Release EDDI 3.3 - Bring your cockpit to life

After the upgrade to 3.3.4, EDDI tells me after every jump that it lost track of things and needs me to relog or high-wake to be able to continue uploading exploration data. I guess this has to do with the EDSM Responder, but no relog or high-wake I do changes things...
After the upgrade to 3.3.4, EDDI tells me after every jump that it lost track of things and needs me to relog or high-wake to be able to continue uploading exploration data. I guess this has to do with the EDSM Responder, but no relog or high-wake I do changes things...

Same error here :(
After upgrading to the latest version I find that EDDI is not opening/showing and when I try to start it again get the EDDI is running already message. I open task manager and there it is but it isn't showing on my screen at all anywhere other than task manager. Running Windows 10 all up to date, otherwise haven't had a problem in the 6mths or so since I first installed EDDI.
You can’t run EDDI both stand-alone and under VA at the same time. This is by design to stop things getting messed up. From VA you can use the “configure EDDI” command to show the UI. If you want to run EDDI stand-alone, e.g. to log in to the Frontier API, then you need to quit VA first. Hope this helps.
EDDI seems to be having an error post update, something about object name not set to an instance of a something, happens every time I land on a planet near an object of interest.

"There is a problem with the touchdown script. Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
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EDDI seems to be having an error post update, something about object name not set to an instance of a something, happens every time I land on a planet near an object of interest.

Yeah I've heard that error as wel when dropping from supercruise to normal space. When it normally tells you which body you are near it come sup with the object name error. Will try and catch it properly to get the exact error
You can’t run EDDI both stand-alone and under VA at the same time. This is by design to stop things getting messed up. From VA you can use the “configure EDDI” command to show the UI. If you want to run EDDI stand-alone, e.g. to log in to the Frontier API, then you need to quit VA first. Hope this helps.

Yeah sorry i didn't word my response correctly. I start up VA and it shuts down with no errors. I start up EDDI standalone and it shuts down with no errors. I down graded and the old version worked just bugged me about the upgrading. Upgraded today and it seems to be behaving itself for the last few hrs of gaming.
Yeah sorry i didn't word my response correctly. I start up VA and it shuts down with no errors. I start up EDDI standalone and it shuts down with no errors. I down graded and the old version worked just bugged me about the upgrading. Upgraded today and it seems to be behaving itself for the last few hrs of gaming.

Same here too. Either on their own close down quite quickly after opening.

Have reverted back to 3.3.3 which doesn't have this problem.

Update: Today I have tried for the second time to move/update to the latest beta version and after 3 hours of game play no shut downs yet.
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Yeah I've heard that error as wel when dropping from supercruise to normal space. When it normally tells you which body you are near it come sup with the object name error. Will try and catch it properly to get the exact error

I've had this when scanning stars. It's been reported on the GitHub page already, where another user is getting it when scanning bodies. It looks like it is something to do with the BodyDetails() function, causing an error if/when one of the option parameters is not valid for whatever reason.
Has anyone been able to adjust their message recieved script?
From the new changes it seems that you can get messages from open if your in a private group in the same system. (correct me if I'm wrong on this)

When this happens EDDI gets really bogged down with speaking the messages when there are alot of messages flying about. Was there an update to the default message received script to account for this?
Has anyone been able to adjust their message recieved script?
From the new changes it seems that you can get messages from open if your in a private group in the same system. (correct me if I'm wrong on this)

When this happens EDDI gets really bogged down with speaking the messages when there are alot of messages flying about. Was there an update to the default message received script to account for this?

I think I read somewhere that with the introduction of the systemwide chat all the messages send to the current system are received by all players in that system regardless of the mode they're in (Open, PG or Solo). I checked the journal and it looks like those messages are from channel "Starsystem".

You could try modifying the script like this:
{_ Context }
{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'message')}
{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'receive')}
{SetState('eddi_context_message_name', event.from)}
{SetState('eddi_context_message_content', event.message)}

[B]{if != "starsystem":[/B]
{if event.player = true:
    {if event.message = "o7":
        {event.from} salutes
        {if = "player":
        {event.source} {event.from} sends: {event.message}.
|elif event.source != "Station":
    From {event.source} {event.from}: {event.message}.

This should block all systemwide messages (mind the added } at the bottom).
Hi All, can anyone please tell me why I can't get EDDI working, when I updated with the last update (V 3.3.3) when I try to insert my ED log in details (which are correct) EDDI is telling me "Unable to log in. Usually a temporary issue with Frontier's service, please try again later" I've done this for over a week now on a daily basis.
Has anyone been able to adjust their message recieved script?
From the new changes it seems that you can get messages from open if your in a private group in the same system. (correct me if I'm wrong on this)

When this happens EDDI gets really bogged down with speaking the messages when there are alot of messages flying about. Was there an update to the default message received script to account for this?

