Horizons Elite Dangerous is needlessly difficult

Whats your own combat rank ?

Combat rank doesn't mean a damn thing, for many it is just a measure of how many dumb ai you have killed, most of them before this latest update. Here is a thought how many insurance claims have you got on your account? It is a a far better measure of how well you do.
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Combat rank doesn't mean a damn thing, for many it is just a measure of how many dumb ai you have killed, most of them before this latest update. Here is a thought how many insurance claims have you got on your account? It is a a far better measure of how well you do.
Not really. Thanks to the exploding anaconda glitch from the early days of the game I've got 60 million credits worth of death that I got reimbursed for but still shows on my stats page.
I'm old enough to have had the original game and I even got the black sweatshirt with "Right-on Commander" when I ranked up to Elite. With Elite Dangerous, I was happy enough to be top dog in my private little world (AKA solo mode) and you lot all existed in some theoretical parallel universe, to which I had no intention of visiting. But now there is a rift, and the griefers are coming into my universe masquerading as NPCs.

As am I, I am 51, played the original, disabled and amongst the handful of drugs I take every day are gems like Tramadol SR and Gabapentin. Neither helps my reflexes, nor hand eye coordination, quite the contrary; yet I still manage perfectly well with the updated AI and take part in pvp.

If as I suspect, you have been gaming as long as I, I started in 1980 with a ZX80 kit, you have years of experience to draw on, years keeping your reflexes and hand eye coordination sharper than they would otherwise have been.

Frankly, from my perspective most of these "complaint threads" are nothing but whining. Instead of asking what am I doing wrong, how can I improve, what can I change, players are looking for excuses, reasons why they cannot do this, that, or the other.

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Not really. Thanks to the exploding anaconda glitch from the early days of the game I've got 60 million credits worth of death that I got reimbursed for but still shows on my stats page.

I said how many insurance claims, the number, not the total value, a single death due to a glitch in a conda is not going to make any meaningful difference. FWIW the bug was not confined to conda, all ships were affected.
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Unfortunately, it's how (Western) society measures viewpoints.

"He who shouts loudest..."

Not my point. My point was that you can't claim that Innocent Bystander's viewpoint is in the minority. Sometimes its not a few people shouting loudly, but rather a lot of people talking. You don't have the requisite data to make that kind of claim, so don't try to make it.
Oh, I was quite aware of the point you were attempting to make.

While I may not have the exact figures to hand, neither has the OP. Therefore, your argument applies to him/her.

There may be a lot of people complaining, but typically, most of those that don't have a complaint, don't voice an opinion. Therefore we get a skewed viewpoint.
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Combat rank doesn't mean a damn thing, for many it is just a measure of how many dumb ai you have killed, most of them before this latest update. Here is a thought how many insurance claims have you got on your account? It is a a far better measure of how well you do.

You miss the point, while we all know the farmed combat rank is meaningless, I asked the question in relation to cmdrs doing elite ranked missions. They should be not be surprised that elite NPCs will attack them, some then run to the forums whining about being attacked by elite AI when they are of a lower rank., therefore they should stick to lower rank missions if they feel the AI is too hard. Myself, I am Master but I have no problem with elite NPC`s.

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You don't have the required data to make that claim. Have you ever taken a stats class?

Lack of data did not stop your from making sweeping claims as well, "what's good for the goose is good for the gander".
There may be a lot of people complaining, but typically, most of those that don't have a complaint, don't voice an opinion. Therefore we get a skewed viewpoint.
I'm sure a lot of players never post anything. I've played over 700 hours and think this is my third post. Anyway....

I love it when a game is fleshed out and new things are added. More to see and do!

What I don't like is when the fundamentals of gameplay keep changing. If you're playing chess, you don't want to suddenly find that knights no longer move two squares forward and one to the side but instead move three squares diagonally.

I quit Eve Online because after a while, it seemed like a different game and there was little point in gaining the skills for a particular strategy or ship because the devs would render it moot in the next update.

Some people thrive on that sort of chaos. Others don't.

It seems pretty obvious (to me at least) that the NPCs were previously too easy. Now, they may or may not be too hard. More tweaking, or bigger rewards to go with the greater risks might be appropriate. Whatever is needed, it still doesn't feel quite right. If the NPCs were this difficult when I first started playing, I doubt I'd still be here. Thankfully, my current skills are sufficient enough to cope with the change.

Expand Elite. Build on it. Give us more options. But settle on a solid foundation of gameplay that we can depend on. Please don't make me regret buying that lifetime pass.
You miss the point, while we all know the farmed combat rank is meaningless, I asked the question in relation to cmdrs doing elite ranked missions. They should be not be surprised that elite NPCs will attack them, some then run to the forums whining about being attacked by elite AI when they are of a lower rank., therefore they should stick to lower rank missions if they feel the AI is too hard. Myself, I am Master but I have no problem with elite NPC`s.

