I'm not sure if anyone has reported this, but at least on my instance, the Star System Dropdown in the Commodities Market displays two bogus systems called "Test" and "SingleLightTest" (forgot the exact wording of the latter).
Traders don't like exploring, Explorers don't like combat, Bounty Hunters don't like... anyone!
But seriously, people getting so serious? This is a game, a sandbox game. It provides an environment to play in, any way you want. How you play, why you play and what you play are up to you.
I like shooting things. It doesn't pay great, progression is slow and I don't travel far. If I get bored later in the game then I'll trade, or explore. Who cares... It's FUN.
You do remember fun, don't you?![]()
plenty for you right now because you have a small ship, once you have a big ship you'll see the prices. Once the shooting begins that 400k an hour won't do you any good.I'm not a trader, i don't have a trading ship, i have small (relatively) cargo space. 400k an hour with what I have is plenty. good for you with your 100k LOL every 5 minutes... long may you continue!
Yes, I very much expect so.Slave trade net million(s) per hour - should we expect it to be nerfed in 1.03?
Slave trade net million(s) per hour - should we expect it to be nerfed in 1.03?
Yes, I very much expect so.
I like it. Improved(tm) I take it it goes hand in hand with Soon(tm)?When they have finished destroying the trade side of the game I'm sure mining/exploring and bounty hunting will be as forceibly "improved TM"
...All your feedback is greatly appreciated. Cheers! Ed
...I thought I'd just let you know the dev team really appreciate it and are looking into sorting it right now. They intend to be watching this thread all afternoon for this sort of thing - they've got eyes and ears everywhere that lot.
Hi everyone,
Here's the full change log for 1.02. Just a few quick changes to make your play experience even smoother! Enjoy! - the servers should be down for around 10-15 minutes from ~12.30GMT 18/12/14
- Allow text chat to function for any voice comms member, not just for friends
- Fix for a rare crash when scanning unexplored systems
- Fix for a rare crash during networked combat
- Fix for a very rare crash in or near starports and outposts
- Fix for a very rare crash after migrating servers on network island changes
- Corrections to some mission descriptions
- Corrections to some galaxy data in rarely visited systems
- Extend a time-out that occasionally triggers a disconnect during hyperspace
- Extend some previously added diagnostics to further refine the data gathered
And there are some server-side changes, too:
- After yet another discussion with the rare commodity producers, Commanders should now be eligible to only purchase rare goods up to their own personal allocation, instead of buying everybody else's ration as well.
- Universal Cartographics has issued a new purchasing policy, so Commanders exploring supermassive stellar bodies should no longer receive supermassive payouts.
- Tune matchmaking to significantly improve the chances of meeting other Commanders in space
- Improvements to Exploration server performance
All your feedback is greatly appreciated. Cheers!
Hi Stalker
Thanks a lot for this - the detailed examples really help. I thought I'd just let you know the dev team really appreciate it and are looking into sorting it right now. They intend to be watching this thread all afternoon for this sort of thing - they've got eyes and ears everywhere that lot.
Warning, :words:.
I started out in Gamma running mission for faction rep, it was easy money (and good money at that point) but I realised it was only a start. There was lots of space to explore and I had to get out there, so I saved up for a Cobra and then pointed my new ship in a random direction. Eventually, I came across a system with a Pristine belt, so I thought, why not try some mining? My Cobra was still stock, so I fitted a mining laser and refinery and hoped that shooting rocks wasn't like it was in Eve.
Well, it was a bit more involved, but it wasn't exactly exciting. I made enough to fully upgrade my Cobra, but then decided it was time to find something else for a while. Elite's a trading game, right? So I load up Slopey's BPC and try and find some good trading routes. After a few trades, I realise I need a bigger ship, so I buy an Asp and fit it with all cargo holds. The money starts coming in, but after a few dents and bumps I realise the expense of repairing this ship isn't worth the extra cargo space, so I re-fit a shield and grind more trade runs. It's good money - I found a route giving me 2460cr/ton profit so if I just grinded for a bit I could upgrade my Asp. Station to station, dock, load up, undock, hyperspace, dock, sell, load up, undock.... I can handle this for a while, but it's soul-destroying, and not what I remember "space trading" being like from back in '84.
