ANNOUNCEMENT Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Announcement

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Was this the teeny tiny hint of an announcement of an announcement posted on Reddit?
They also announced the probably announcement on their last stream:

... about 10 minutes after they announced that they weren't planning an announcement on the same stream:

It's all very good ;)

They also announced the probably announcement on their last stream:

... about 10 minutes after they announced that they weren't planning an announcement on the same stream:

It's all very good ;)


I'm confused now.
Well, its interchangeable at this point. Anyone sane would have said a date when its being posted rather than this Russian doll Chinese whisper game.
It's standard practice across the industry - called the DeLorean Publishing Strategy.

You post an announcement of an announcement, and once the number of posts from curious onlookers reaches 88 over some time period then you post it. We have some way to go ;)

That tickled me :)

Which is just as well as the rest of the posts last night were a bit nonsensical.

For me to be VR ready I'd have to buy a game pc, which are not cheap ;) . Thus I play the game on my Xbox One.
The "Launch Price" of a new generation of console would be about the same money as an entry level gaming PC, which would be to an extent VR capable, so rather than buy a X-Box series X to replace your XB1, consider a PC, I'd be happy to give you some pointers on getting most bang for your buck on a decent gaming pc at console price point - PM me if you want.

PC gaming also has the advantage that once its getting a bit tardy, and struggles to run newer games, you can plug in some upgrades, like a better graphics card or more ram, new CPU, etc. Where as a Console's spec is set in stone and will become obsolete when they release the next iteration, and suddenly the new games only come out for the new generation, but the PC will always be able to play new games, might have to minimize all the settings if its an eight year old potato PC trying run a new game, but the platform has ways and means of making such unholy matrimonies work.


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Its funny when people who can afford things thinks everyone can. I've worked all my life too but still dont have the disposable income for a VR ready gaming pc and vr equipment. If i were to start saving for one now, by the time i could afford it, it would be outdated. Not everyone who works makes the same pay. Thats kind of a privileged way of thinking. Its a little insulting when those act like just because people cant afford something they dont work or are in some way slacking. Not everyone is given the same opportunities in life.
I'm sorry you're feeling the pinch, life is tight, but when you said about saving for something, by the time you had the money in place it would be obsolete, in that case just buy the new item at the pricepoint you saved to. This doesn't really work for you on PS4, but if you were to decide you were going switch to a starter gaming PC rather than buy a PS5 as your next upgrade, I'd help you make sure you got the best bang for your bucks.

But going back to what you said about saving, assuming you were on PC, and saving for an upgrade, lets say a graphics card, and by the time you had saved the purchase price of that graphics card a new generation had came out, that actually gives you a couple of sweet options,as the one you were initially saving for will be discounted, and many second hand ones will be on the market as the guys at the bleeding edge of tech upgrade their to the new one graphics card, so you could get the original graphics card for less money, or you could use the amount you had saved to buy a new generation one.

For example, say you were saving for while aiming to get an RTX2080, and it took you to november to get that money together, by which time Nvidia will have released their 30 series cards. You've then got 3 options in November,
  1. Buy a 3080 which will be similar money as a 2080 was when you started saving
  2. Buy a new 3070 with similar performance for less than the 2080 would have cost and save money
  3. Buy a used 2080 and save even more money
Sorry, but talking down to other people because of their financial situation is a duck move. And I think it's fair to also take PC hardware cost into account.

Those 200-400 dollars you mentioned, you know there are countries where this would be the average annual income?

Yes, being able to afford a VR rig is a privilege. Being able to buy a PC and play video games at all is already a privilege.
You're kind of contradicting yourself there, its a duck move to financial means but its ok to talk up PC pricing? And third world demographics as a means of balancing a discussion about computer games and the costs of gaming hardware? Come on, you know better than that...

I've not seen anyone condescending to people because they presume they are better off than others, the most vociferous person it this little spat was Starlight, When others threw money into the mix he said that what he's been consistently saying, that these days you don't need a gee whizz bang computer to run VR. Granted in 2015 the sort of performance that VR required of the hardware did narrow down the scope to top end only, but now, pretty much any gaming PC can run VR.

Sorry but that's logical fallacy. We're talking Europe and US, mainly, and people who already play games as a hobby. If they were from the countries you merrily toss into discussion, they wouldn't be here playing or discussing Elite dangerous on the internet, because again, they would have much bigger problems. And Elite of all games is an expensive game where at least a $70+ pheripherial (HOTAS) and a pointing device (track ir clones) which are at least $40+ is the norm.

If you stick with that reasoning, by your own logic we're all privileged here, so if you still want to claim moral high ground, go volunteer somewhere.

Just to be clear, I'm not talking anyone down, I am merely pointing the fact that the whole VR is expensiveeeee and you need a NASA computer to ruuuun it is a pile of bovine manure. You need a pc bought in the last 5 years. That's it. If someone plays on a console it's only logical they need a gaming pc... or a new console. Which will be way beyond $200-400 we're discussing here PLUS cost of games. If you don't want to public commute anymore, you will need a car. You don't need a lamborghini, you know. An old beaten up toyota or a "classic" rustbucket from the 70-ties will suffice.