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Lack of data did not stop your from making sweeping claims as well, "what's good for the goose is good for the gander".

I never said that. Check my posts. Never made that claim. Don't try to put words in my mouth.
Yes I am VERY sad about this. I actually can't even play anymore. The trouble is, I'm terrible at video games, and always have been, and I really enjoyed being able to play this one. I bought it before it even came out and I have en embarrassingly large amount of playtime in, and I was progressing steadily and having a really good time... now I can't play for more than five minutes without being interdicted and blown up, and though I have $30M in the bank, I'm sliding backwards steadily in my fully-kitted Asp Explorer and it's just frustrating and no fun anymore. I've watched all the videos about how to fight, I have all the right equipment... I spent over $500 in total on this game plus equipment specific to play this game, and now I can't play anymore. I'm rather bitter about it. I don't think I'm good or anything, it just sucks that the game changed so fundamentally that the player base that can enjoy it changed so drastically that I'm, well, out... which sucks, because it was my favorite game ever.
I know there are some fanbois out there with plenty of time on their hands who can eat a pizza at the same time as flying a Hauler backwards with FA off while strafing a wing of Elite Anacondas to death and filling in their jobseeker's allowance forms with their other hand,

That's the point where I stopped caring what you think about anything, just in case you were curious.

I think the game is improved dramatically by the increased difficulty since 2.1 was released. I'm 45 years old, play with mouse and keyboard at the moment and yes, I do have a full time job. If the best you have to offer is an assertion that anybody who can actually play the game must be on the dole and play for ten hours a day I can only assume that the intellectual requirements of your own occupation are less than demanding. :)
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I am actually truly glad that some people (and I think it's many people) are excited by this new update, and I'm glad that they enjoy the increased challenge... but I still think it's unfortunate that there are some players - I don't know how many - but I am among them - who just can't hack it. The intellectual requirements of my particular job notwithstanding, I don't think that this is correlated with being good at playing Elite: Dangerous or any other video game. I've never been that good at any video game, regardless of how long I play it for - maybe this is a personal lack on my part, but I started playing this game because I COULD play it, and enjoy the heck out of it, and now I don't seem to be able to. I would love to be told how to change this, but I think it will just boil down to "put the work in to get better", and my answer is that I've tried - I've played the game for hundreds and hundreds, possibly thousands of hours (OK looking it up... it says I've played for 4w 2d 12h 59m), achieved the ranks of Expert/Broker/Pathfinder (which I know is pathetic for that amount of gameplay, but I was having fun, darn it!), and handed in over 700 bounties... and now I can't win a single battle against an NPC. Not one. I die every single time. I don't think this is a reasonable adjustment in difficulty level. I feel a bit betrayed. I know I can just go play something else, but there isn't something else this awesome that I can play. This update effectively shut me, and many other people, out of playing the game. I'm glad you're better than me and enjoy it... but can't you have some sympathy for people who were really enjoying this game, aren't as good as you and don't have the ability to get as good as you, and still want to play, especially since we were willing to pay hundreds of dollars into it and support its development? I kindof want my money back, though I really did enjoy the time that I was able to play it, so that's still nice.

That's the point where I stopped caring what you think about anything, just in case you were curious.

I think the game is improved dramatically by the increased difficulty since 2.1 was released. I'm 45 years old, play with mouse and keyboard at the moment and yes, I do have a full time job. If the best you have to offer is an assertion that anybody who can actually play the game must be on the dole and play for ten hours a day I can only assume that the intellectual requirements of your own occupation are less than demanding. :)
...I'm sliding backwards steadily in my fully-kitted Asp Explorer and it's just frustrating and no fun anymore.
I traded in my Asp for an A rated Federal Assault Ship a couple months before Engineers came out. The NPCs are harder now, but I can still win most one-on-one fights. Then I bought another Asp to do trading runs in and, wow, I feel your pain. The Asp was OK for combat before Engineers, but now I just run away from most NPCs. Even a Cobra Mk IV can give my Asp a hard time. Maybe you'd have better luck in a Vulture if you can't afford something with the firepower of a FAS. Good luck.
...and it's not just that NPC's are more difficult. Bigger, more powerful ships interdict me more often. They're faster and better equipped than they used to be, as well as smarter and faster, and able to follow me absurdly fast to systems that it doesn't seem that they should be able to jump to that quickly or at all. The Interdiction minigame is MUCH more difficult than it used to be, too. It used to be that I could usually win it if I wanted to - I haven't won it once since the update came out, and keeping my pointer in the middle of the target doesn't seem to increase the blue side like it used to. I'm not actually sure how to play that minigame anymore... too many difficulty enhancements at once, in a way that feels unfair and very frustrating to somebody as lousy at the game as I am.

