Elite Dangerous Festive Fun | 'Krait on a Plate'

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Adders with ladders.
Well since we're being creative, I'll leave this here :)

You know Cocijo and Hadas and Indra and Thor
Leigong and Oya and Raijin and more
But, do you recall, the most famous Stargoid of all?

Taranis the toxic maelstrom
Has a very toxic glow
And if you travel through it
You would even say, "this blows"
All of the other the Thargoids
Used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Taranis
Join in any Thargoid games
Then one crazy Engineer
Etienne came to say
Taranis with your glow so bright
Wont you kill me foes tonight?
Then all the Thargoids loved him
As they shouted out with glee
Taranis the toxic maelstrom
You'll go down in history

Or if we're going along the Elf on a Shelf line...

Dorn in a horn
Ram Tah in a Jam Jar
Sally in the Alley
Bruce on a Goose
Arf in a Scarf (though tbh that's more of Buur's thing)
Paul in a shawl
Dom soon'll be gone :( (we'll miss you brightening our Elite lives)

this could go on for ages, but I should get back to work!!!

<3 and have a great Christmas CMs
At first glance, a Fer-de-Lance,
But much hipper, like the Clipper,
Not a ram-raider, like a Crusader,
You'll choose it to wander - ditch your Anaconda!
Hear it rasp, ooh it's an Asp?,
Ha, a Cobra? No bruh!
Almost had her if you said Adder
Get in the bin, with your fancy Dolphin!
Want a top tip? Sell your Dropship
Send your Vulture to Agriculture,
Singing sad songs in tired Pythons,
You'll leave the Cutter dead in a gutter,
Steel in the black, bye bye Keelback!
I'd whine back in a Type-9
Stays prime on track, so long Diamondback
Much less weight than a tubby Krait.
You'd only be a worrier if you chose the Courier,
Embarrass the baguette that is the Corvette!
A killer pathfinder, beats a Sidewinder,
Only for a Baller, I give you ...the Hauler

Eord Flyue QT-H b56-4 (20220630-220807).jpg
Anaconda in the Rhonda
Type 6 in the sticks
Courier at the furriers
Panther Clipper stuck at the shippers
AspX in front of everything
I think a festive suit or maybe even just a new hat should be on the cards (cards - geddit? OK, I'll get me coat), a la:


(I know it's a pretty thin reference to ED but I recently got blown up after getting stuck on a building - hence, I was visitied by Death.

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