Having played this game and now being obsessed with everything about it from the graphics to the animal behaviors to the decoration and customization options, I am humbly requesting that we get a duck/water fowl dlc or pack or update. I don't mind what it is, but I would really love to see ducks, swans, geese, everything in the game. I think it would be awesome to have them there as a part of a petting zoo or something. Honestly I would love to see more birds in the game in general, but ducks are definitely at the top of my list.

What game doesn't need ducks?
As my username suggests, I LOVE and NEED ducks!
My top 3 favorites are the Mallard, wood duck, and mandarin.
Any one would be a perfect addition to the game, plus all 3 are rising in the Meta Wishlist...my plan is working 😈🦆
I mean just look at these studs!

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