Patch Notes Update Elite: Dangerous 1.02 change log

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Nice work Frontier! This one's for you :) & if anyone gives you any stick, just send them this link :D

If these changes will make rare goods actually rare, I think that sounds like an excellent change!

Trading rares should not be a career option, simply something that you come across occasionally. Waiting around in stations for a respawn timer does not encourage fun or interesting gameplay.

My next suggested change would be that bulk traders in rare and expensive goods should have a much higher chance of encountering pirates. :D

What makes you think you can tell others what fun or interesting gameplay should be?
That's about personal preference and different for everybody....
I loved the old rare trading and I totally dislike this new setup.
It's a solution for a not existing problem imo.
It feels like beeing patronized bij the devs.
Great update - and rares are rare again, well done, it was silly to see people just "farming" the market and calling themselves "traders". Diversify and suck it up.

Yeah, congrats Frontier, you have now officially made this game a grind fest. But give it some more thought...I'm sure you can increase the grind if you really give it your all.
Question about the rares.

Is it now a case of once youve reached your personal quota the station wont sell you any more while you still have that rare resource?

Or is it more a case of you can buy x units every y minutes?
What makes you think you can tell others what fun or interesting gameplay should be?
That's about personal preference and different for everybody....
I loved the old rare trading and I totally dislike this new setup.
It's a solution for a not existing problem imo.
It feels like beeing patronized bij the devs.

They were not, they were simply expressing their opinion of what they thought was best. Just as you are also entitled to do. I think you need to reread their post.
I don't agree. I can make 500k per run in my cobra in about 45 mins. I made enough in one game session to buy a ASP. Without one fight or interdiction. Which is fine. But, other activities in the game do not pay as well. So if rare trading will be this lucrative, then every other profession needs a huge buff. Or they nerf that one trade item and make small buffs to everything else. Which is what it seems like they are doing.

And I can make 750K from mining in 40 minutes. What's your point?

I really don't get the ruckus about rare commodities, whenn i still can't play the game as intended due to horrible stutter and slow down whenever i'm near planets. This issue exist since Beta now and never has been fixed. And i'm not alone, as you can find others on the forums that adressed this very problem before.
Seems it mainly happens when entering SC near a planet or when approaching a planet very fast. Some more pre-emptive work on generating these textures would be good I think.
Chat is still not fixed, can't connect to my friends. :mad:

I would love an answer to that too since being able to text anyone in your instance was never a problem. Being able to text those in your friend group who are currently online is! Also being grouped with your friends into the same instance seems to never happen making group play impossible.

Ah, this bug won't last long now. It's now happening 100% of the time. :)

There's nothing more annoying to a programmer than an intermittent bug... and nothing easier to knock on the head than a bug that's happening 100% of the time.
Dear Devs,

I get it that you like to experiment on us, but i thought that was over when the Gamma ended.
Now i clearly see that you guys still like to ruin our fun and thats not really nice.

Please tell me whats wrong about filling up my cargo hold during work on a station with 6-10 items/10 minutes (which takes hours BTW thanks to your gamma 2.0 change) so i can cover the repair cost of my python which is not really easy without this.
Then i can get to fly around an enjoy the game, kill some wanted, do exploration, maybe god forbid improve something on my ship (which is incredibly expensive again).

I was doing rare trading for only 2 days before the gamma 2.0 happened and before that did the normal trading to upgrade my ship for a long long time. Starting from the Sidevinder with 4 cargo hold and doing 2-3k missions is not easy.
I know that you guys are coding all day and probably not gaming too much on your own game. But belive me that flying between 2 stations over and over again with cargo is not fun either if you doing it all the time. Even if you get to fight from time to time, you know that sooner or later you will be back to the boring trading if you want some money for upgrades.

How should i take my Python to fight if i can loose 3 Million in a second as insurance in warzones and there is hours of trading to upkeep with it and pay the damage costs.
For higher cost ships there should be higher money earning opportunities.

Please just revert back the rare trades as it were.
Are people moaning that rare goods are actually rare goods?!? Seems strange. Rare means scarce/limited/not many. If they were readily available and constantly replenished then this would be "Common goods" or even "Plentiful goods".
Dear Devs,

I get it that you like to experiment on us, but i thought that was over when the Gamma ended.
Now i clearly see that you guys still like to ruin our fun and thats not really nice.

Please tell me whats wrong about filling up my cargo hold during work on a station with 6-10 items/10 minutes (which takes hours BTW thanks to your gamma 2.0 change) so i can cover the repair cost of my python which is not really easy without this.
Then i can get to fly around an enjoy the game, kill some wanted, do exploration, maybe god forbid improve something on my ship (which is incredibly expensive again).

I was doing rare trading for only 2 days before the gamma 2.0 happened and before that did the normal trading to upgrade my ship for a long long time. Starting from the Sidevinder with 4 cargo hold and doing 2-3k missions is not easy.
I know that you guys are coding all day and probably not gaming too much on your own game. But belive me that flying between 2 stations over and over again with cargo is not fun either if you doing it all the time. Even if you get to fight from time to time, you know that sooner or later you will be back to the boring trading if you want some money for upgrades.

How should i take my Python to fight if i can loose 3 Million in a second as insurance in warzones and there is hours of trading to upkeep with it and pay the damage costs.
For higher cost ships there should be higher money earning opportunities.

Please just revert back the rare trades as it were.

Well said!

The Devs need give something to those with bigger ships who NEED the higher rewards which are NOT scaling with the game. Doing 10k courier missions in a 60 million ship doesn't really do much. With the trading nerf as well as the rares nerf and the missions not scaling I'm not sure exactly what the devs expect those with bigs ships to do to maintain all the costs?
The amount of income nerfs thus far are staggering.. Why is my balance any concern of yours? Why is that people believe that flying an Anaconda is so sort of end game? This is supposed to be a sand box game... Yet it's going to take months/years to get the toys we want to use to play with said sand? I simply don't get it. There is no end game.. The "biggest, best" ships don't make you any better than anyone else. In fact... I take out Anacondas and Pythons all the time in a Viper.. So that theory need not even be poked at. Rares were fun, before they were nerfed into the ground.. I enjoyed them. It wasn't just about the money.. It was about risk vs. reward and the journey. A 400+ LY round trip.. A lot of fun. Once they nerfed the spawn.. I quit trading completely... Markets were either not working or over saturated to the point where I would either take a loss or the profits weren't worth risking my ship. I also fail to understand why these small issues are being looked at more so than the larger, more game breaking issues. I implore you, FD.. Get your priorities straight.. I love this game.. Most of my friends have already stopped playing until something changes for the better.. And now, with bounty hunting being borked, missions and progression being screwed up.. I am looking at doing the same. A game should not be a job.. But a form of entertainment. Let the flames begin.
- After yet another discussion with the rare commodity producers, Commanders should now be eligible to only purchase rare goods up to their own personal allocation, instead of buying everybody else's ration as well.

I feel this really should have been thought through better. Rare goods are now a single player commodity, showing that their design as it stands simply doesn't make sense.
The intent with them was obviously to have something a little bit special, to make markets more interesting and for players to find and be rewarded for. We know how it turned out.
Please get game design back on this topic and have them figure out how to make rare finds proper.
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