So the Acornsoft one had the silver backing and the BBC had the goldbacking.
I was told the Acornsoft ones are extremely rare and that only around 30 of them are around and that they were only given out once a month to random people that submitted their forms.
Don't know if this is accurate or not......... anyone know ?
It is unclear the tournament ever happened. At least I cannot find any record of it. We need someone from Acornsoft to shed a little light on the matter.
I am pretty sure I sent my card in after April 1985 anyway. I certainty wasn't invited to play in any tournament. Also possibly a PR stunt that sounded good but never happened
And what is this "tournament" that they speak of? How would you actually compete in Elite?
Like it -- I am in ...
And definitely PIRATES.
I can't comment on the Acornsoft tournament but the Firebird tournament for the Commodore 64 happened. I know because I won the UK competition and went on to beat the finalist from the USA to be crowned World Champion.
The live competition was based on kills, but everybody started at the same place with a basic Cobra and some money, so the race was on for kills, but obviously trading to earn money to upgrade was important, but how long do you trade before going on a rampage. It was actually a tough call while you are trading you hear other people in combat.
There where about 16 other players in room playing for 5-6 hours, considering how long ago this was and how people talk about competitive gaming today, it was another example of Elite being ahead of its time
Okay - more info on the Elite badges.
According to Nick Caulfield - who is doing bedroom to billions documentary via kickstarter:
Incredibly rare original 'ELITE' METAL BADGE from 1984 (only one given out a month by Acornsoft to a randomly selected person that wrote in with proof they'd attained 'Elite' Status).
Apparently the badge referred to is the black enamel version. Although based on the sample of this thread it appears the most common!!!!
Either way I think we can conclude there aren't too many of any type of Elite badge floating around!
Let me remind people that you cannot sell any of our IP without having a deal with us. We're open to people getting in touch, but you must have agreement.
Well then, start maing Elite badges and selling them for Profit.
Unless you have an alternative plan for Elite badges for the future and intend on handing them out when players hit Elite status in Elite Dangerous.
Michael, I think the point isn't "You can't sell any of our IP without our permission", I think the point is people want quality Elite merchandise, things they can take one look at and go "I want that ... shut up and take my money". The thread by Mobius where he mocks the T-shirts and mugs or the thread where he photoshops fake merchandise show that there is a huge merchandise opportunity here and Frontier are missing out on this. It could bring in more revenue to fund development, and yet if Frontier are not going to step in and sell the merchandise someone else out there will.
I agree people should not sell your (Frontier) IP without permission, my comment was that FRONTIER should be selling it.
I agree, I only have so many hours in the day and the game comes first