Is EDDI in VA eating up a lot of CPU for anyone else?
Hi Commander. I just tried flying around a bit with EDDI version 3.1.0-b2 running in VoiceAttack (including jumping to another system, which usually puts a bit more strain on EDDI as it loads new system data). VoiceAttack's CPU usage topped out at just over 4%. We need more information to be able to replicate the issue that you are reporting.Is EDDI in VA eating up a lot of CPU for anyone else?
Wow, crickets.
We'll take that as good news.
{if damaged = 0:
{OneOf("system.", "{ShipName()} is fully operational.", "{ShipName()} is undamaged.")}
Did anyone else EDDI profile get terribly broken while in the Beta?
Did anyone else EDDI profile get terribly broken while in the Beta?
The only two things I've noticed so far:-
1. Scanning the Nav Beacon, all bodies are reported as if I had scanned them individually. I had a 40+ body system last night, and gave up listening after about 5 minutes and force-quit EDDI. Even though I closed the EDDI and VA windows, it stopped the current body report mid-flow, but then started the next one and read that out, yet neither EDDI nor VA were running any more. That's happened the two times I've had to quit it for the scanning nav reason. I must admit, I didn't think of trying it while I had Task Manager open, to see if they were still running there. I might give that a go next time.
2. Probably because it's on the beta server, but I noticed that 'Market Information Updated' doesn't trigger.
For anyone playing around with the beta, you can help support third party developers by sharing journal files from your beta play sessions. Please consider doing so.
I thought Frontier was going to publish this for you guys beforehand? Isn't that what the 3'rd party strike was about?