What is the correct date/time format when entering new POI's? Last night through trial and error, I was able to figure out, (read: lucky guess), entering 1509427100 was pretty close to the actual date and time, ( approx 31 Oct 3303 01:16 EDT).
Recently I have completely removed, (using an uninstall utility Revo Uninstall Pro) and reinstalled EDToolBox, both version 1.28 and 1.30.
1.30 does weird things displaying the logs, (regardless of the "From what range (in ly) tp show logs in ED ToolBox" setting), so I am using 1.28. (on a Windows 7 Ultimate 64 machine).
I have backed up, exported, and imported various user tables and data. Everything seems to be working, (including the screenshot gallery - which is one of the reasons I completely uninstalled / reinstalled EDToolBox), except for the date of POI's . If I enter the date as ddmmyy format it comes back and shows something like 48 years ago. Unless there is a database setting I neglected to change/set, the date does not automatically populate when adding new POI's and to be honest, I can't remember if it was doing so in the past.
The table information for the Added On shows, (please forgive if the wording is incorrect, I am away from my computer and typing this from memory):
Column Name Type Length Options NULL A.I? Default Comment
added_on int 13 unsigned (not checked) (not selected) (not checked) Added On
If A.I. is selected for that row, then the first item: id does not auto increment, ( I guess because A.I. can only be selected for one item).
I don't mind entering the date manually; I simply don't know what the correct format is.
EDToolboox is a great utility and as I have said in the past, I do not want to imagine flying around in the Elite universe without it.