DLC18 discussion and predictions

I can't believe we didn't think of this with the twilight pack 😂 We complained and complained about it being too planet coaster like but no one thought, what if we are a testbed for a coaster sequel. The lava rocks though do work for realistic builds, everyone needs to build a galapagos area to see they do work in a zoo.
I mean, people did say that it all looked kinda theme park-y when the Twilight pack dropped. Haha. And there's been shades of it all throughout Planet Zoo's development but I think for sure these two packs are maybe the best examples. That and the Tropical pack clutter... It's more shocking to me that people didn't think of it for the gift shops!

"Testbed" might be too strong a way to put it. But if they can find ways to be efficient and get a sense of how people might react to features in a new game... Why not?

Hotels, elevators, new food options and even things more QoL-related to the controls or lighting or whatever might signal something for the sequel.

As for the lava rocks? They have their uses! But they'd be infinitely more useful for a theme park, I think.
There gotta be something. Otherwise i really couldnt explain why its not a thing by now. They made so many updates to the exhibits over the years but them stop at the most requested one? Especially since the WE already had that option from the start?
Might be funticonal, might be coding related or something else, but there is something
the roof not being null I can see because the tropical exhibit tree has no top. The walls not being null has no justifiable reason other then having to separate a few on glass spawns and maybe unrealistic water with the aquatic exhibits.
I honestly dont care what exactly they do with the exhibits, at this point any change is an upgrade and im not picky.
I just wanna feel excited to use them, not like its a chore and the size is by far the biggest problem, especally the height.
If we could null the walls and ceilings, aswell as adjust the height by literally just nulling that space as besides the tropical ones they all just have atleast a meter of nothing up there.
Those two changes alone would make them so much more userfriendly and flexible, as 4 meter roofs arnt required anymore
Today I had a dream (better known as a nightmare).
I was watching today's Nintendo direct (Dream logic, idk either) and they announced the next PZ DLC. The update featured a refinement of climbing animations, which really got me excited for a second, but then the DLC was revealed and it was basically a remodelling of base game animals, but more than fixing them they ended up looking more amateurish than anything. I was very angry in my dream.
I dont really know how this would funtion outside of sandbox, but id love to get the exhibit animals as essentially animated props.
If they then provided a nice selection of small exhibit items you could just build your own terrarium and place the animals where you want them.
Frankly, this also struck me as the best options; animated animal props that the guests would recognize as animals... I mean, that's basically what we have right now, isn't it? They could create "exhibit spots" where the props attach to, and by linking these spots together (like the seating in our restaurants), the animal props could move between each spot... maybe even create special interactive spots like feeding dishes or enrichment objects that cause unique animations.

Unless they could make the habitat system function on a smaller scale of course...
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I'm coming out of hibernation to say that we NEED spider monkeys. The zoo I'm interning at has them and they are the best. They greet me every morning by giving me kisses (from a distance of course, these monkeys could beat the absolute daylight out of you if they wanted to 😂). They are just so fun, they might be better than gibbons...
That would be just too soon. Still not even a lqa update on steam database. :p Maybe not even July release.
We will see on the July release, we may or may not get news by the next Frontier Unlocked.

Personally I would use Frontier unlocked to build up hype and tease the next dlc, granted that would be dependent on if I had something that would actually hype the community at large. Like a baboon, monkey, bird(s), South America stuff, etc.

As far as we know this dlc may or may not be the last, and may or may not just be more of the same again
Oh snap, Planet Zoo is getting a physical release on console 😳
The zoo train keeps chugging along
Jus saw this! Those sales must be really nice... Of course, I'm wondering if it's too late? I'd imagine a lot of people have already purchased the game and I'm kinda doubtful if people would be willing to purchase it twice?

There's certainly people that would buy it a second time just to have a physical release. But those people are decidedly not the majority at this point.
I'm coming out of hibernation to say that we NEED spider monkeys.
Them and baboon in the same pack =
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