Any chance of getting the ID added to the library of recognized Virpil WarBRD with Alpha handles? The left hand one shows up as "Unknown".Just discovered your site and it's pretty awesome. Thanks!
I am having an issue with it recognizing one of my Virpil WarBRD with Alpha handles, shows "Unknown Controller Detected" for my Left stick. Config reference jzlgho.
Done, just awaiting the next code pull.Any chance of getting the ID added to the library of recognized Virpil WarBRD with Alpha handles? The left hand one shows up as "Unknown".
Site updatedDone, just awaiting the next code pull.
That because you have two throttles defined in your binds file. The site is correct in showing you two devices.My mongoost 50CM2 bindings somehow see 2 throttles:
We'll need the reference shown on the site, or a link to your uploaded diagram in order to look at this.I'm running a Ursa Minor Space Joystick L and an Ursa Minor Fighter Joystick R. When I pull my binds into EDRefCard I only get binds on the Right stick. I'd love to get my binds printed out and be able to share them
Looks like the HOTAS4 is physically the same or similar to the others, which means it should be easy to add support here. I'll look at it later in the week when I've some time off work.Hi all I have issue with my HOTAS no being detected, I have a ThrustMasterHOTAS4 which looks to be the same as a TFlightHotasOne.
Any ideas?
We'll need the reference shown on the site, or a link to your uploaded diagram in order to look at this.
Split by 32 is supported, it's how I have mine setup.But how do I get rid of it? Is it because It is split by 32 buttons? I have only one (physical) throttle. I can try to use both of cards as reference, but second one reporting wrong buttons completely
For Elite, you no longer need to split your controllers. More than 32 buttons per controller is supported now.But how do I get rid of it? Is it because It is split by 32 buttons? I have only one (physical) throttle. I can try to use both of cards as reference, but second one reporting wrong buttons completely
Here there any chance to see the source code for this? My apologies if I passed it over. For bindings with Odessey, the keyboard controls are clipped on the right side, and I wanted to see if I could try some ideas to fix that.