I'm starting to wonder how to make enough to afford a bigger ship, or even just enough to afford the repair bill if I do a bit of combat. I've heard about rare trading but it seems a bit complicated, but nothing's for free, right? So I do a bit of research and decide to do a round-trip of Fed stations to test the water. I load up with some rares and head off across the Galaxy. This is exciting! I'm out of my comfort zone, no Friendly ships around, loads of new systems to explore as I make my way to the next stop. Sure, I'm not making as much money taking the scenic route like this, but damn is it fun! This is what I remember from those late night huddled over my BBC B. A purpose, not just a grind.
So then the nerfbat hits. Now I have to wait for the stock to refresh at each port. After an initial outcry, I realise this isn't so bad. Now I can run some missions while I wait, make some new friends in each port I visit, and as long as I don't take too many risks I can fly around with a hold half-full of rare goods (I can't buy a separate ship to do combat in because you can't store a ship with cargo...). It's not so bad though, I'm making less money - much less than I was making trading even, but I don't care so much, there are still systems to explore and new friends to make.
And now this. Rare trading is now literally pointless, unless you're a new player in a small ship, and even then it's just a stepping stone to a larger ship, which you then won't be able to afford to run. I've championed this game, defended it from the trolls, been called a fanboy, but now I'm starting to wonder what direction the devs are taking. Getting a bigger ship (and being able to afford upgrades and repairs) is a goal most players aspire to, yet that goal is being moved further and further away. I'm sorry to say, but this may be a turning point for me, when I start to lose hope that this game will actually be a keeper.
FD, I'd love to hear some reasoning from you behind the changes to rare trading. So far, there's been no word at all. In Gamma, the changes you made went from one extreme to another, but now they just seem to be heading progressively south.
And what is wrong with that in a sandbox game? If this game had an offline mode I wouldn't make slightest bit of difference to anyone how I played it. I would be having fun, FDev would have sold a game to me at a profit to them and everyone would be happy... regardless of how I played the game. I wasn't initially bothered when it was announced we would have to be online at all times but now I am seeing how that is coming back to bite us all in the asp. I cannot just install the game and play it in a way that is fun to me, I have to play it the way FDev insist and I have to justify my actions to players who think I should play differently because that is how they want to play.Obviously making millions of credits for what equates to about 15-20 minutes of *actual* playtime was going to be nerfed. It was way out of proportion when compared to other money ventures. I'm surprised they let it go on for so long.
People must be delusional to think that Frontier believes the "oh but I explored, and did other stuff too" argument. When your cargo hold is filled with millions of credits worth of rares, you are doing nothing but getting to the next "Rare Commodity" station as fast as possible.
How is that too much too fast when a Python costs 56mil and an anaconda is 154 mil? That's not counting that (from what I read before) that fuel for a Python is 2600 for a 13ly jump.Regarding the rare trade nerf. I can see why they did what they did. When you have a fitted transport with 19ly jump fully loaded, it takes less than 1 hr to make 1 mill profit. That's too much too fast. Overnerfed perhaps, but that is what we have tuning for.
I don't quite understand the Rare problem and why they would be nerfed to 'stop CMDRs sitting in stations waiting for the respawn' as some people suggest.
Why would FD do that? Thats not a 'solution'.
Game play is about having and choosing options, if CMDRS sitting in stations is a problem, then provide motivation not to do it.
Traders don't like exploring, Explorers don't like combat, Bounty Hunters don't like... anyone!
But seriously, people getting so serious? This is a game, a sandbox game. It provides an environment to play in, any way you want. How you play, why you play and what you play are up to you.
I like shooting things. It doesn't pay great, progression is slow and I don't travel far. If I get bored later in the game then I'll trade, or explore. Who cares... It's FUN.
You do remember fun, don't you?![]()
I don't quite understand the Rare problem and why they would be nerfed to 'stop CMDRs sitting in stations waiting for the respawn' as some people suggest.
Why would FD do that? Thats not a 'solution'.
Game play is about having and choosing options, if CMDRS sitting in stations is a problem, then provide motivation not to do it.
Exactly. Nerfing this game, when the market is broken, seens like a wasted exercise, time would be better spent righting the market.
Personally i'm not impressed with this.
if CMDRS sitting in stations is a problem, then provide motivation not to do it.