Release EDDiscovery 17.X is now out! New Spansh intergrations - 3dMap from spansh data, Station panel

We have done nothing to the 3d map for a while.... No idea why you would have any issue. Try using a different theme.

10.2.2 released with a single change to fix a rareish prob
Just wondering if the setting - enable star data download should untick itself after one run as it is downloading systems(from scratch I think) upon every start of EDDiscovery, I set it to extended bubble.

also, is it possible, estimated values to refrain from sorting itself to default by value and remember my sort - by name?
It should only be doing incremental updates from EDSM after the initial load, not the whole thing again. Why do you think it's downloading everything?
I have a small request concerning the scan panel. When I enter a system, the panel shows me icons for the planets that I have scanned in that system along with an approximate value figure. If I click the EDSM button, the remaining undiscovered planets appear and the scan value changes to the approximate value for the whole system. Very useful for seeing how much more of the system is left to scan. However, if I then click the EDSM button again to remove the extra planets, the planets go away but the scan value for the whole system remains and there doesn't seem to be a way to get back to showing the approx value of just the planets that I have scanned. Could that be modified, please?
It should only be doing incremental updates from EDSM after the initial load, not the whole thing again. Why do you think it's downloading everything?

probably it wasn't finished downloading all systems in the first few runs, wrong impression, I see it downloads <1K systems now.
We have done nothing to the 3d map for a while.... No idea why you would have any issue. Try using a different theme.

10.2.2 released with a single change to fix a rareish prob

You're not listening to me. In 3D map. The star system finder. Where the star system name is. There used to be a text box in black on white. You used to be able to click on it. And then type in another star system name. Then the map centred on that system. Just like in ED Galaxy Map. Now the text is theme colour on black. And you click on it. And nothing happens. It's just like clicking on the title bar of a Windows window instead. It doesn't matter what theme you use. That was a really crucial feature. Now it's gone. Just saying.
Could that be modified, please?

Fixed for the next patch.

probably it wasn't finished downloading all systems in the first few runs, wrong impression, I see it downloads <1K systems now.

Cool, we'd be properly messing with people with capped connections if we'd messed that up :D

And you click on it. And nothing happens. It's just like clicking on the title bar of a Windows window instead. It doesn't matter what theme you use. That was a really crucial feature. Now it's gone. Just saying.

This is still working for me in 10.2.2 - click in box, type system name, click centre on system button, map centres on system.

What, in excruciating detail, are you doing?
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You're not listening to me. In 3D map. The star system finder. Where the star system name is. There used to be a text box in black on white. You used to be able to click on it. And then type in another star system name. Then the map centred on that system. Just like in ED Galaxy Map. Now the text is theme colour on black. And you click on it. And nothing happens. It's just like clicking on the title bar of a Windows window instead. It doesn't matter what theme you use. That was a really crucial feature. Now it's gone. Just saying.

Works for me - you have to click on the icon next to the system input field - it looks like a target whose mouse-over says "Centre Map on System".
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Is it possible to include the figures for amounts of cargo delivered + required in the missions window?

As in this:


It would be good to see how much was required and how much had already been delivered.

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I'll add it to the list ;-) Not sure how easy it is to compute.

I don't know how it is included in the journals but since in the transactions panel it is shown as ...


... I kinda hope it might be easy to lift.

Thanks for having a look anyway. [up]
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It should be possible.

Note we are on hold awaiting information from frontier for 3.3 - we need to see how much work it is to fix the program up for that.

So new features are not top priority at the moment.
A small QoL suggestion - I have the Scan Data visible while out doing my thing, and was wondering if there could be an indicator alongside the available resources stating if they're above average in composition. So, for example, if I scan a body containing Polonium and having a 1.2% or higher concentration, a small '+' could appear next to the hexagonal icon.

This came from my wondering what the ranges were for each material when found and if this was a good spot to stop at and top up on a material. The best I could find for this info was this chart, which may be a little outdated now:


It would just be an easy way to suggest taking a break and bringing out the SRV while out and about, if a system was 'too good to pass by'.

As always, KUTGW.
When opening the "Missions" panel, the historic / completed missions list (in the bottom pane) always opens with the oldest at the top - which of course is normally useless. So one has to click the "sort arrow" in the heading label cell to change the listings to show the most recent missions at the top. This setting is not saved, the panel always opens with oldest at top of the list. Can you change this so that, on opening, the list is always ordered with the most recent at the top? Thanks.


Image from a recent clear-save commander.

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I've added that as an issue, and it will be sorted on the next EDD.

We are on hold until we get the journal updates from Frontier.
Hi. Forgive me if it's already been asked but... On the mission list, if i have a multitude of missions to carry out, I cannot see a way of having the mission list sorted into distance relative to where I last visited. The alternative is after each delivery, repeatedly go through the whole in-game list to see which mission has the next shortest distance to carry out.

oAuth? Are you sure this is the thread that you think it is?

yes, i am.
as far as i can tell, EDDiscovery currently only works with the data provided in the logs,
while tools like the ED:Market Connector ask for your login data, so it can also collect informations that don't go into the logs (like commodity market and shipyard)

my guess was, that EDD doesn't do this, as its more or less a "hack" and asking for someones vital login data and password is always fishy
but if FDEV themself now provide an oAuth API, it could become a reasonable thing to implement
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