC travel time 15hr. Time to collect samples ... Unkown ..

Well, sampling is down to your ability to take it :)

reward a decal and 1/1000th of the cost to get there.
... cost is nothing in a free FC

L2CG ;)
I think as Marx pointed out - Collared pods from the Trifid Nebula would be best - then head to Colonia & unload. But sampling is not fast, and most aren't set up to do it, so filling even one FC will be difficult. And people risk missing out on the unloading.

500k samples to complete = < 100 FC. Seems a lot.
In fairness, 500k samples is 1,000 players delivering 500t

I've done that once before, and the total time including getting out to the destination was probably 6 hour total? For the dedicated few, that's less than a day or two. For casuals, it's easily within a week. That's a pretty reasonable figure to me.
In fairness, 500k samples is 1,000 players delivering 500t

I've done that once before, and the total time including getting out to the destination was probably 6 hour total? For the dedicated few, that's less than a day or two. For casuals, it's easily within a week. That's a pretty reasonable figure to me.
With a properly organised carrier supporting, sure. So if you start from the bubble it's just about possible.

Thinking about it for me, it'd be about 6 hours to get there, however long swapping limpets for pod bits, then another 6 hours back. No chance of someone heading outbound from Colonia with a carrier, because of the fuel issues.

It's just all a bit weird for me - I expected, when the next Colonia CG came, that I'd be out there making a good effort to get into the top 10 commanders ... and yet it seems to be a Colonia CG entirely for people starting from the bubble.

(Doubling annoying because I like CGs which have a bit of a challenge or non-obvious strategy to them, and I definitely want Frontier to experiment more with the CG format rather than just throwing in endless trade+bounty weeks, so I don't feel I can criticise too hard in case they take the message "we don't want more Colonia CGs" or "we don't want more interesting CGs" away)
Yup - it's a weird one -

  • In Colonia, but so much travel that natives are going to struggle to take part
  • Distances make co-operation really useful - but special decals for the top 10 (encouraging FC owners to buy samples, but not to allow people to buy them back in Colonia)

Will be interesting to see how it goes.

Edit: 9 hours in - 0 samples submitted :)
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