Elite Dangerous | Halloween Event 2023

I arrived at Shamash and did 3 things:
  1. Scanned the Nav Beacon
  2. Went to the nearest Listening post and got some audio bites of garbled nonsense and static
  3. Died to some angry Grey Swans
I don't know why I don't have the red halloween livery 😭

What did I do wrong?
The CZ-s seem to be completely empty still, even after a few relogs.

So much for the target-rich environment... <Sad noises of retracting plasma cannons and bringing all ammo home>
I arrived at Shamash and did 3 things:
  1. Scanned the Nav Beacon
  2. Went to the nearest Listening post and got some audio bites of garbled nonsense and static
  3. Died to some angry Grey Swans
I don't know why I don't have the red halloween livery 😭

What did I do wrong?
Did you get all "shamash signals" 1/10 to 10/10? You won't get any notification, btw. There'll just be the livery available when you check for it.
I arrived at Shamash and did 3 things:
  1. Scanned the Nav Beacon
  2. Went to the nearest Listening post and got some audio bites of garbled nonsense and static
  3. Died to some angry Grey Swans
I don't know why I don't have the red halloween livery 😭

What did I do wrong?
I think you didn't get all messages. It should be ten in total. Six messages are on three listening posts, the last four messages are on beacons around Garrett Orbital, which you have to scan manually with your ship's Data Link Scanner (only activates if you extend your hardpoints).
This just got posted:
Take a closer look at the left of the picture and see if you spot anything inordinary.
"week long special event" could mean two things:

1) The event will unfold with new plot points revealed over the course of the coming week


2) This is the event, and it will be here for one week.
3) The CG ends on Wednesday (as noted in the CG description, which is one day before the weekly tick/traditional end time of CGs) revealing everyone has just been duped into killing a bunch of innocent pilots.
But don't let that stop anyone going for that wraith suit reward... as the wraith would say:
kill them for me
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It's a screenshot of someone playing Legacy? (And a very old build at that)
Nah, there’s a face in the window. Some say it’s Arf, I personally can’t tell.

Don’t think it has any particular meaning given the above. So probably just a mild easter egg.
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revealing everyone has just been duped in killing a bunch of innocent pilots.
So you think that one pilot going absolutely ballistic for getting refused docking permission thanks to the havoc of the signal, is a fake log?

Someone’s got to have spread those beacons around the system, I’d like to think.
Take a closer look at the left of the picture and see if you spot anything inordinary.

So, any luck with the CZs?

I've done two of them, both empty.

I'll go and check out the nav beacon, but those don't count toward combat bonds.

EDIT : no luck on the beacon, only some system security that I would have very much liked to blow up after they told me I was useless.
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I think you didn't get all messages. It should be ten in total. Six messages are on three listening posts, the last four messages are on beacons around Garrett Orbital, which you have to scan manually with your ship's Data Link Scanner (only activates if you extend your hardpoints).
Okay then, guess I got more work to do! Thanks for the info!
I thought someone said earlier that they only needed to scan the first nav beacon, so I got confused. I'll log on tomorrow and get that done. Hopefully it works!
Hello Commanders,


It is a spectrum of the audio-file of log # 3
" Kill them for me"

Happy Halloween & o7
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