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I traded in my Asp for an A rated Federal Assault Ship a couple months before Engineers came out. The NPCs are harder now, but I can still win most one-on-one fights. Then I bought another Asp to do trading runs in and, wow, I feel your pain. The Asp was OK for combat before Engineers, but now I just run away from most NPCs. Even a Cobra Mk IV can give my Asp a hard time. Maybe you'd have better luck in a Vulture if you can't afford something with the firepower of a FAS. Good luck.

Thanks for this. It's nice to know it's not just me :) Now I just have to decide if I want to play the game as it is or not....
...and it's not just that NPC's are more difficult. Bigger, more powerful ships interdict me more often. They're faster and better equipped than they used to be, as well as smarter and faster, and able to follow me absurdly fast to systems that it doesn't seem that they should be able to jump to that quickly or at all. The Interdiction minigame is MUCH more difficult than it used to be, too. It used to be that I could usually win it if I wanted to - I haven't won it once since the update came out, and keeping my pointer in the middle of the target doesn't seem to increase the blue side like it used to. I'm not actually sure how to play that minigame anymore... too many difficulty enhancements at once, in a way that feels unfair and very frustrating to somebody as lousy at the game as I am.

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Thanks for this. It's nice to know it's not just me :) Now I just have to decide if I want to play the game as it is or not....

I don't want to take anything away from your point here, because I agree 100% on the OP your comment, but to the difficulties of running from interdictions, I do have to comment. If, while your are being interdicted, you submit rather than fight it, you will come into regular space and your FSD will reset itself right away, allowing you to jump back into SC or to pick a different system to get away. 2nd tip, turn FA off, put it in reverse and while your FSD is charging, speed away backwards while targeting the new system while your FSD is charging. Then once charged and you get the increase speed, put 4 pips to Sys and 2 pips to Engines and blast away. You might get your hull burned a little if your shields go, but you will get away.

Otherwise, get a Cobra and upgrade your thrusters, you'll get 407 kps and will outrun just about everything while you are jumping to the next system or back into SC. BTW, I use to play SOLO but play in Open now and have yet to meet a PVP griefer or gangker. I suppose living in the USA the time zones keep most players from the UK in bed while I'm playing, lol.

Good Luck CMDRs, PS. there are vids on these escapes as well on other threads.
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Well I always submit and jump never fails, epically in big ships. I never fight the interdiction, that's your mistake. I have used the python and never lost a ring of shields.

I always submit immediately but that doesn't help when it still sends you spinning out of control. I am using my Clipper and so far the ships seem to be able to keep up with me or close enough to keep firing. Last one was a Clipper and it took down 2 rings of my shields.

Have not had enough interdictions to know for sure yet but I am guessing if you are in a fast ship then you will probably be interdicted by one that can keep up. So ship choice might not matter too much as far as speed goes but am not sure about that yet.
I always submit immediately but that doesn't help when it still sends you spinning out of control. I am using my Clipper and so far the ships seem to be able to keep up with me or close enough to keep firing. Last one was a Clipper and it took down 2 rings of my shields.

Have not had enough interdictions to know for sure yet but I am guessing if you are in a fast ship then you will probably be interdicted by one that can keep up. So ship choice might not matter too much as far as speed goes but am not sure about that yet.

Most of the time, I get interdicted by Vultures and Pythons. In my Cobra, I can outrun them easily. No mods, either.
ED is far too easy, even now, not even kidding.

You're given an invincibility and reset encounter drive after 15 seconds of charge time, how easier can this game get, really?


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I know there are some fanbois out there with plenty of time on their hands who can eat a pizza at the same time as flying a Hauler backwards with FA off while strafing a wing of Elite Anacondas to death and filling in their jobseeker's allowance forms with their other hand, but then there are the rest of us - with a few hours of play per week ...

I am one of the 'few hours a week' players. I'm lucky if I get an hour to play of an evening and some weeks don't get to play at all. Can't agree with you though. The game was never meant to be one where you are the hero of the galaxy and this was clearly said right from the kickstarter. It is difficult to thrive in the ED galaxy and sometime difficult just to survive, but that is the challenge of the game. If you want to achieve something it takes a lot of time and effort. Even though I have to spread that time and effort over many weeks just to achieve small advances I don't find that to be a problem. I'm in this game for the long term and I don't need to get everything on a tight schedule.

I don't know if I can play this way because I really enjoy the game, or I really enjoy the game because I play this way.
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