Discussion EDAudio Custom music / TTS npc

Release: https://github.com/sreipro/EDAudio/releases/download/v1.0.49/EDAudio-Setup.msi

Hi all,

I have been using for a few months an app that I developed to have custom music and TTS in ED.

I was wondering if this could interest you even though it already exists...
if you are interested, I will post a release.

I wanted something very customizable and easy, so with 2 json, you can configure any music, or music samples, for any musictracks or events of the journal (Touchdown, Undocked, ... ), and also change the npc messages if necessary. For all languages.

If you have the guts, I think you can configure any languages. You have to rewrite all the texts for that. However, I've never tried to do that.
Currently, only the languages of ED are in the json (en-US, de-DE, fr-FR, ru-RU, es-ES, pt-BR)

The app uses windows voice packages, SAPI. Only female voices. effects are used to reproduce male voices. SAPI isn't perfect, but it's not that bad.

Windows Media Player has to be enable in Windows 10. Version 12 or above..
And it's better to have a Windows 10 updated.

Here's a snippet of the JSON:


   "Title":"DUNE (1984)",


                "System":"Here system",
                "Station":"Here station",
                "Pirate":"Here pirate",
                "Escort":"Here escort"
                "DominantFaction":"Dominant faction",
        "Test":"I am a pirate. No need to run away. Give me all your cargo.",
                "System":"Ici système",
                "Station":"Ici station",
                "Pirate":"Ici pirate",
                "Escort":"Ici escorte"
                "DominantFaction":"Faction dominante",
        "Test":"Je suis un pirate. Inutile de fuir. Donne moi tout ton chargement.",
                "Replace":"ce que tu transportes",
                "With":"ce que tu as dans ton tas de ferraille"
                "Replace":"Je ne vous cherche pas de noises",
                "With":"je vais vous épargner"

The json for TTS is unique, and is loaded by the soft.
But you can create many json for the music, to have many themes. You can load a theme before to play.

Some screenshots:


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