Distortion around asteroids in VR

So why it is affecting other games? Elite is spreading the disease on hard drive ? :D
It happened after steam update and the proof is here.

Ask the Oculus why they have same bug as steam in their sofware, not me.
So with the colleague from above ask the Oculus why their software have same bug.

For headsets which are using the a stram vr it clearly shows that is not in elite (because other games also) and a cause is StwamVR because reverting the StreamVR module is fixing the issue in all games.
hi, i'm the colleague from above. thanks for your recommendation but i have to decline.

in turn i recommend you expand your research because it is clear you have not identified the issue correctly. you just think so for some reason which is not evident from the information at hand.
So with the colleague from above ask the Oculus why their software have same bug.

For headsets which are using the a stram vr it clearly shows that is not in elite (because other games also) and a cause is StwamVR because reverting the StreamVR module is fixing the issue in all games.

Or ask Frontier why the game has this bug since they released 3.3 on all VR HMD brands....
This bug report was submitted before the version of SteamVR you claim fixes the problem even existed: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/1488

I also have no issues of this nature on any other SteamVR title, so not quite sure what you're on about there.
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I do not need to ask them because i have it fixed by reverting a broken version of SteamVR :D

it is clear you have not identified the issue correctly. you just think so for some reason which is not evident from the information at hand.

its identified correctly but your still missing the part where two companies may have same bug in their rendering way of volumentric lightning

Steam had it fixed at some point - thats why revert is helping

its not my fault you have the oculus, you bought that, not me.
Do not blame me for a bug in their code and finally do not blame fdev for your choice.

and finally you both still missing the Elite is not only one game affected.
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lmao... yeah yeah of course...lol

So lets get this straight, on the day that Frontier released Elite 3.3 both Oculus and Valve broke their own VR software...hmmmm...yeah I can see that....Honestly mate, that is very unlikely. The common denominator here is the 3.3 update and not some wierd coincidence that all HMD manufacturers screwed their software on the same day without necessarily releasing an update themselves.

Please name these "other effected" games, I've not seen or heard of a single one.
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Probably in 3.3 Fdev used the function which was broken both in Oculus and Vive.

Your headset have image quality similar to stain so you may simply not notice that in other games. Probably not all games are using volumentric lighting in same way as Elite.
Elite is a good example how to track this issue and is leading to the clue how to solved - because it was in 1.7.15 of steam VR.
I do not need to ask them because i have it fixed by reverting a broken version of SteamVR :D

its identified correctly but your still missing the part where two companies may have same bug in their rendering way of volumentric lightning

Steam had it fixed at some point - thats why revert is helping

its not my fault you have the oculus, you bought that, not me.
Do not blame me for a bug in their code and finally do not blame fdev for your choice.

and finally you both still missing the Elite is not only one game affected.

you seem keen to happily jump into a lot of wild assumptions about a lot of stuff: this bug and most comically, my intentions and even my take in this which would be irrelevant for anybody on this planet except you, apparently. nice to see you are having so much fun! (y);)
Nothing to assume when the revert of Steam VR is fixing the issue - that is the fact not assumption :)

And fortunately anyone (except you) can verify that.

And IF the Valve will take care of it (because its also affecting their newborn Index on multiple titles) then only one headset on the planet where that will still be bugged will be oculus.
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Nope, they probably used in 3.3 a "function" which is broken in Oculus and Valve lets call it renderers.

You simply have no that issue in non VR mode without oculus/valve layer.

And you still missing the Elite is not only one game affected...

Is there anything which is stopping you to report that to Oculus and say it can be fixed in steam? Surely its worth to try.

Anyway - i have a hope someone will fix it :)
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I give up on you mate - you clearly have an issue understanding even the most basic logic. Good luck with your "fix", the rest of us will continue to wait for an actual resolution to this problem.
You have no arguments to discuss so youre doing the argumentum ad personam about a logic of your discussion opponent. Schopenhauer will turn in grave when see your discussion methodology.

Its a workaround for the issue clearly related to the Steam VR for headseds which are using it.

Youre refusing all arguments - an Elite is not only one affected game, a fact the rollback of version is fixing the issue and a thing the Oculus may be affected in their own software.

Good luck with waiting forever. We will have it fixed soon or later, but you don't :D

When i set 'volumentric lightning' to ULTRA in elite AND SteamVR output resolution (per eye) is from EVEN values then issue is gone.

@CylonSurfer - i do not how the output supersampling can be set in Oculus - have you a possibility to try this on your headset? (resolution from even numbers, like on below table)

For example (1.9.16):

SS percentwidthheightstatus
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When i set 'volumentric lightning' to ULTRA in elite AND SteamVR output resolution (per eye) is from EVEN values then issue is gone.

Isn't this exactly what has been said since April 2019? So your "Fix" does nothing then, you still need to change certain setting to 'Ultra' otherwise the problem FDEV introduced and haven't fixed remains. I'm shocked..../s
Isn't this exactly what has been said since April 2019? So your "Fix" does nothing then, you still need to change certain setting to 'Ultra' otherwise the problem FDEV introduced and haven't fixed remains. I'm shocked..../s
Since the suggested fix of reverting to SteamVr 1.7.15 the horrible wandering textured glass effect has gone. It doesn't matter which setting you tweak in game, the problem has gone. This has also increased performance for me, as [in asteroid rings] when there were a number of ships firing lasers, the game was reduced to a slide show. Now it's butter.

Until now, I honestly thought it was FD's end, but now I'm thinking otherwise. I don't know why Oculus was affected as well, but seeing as how the problem has been completely eliminated on SteamVR by this fix, I think Kyokushin might be onto something regarding it not being a fault of Elite Dangerous.

Before, when setting Volumetric to 'Ultra' (and therefore punishing performance), there would still be some of the graphics glitch present, but not as noticeable. Since reverting to 1.7.15, there is no sign of it whatsoever and I can tweak settings however I want.

I was really wound up that FD hadn't addressed this problem for so long, as it ruined the game for me. Perhaps there was nothing for them to fix. It could also be that FD's implementation of fog in their engine is a rare on unusual method that was overlooked when coding for recent updates for Oculus and SteamVr, but that's me clutching at straws; I don't know.

CylonSurfer, I was in agreement with some of what you are saying, as it seemed far too coincidental to think that two other HMD's software were at fault and not FD. I tried Kyokushin's suggested fix and the result was so dramatic that I realised that he may have a point. If he's wrong then I find that rather puzzling.
Isn't this exactly what has been said since April 2019? So your "Fix" does nothing then, you still need to change certain setting to 'Ultra' otherwise the problem FDEV introduced and haven't fixed remains. I'm shocked..../s


Its still not in elite. Please read again for what i asked - test in output on EVEN numbers per eye.

ultra settings are not fixing the issue. Its fixing issue ONLY when render output is from even number per eye.

its also not fixing on „low” settings, but reverting steam vr yes.

p.s. You still missing a peope reporting this issue in other games and that is breaking your theory about relation only to Elite
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