ANNOUNCEMENT Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Announcement

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Greetings Commanders,

Thank you for your overwhelmingly positive response to the announcement of Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. We’ve been really excited to share this and it’s amazing to see that you all feel the same way!

This is just the beginning and we will be sharing more details and information in the coming months that you can look forward to.

We’re seeing all your streams, videos, posts and questions and, today, we wanted to answer a few for you straight away:

Is Elite Dangerous: Odyssey coming to VR?

Currently, Elite Dangerous: Odyssey will not be VR-compatible at launch. We’re big fans of VR and we are truly proud of the amazing experience that we currently offer in Elite Dangerous. However, the new gameplay, mechanics and features that will be introduced with Elite Dangerous: Odyssey means that we had to re-examine if we could deliver that same experience without compromise, which, for launch, means Odyssey will not be VR-compatible.

Will there be Base Building in Elite Dangerous: Odyssey?
Base building is not currently on the roadmap for Elite Dangerous, however we have plenty of new features planned instead such as on-foot exploration, new planetary tech, social hubs, combat as well as more to be shared later on! We’re looking to put our best foot forward with Odyssey and if you’d like an overview of what to expect, you can check out the website or Steam page.

Will Elite Dangerous: Odyssey be included in my Lifetime Expansion Pass?
While Elite Dangerous: Odyssey is a paid expansion, we're happy to confirm that yes, this expansion will absolutely be included in the Lifetime Expansion Pass for free.

Stay Safe, Commanders o7
God, no VR. I never wanted space legs, it's not that sort of a game. Instead, I've been denied better graphics and atmosphere landings in VR just because people wanted to go for a walk. Thanks a lot.
again i dont really understand why so many VR users are complaining.. for so long now.. rage quitting because of something they don't have to play. Horizions will still be on your launcher you can switch the clients just like they did with the base game and Horizions ...when you do the odyssey content will be locked. switch back and it wont. Stop acting like children. I mean they are doing their best... And give them bloody time.. they are still way ahead of any other space game out there...
You don't understand because you don't play in VR. Maybe if you did you would see what all the fuss is about.
Might be a dumb question, but is there a clarification on what are the exact world types we can disembark from our ships on? The press release says we can explore "new planets powered by stunning new tech", but doesn't make it clear that the already existing non-atmospheric planets and moons are included for EVA suit gameplay.
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Doesn't mean FDev should be so evasive about it. We've been asking for it for years and they straight up never address it.
I absolutely agree with you, but how many of the hundreds of bugs that have been in the game for years have they addressed? The ostrich approach seems to suit them...
This is the downside of KS, and to be honest I imagine FD internally curse doing it because it meant you had to keep on promising things to gain interest, rather than producing something 'as is'. Plus, if ED is going for a 10 year run, things will change for better or worse. The game will be reacting to the market, and sometimes that means people get let down.
Sadly this model seems to rely on your most loyal customers being your most unsatisfied customers. But in business, I guess, sentiment is only useful to a company if it converts into cash.

This is why I buy nothing to 'support' Frontier or the development of the game, just what I can gain utility from. No sentiment on either side now.
by that time you will be retired.
You may be right (or not, i don't known), but what can I do other than wait? RSI said it will be done in the final version. Frontier said there was no VR at launch, so we'll see who does it first. But I would not buy Odyssey for sure and I see no point in continuing with Horizon (Just for info I am triple 140, 15 billion credits, Corvette, Cutter, etc ... all almost fully equipped (gardians and engineers ) Not much else to do ...)
Most of the player base isn't even VR centric. I imagine that Frontier removed VR because you'd have all sorts of fanboys moaning like Lancanshire goats on the forums saying "the sniper is OP - I was just trying to reload when a griefer headshot me through cover and my scream of pain disturbed my wife".

VR people will only be happy when they can urinate in VR, moan in VR and, of course, sleep in VR. Elite Dangerous: Virtual reality sleep and escape your wife simulator will be the only thing that satisfies some people.

My best advice is to channel your inner Keanu Reeves, say 'WHOOAA' and download the game anyway. Just cut eye holes in the VR headset and you'll be happy as Larry.

Have you ever tried the game in VR?
Does nobody see the elephant in the room? There will be a new graphic engine wich does not support VR running Odyssey and we will be abel to play horizons in VR. I think leads only to the conclusion that this are two seperate games and there is not the possiblity to have CMDR manned ships and foot soldiers in the same instance. There are no space legs but an elite based ego shooter quite similar to the CQC mess.
Yep! A game split in half. In one part your are in your ship and the planet is the backdrop. In the other you are on the planet and your ship is the backdrop... No interaction between the two...
Might be a dumb question, but is there a clarification on what are the exact worlds we can disembark from our ships on? The press release says we can explore "new planets powered by stunning new tech", but doesn't make it clear that the already existing non-atmospheric planets and moons are included for EVA suit gameplay.
Yeah, I was wondering about that - will we get a new Advanced Planetary Approach System which allows us to use spegs on only those new planets? That ... would be sub-optimal. I guess we'll need to wait and find out 🤷‍♂️
Have you ever tried the game in VR?

I haven't, not properly at least but I can imagine that it is a revelatory experience.

But here's the rub - FD is not taking away that revelatory experience you have today. You can still play horizons in VR - it is simply that Odyssey won't support it at launch.

So, yes the VR community have been sidelined for the moment - probably for commercial reasons. Most likely its because they want (or need) to get the game out earlier than releasing the game with VR support would otherwise allow.
Yeah, I was wondering about that - will we get a new Advanced Planetary Approach System which allows us to use spegs on only those new planets? That ... would be sub-optimal. I guess we'll need to wait and find out 🤷‍♂️
Perhaps like the docking computer scenario, you can have none at all (base game), planetary approach system (Horizons planets), Advanced Planetary Approach System (Horizons and Odyssey planets).
Have you ever tried the game in VR?
Yes, and it takes 4 times longer to do everything. Unfortunately, VR wasn't compatible with marriage, real life, general organisation of urination and food intake. I tried putting a USB in my wife to sell her on it, but she wasn't 3.0 compatible, and after a 6 hour visit to A and E, I realised that VR was like having those wonky goggles they provide for 3D cinema.
So I sold my Oculus Rift and got myself a foot spa and cat.
But if was single, lived in a basement, disliked the radiation from sunlight, I'd definitely buy one online.
I couldn't buy in store though, because I prefer to use VR to go grocery shopping - it makes it so immersive.
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