Here's what I'm using...
{_ Context }
{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'message')}
{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'receive')}
{SetState('eddi_context_message_name', event.from)}
{SetState('eddi_context_message_content', event.message)}

{_ Setup channel list to speak. Only messages received on these channels will be spoken _}
{_ Options: direct, friend, local, multicrew, npc, player, squadron, starsystem, voicechat, wing _}
{set channellist to ["direct", "friend", "multicrew", "npc", "player", "squadron", "voicechat", "wing"]}

{_ Setup sender list to speak. Only messages FROM these will be spoken _}
{_ Messages from Players will always be spoken _}
{_ Options: Ambushed pilot, Bounty hunter, Capital ship, Cargo hunter _}
{_ Civilian pilot, Commander, Cruise liner, Escort, Exploration convoy _}
{_ Hitman, Messenger, Military, Miner, NPC, Passenger hunter, Passenger liner _}
{_ Pirate, Police, Propagandist, Protester, Refugee, Rival power's agent _}
{_ Search and rescue, Starship One, Station, Wedding convoy, Wing mate _}
{set senderlist to ["Bounty hunter", "Commander", "Military", "Pirate", "Police"]}

{if find(channellist, > -1 && find(senderlist, event.source) > -1:

    {if event.player = true:
        {if event.message = "o7":
            {event.from} salutes
            {if = "player":
            {event.source} {event.from} sends: {event.message}.
        From {event.from}: {Transmit(event.message)}


Volunteer Moderator
Hi All, can anyone please tell me why I can't get EDDI working, when I updated with the last update (V 3.3.3) when I try to insert my ED log in details (which are correct) EDDI is telling me "Unable to log in. Usually a temporary issue with Frontier's service, please try again later" I've done this for over a week now on a daily basis.

FD changed the authentication method, and EDDI hasn't (yet) been updated to use it, that's all. As and when the good people running the show get that fixed the error will go away.
Here's what I'm using...
{_ Context }
{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'message')}
{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'receive')}
{SetState('eddi_context_message_name', event.from)}
{SetState('eddi_context_message_content', event.message)}

{_ Setup channel list to speak. Only messages received on these channels will be spoken _}
{_ Options: direct, friend, local, multicrew, npc, player, squadron, starsystem, voicechat, wing _}
{set channellist to ["direct", "friend", "multicrew", "npc", "player", "squadron", "voicechat", "wing"]}

{_ Setup sender list to speak. Only messages FROM these will be spoken _}
{_ Messages from Players will always be spoken _}
{_ Options: Ambushed pilot, Bounty hunter, Capital ship, Cargo hunter _}
{_ Civilian pilot, Commander, Cruise liner, Escort, Exploration convoy _}
{_ Hitman, Messenger, Military, Miner, NPC, Passenger hunter, Passenger liner _}
{_ Pirate, Police, Propagandist, Protester, Refugee, Rival power's agent _}
{_ Search and rescue, Starship One, Station, Wedding convoy, Wing mate _}
{set senderlist to ["Bounty hunter", "Commander", "Military", "Pirate", "Police"]}

{if find(channellist, > -1 && find(senderlist, event.source) > -1:

    {if event.player = true:
        {if event.message = "o7":
            {event.from} salutes
            {if = "player":
            {event.source} {event.from} sends: {event.message}.
        From {event.from}: {Transmit(event.message)}

Beautiful, the silence is deafening :D

p.s. I've only just noticed you used the new transmit to say the message. So cool sounds like proper radio chatter :D
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Ok, am I tripping on something, or is 3.3.4 beta 1 completely bonkers? Running it as a VA plugin, it read all the Galnet articles from the last week -- yesterday. Today, it re-read them as if it didn't already do it. Now, I just said, "Configure EDDI" to find out why / see if I could stop it telling me I could save money by swapping out modules (when I know 100% I bought the ship & all modules from a Li Yong-Rui system, so it can't possibly save me more money), and then it promptly began to read all the same Galnet articles again for the third time in less than 24 hours.

Even worse, at some point last night, it lost track of the plot and kept saying I had 0 fuel even though I'd been fuel scooping every star in my route and always had a full tank. I've compared scripts to default and they are all the stock scripts so does anyone have any suggestions for what's going on here?

This is the buggiest EDDI release I've seen since I started playing Elite. Did my update get hosed somehow?
Hi All, can anyone please tell me why I can't get EDDI working, when I updated with the last update (V 3.3.3) when I try to insert my ED log in details (which are correct) EDDI is telling me "Unable to log in. Usually a temporary issue with Frontier's service, please try again later" I've done this for over a week now on a daily basis.

FD changed the authentication method, and EDDI hasn't (yet) been updated to use it, that's all. As and when the good people running the show get that fixed the error will go away.

First off, it's important to understand that EDDI will continue working even when it can't log in to Frontier's API: everything else will work just fine.

We are beta-testing the new authentication protocol for Frontier's API in 3.3.4-b1. You can either download the installer exe or just enable beta updates in EDDI's UI on the first tab.

Hope this clarifies things!
I've been having an issue lately where as soon as I enter my srv, it becomes impossible to switch combat/analysis modes.
I'd post this problem elsewhere but I'm wondering if the new beta update might be the culprit. are there any eddi functions that got messed with lately that might cause this? It started happening as soon as I updated (which fixed a lot of other issues, so I'm not upset)

well now it's just crashing. here's voiceattack's crash report, from voiceattackfault.txt
1/21/2019 10:46:35 PM***************************************************************************************
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at EddiDataProviderService.DataProviderService.syncFromStarMapService(Boolean forceSyncAll)
at EddiEdsmResponder.EDSMResponder.<>c.<Reload>b__10_0()
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

I can't run EDDI or voiceattack any more, both programs crash instantly, and I can't even respond fast enough to change anything or open the settings. telling voiceattack to stop commands doesn't work either.
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