To me it seems that this shader is only touching up how it displays content not which one it display. Maybe someone who can code D3D ASM can limit rendering to just central square where UI is located and discard anything else, but different resolutions, aspects etc would probably cause this to break anyway.
Well while tinkering with it I added 3 more options for tweaking your interface.
8330ab10a104d1b1-ps_replace shuts off interrior lights
dcf4442f0c926aae-ps_replace turns off combat/discovery interface
ec77ba76560d17ce-ps_replace possible fix for fake star ambient light tint (turns it off)
Thanks for taking a look at it... and more shaders! Hero
As regards the optional (new) shader fixes, I assume I just drop whatever ones I want to use in the existing "ShaderFixes" directory (as opposed to copying the "ShaderFixes optional" folder and files wholesale to the ED directory), but would be pleased if you could confirm the installation method that should be used to add new shaders.
EDIT: Worked it out. Just installed the optional shader fixes I wanted in the existing "Shader Fix" directory. As regards the optional shaders, did some limited testing:
- The "shuts off interior lights" worked but I like the interior lighting of the Orca so not using the shader ATM.
- Didn't try the "turn off combat/discovery interface" shader as need to use the HUD. For me would need a hot key to use this. I think ED has an existing key binding that turns off the HUD entirely (don't recall what the key is though).
- The "fix for fake star ambient light tint" should be used with caution IMO. It significantly changed the lighting, shadows and dark-side of planets introduced with 3.3 (basically dark areas are not as dark). So not using this shader as I like the 3.3 lighting overall, despite my criticism elsewhere of some of the 3.3 graphical changes.
However, would very much like more info and to hear other players experiences as regards the "fix for fake star ambient light tint" shader as this is potentially a good shader. There are a number of threads in the DD and VR sub-forums re the skybox tint. Solving some of the issues without wrecking the 3.3 lighting improvements would be massively cool. The issues seem to be (a) too much exposure or brightness, (b) colour tint pervading the inside ship cockpit and galaxy as a whole. and (c) loss of crispness due to some sort of overlay (white screen). The following post 3.3 threads are worth a read:
Starlight tints background skybox-Lighting issues
So who precisely of you fine folks had the vision of improving the graphics after 4 years
Who turned off the quality
Note - have edited my post at #157 above to list some additional affects of the "max immersion" shader which I found since writing that post. Still liking the shader muchly