Last but not least, learn what privileged means. Because if I'm watching a COVID video on AI detecting when humans are not social distancing and a foreign software engineer in total seriousness comments that it could be used by the government to automatically fine people for getting too close to a "higher caste member", that's what privileged really means. I will leave finding the wikipedia definition to those who want to educate themselves.

I agree that you don't need a monster PC to run VR nowadays, once upon a time you did, but as you say, anything half modern will be capable. Picking up on the moral high ground comment, does "donating" three years of my youth to a non profit organisation preparing trucks and plant to go out to move food and refugees in conflict zones qualify me to take that high ground?

You need to calm down a bit, mate. I am not claiming moral high ground, or making any moral statement at all. All I am saying is that a lot of the things we have is not "because we work hard" but because of a myriad of fortunate happenstances on top of that. Which is a form of privilege.

Privilege is not a binary construct, and most people are privileged in some respects. That is not a negative thing per se, but you might want to be aware of it.

And saying "lol u just need to buy a new pc and vr headset, not that expensive bro!" in a pandemic with unemployment in the US higher than its ever been you are miles from any reasonable perspective on how people live. Millions of people are on the brink of eviction. They are not casually buying virtual reality headsets.
Starlight didn't say you need to buy a new PC, he actually said any gaming PC built in the last 5 years, will most likely be VR capable, ie if you can play the latest games you should be able to play VR. He also cited sub the $200 Lenovo headsets as a means of lowering the bar for entry into VR, and suggested against the supercheap DK1/DK2 but things like the vice and Oculus Rift CV1 are still "reasonable" headsets.

Pandemic aside, while millions are unemployed, millions of units of the upcoming next gen consoles PS5/XBX will still be sold, and tens of millions of units of games will be sold. So yes, this flippin' virus has hurt a lot of people, including me as it's killed two of my businesses, frivolous purchases on gaming stuff continues. Indeed braben is on camera on sky news having stated that Frontier's sales increased during lockdown, which brings me back to starlight's recommendation of a lenovo headset as a cheap way into VR, "for less than the price of a pair of deluxe edition games, you too could have VR".

That might sound like a fallacy, but Sid Meiers Civilization 6 platinum edition is currently discounted with 29% off and it is still £102.87 on steam.
View attachment 183829

Deluxe edition of MS flight sim is £109.99 on steam.
View attachment 183828

and a second hand vive can be had for <£200


I'm out for a bit.

Sad that this species of ours puts everything down to how much paper is in our pockets.
It's not often I agree with Un1k0rn, but this time he's 100% right, it is tragic that money is the measure of a man. But sadly there isn't a damned thing we can individually do to change the worlds economic system, we can contribute through things like making purchases of "fair trade" products, donating to good causes, voting with our conscience, supporting socially responsible businesses / politicians etc.... But the worlds imbalance is bigger than anything an individual can take on.
I literally only have a VR headset because I was lucky enough to be browsing ebay the day that a huge clearance lot of Oculus DK1 s went up for £30 each. At the time I was scraping by on that much a week, so it was still a pretty extravagant expense and meant cutting a few meals.

Getting by on £30 a week is incredible, well done, and I hope you are in a more comfortable position now? But I think @Sunyavadin's story sums up the point perfectly, they wanted VR, and while the purchase was a whole weeks income, they made compromises, they got it.

When I was a teenager I worked out that getting a hair cut once every 2-3 weeks, by the time I'd paid the bus ticket into town, paid the barber, bought something to eat in town, because teenage laddys eat like horses and grow like weeds, it was like £15-£20 per month. I skipped a couple of haircuts and saved up the money and bought a set of clippers from argos for £25. 2 months later it had paid for itself, 20 years later I still cut my own hair as I learned "you can only spend a shilling once".

Without being too much of a Scrooge.... There is no way I'd pay over £100 for a game - I start to squeak at £40...

I kind of agree with rat catcher, I'd be unlikely to pay that kind of money for most games. Maybe would have spent that for a lifetime pass to elite, and there's certain specialist software/games like the RC simulator/trainers or the teach yourself guitar programs I'd possibly pay that sort of money for.

BTW I edited my post into a couple of messages to reduce the magnitude of the wall of text which unfortunately meant rat catcher's reply ended up before the comment he was replying to. So I have to apologise for disappointing y'all but ratcatcher is not endowed with precognitive abilities or access time travelling equipment, just I dit some cut and splicing.
I kind of agree with rat catcher, I'd be unlikely to pay that kind of money for most games. Maybe would have spent that for a lifetime pass to elite, and there's certain specialist software/games like the RC simulator/trainers or the teach yourself guitar programs I'd possibly pay that sort of money for.

BTW I edited my post into a couple of messages to reduce the magnitude of the wall of text which unfortunately meant rat catcher's reply ended up before the comment he was replying to. So I have to apologise for disappointing y'all but ratcatcher is not endowed with precognitive abilities or access time travelling equipment, just I dit some cut and splicing.
Darn it! I could have gotten away with that...

I chuckled after posting the £40 comment - maybe I should have said in one hit as I have likely spent over £100 on ED in having 3 copies and a reasonable bunch of cosmetics :ROFLMAO: but, of course, it was spent in smaller amounts!
I mean, there should be some consistency in moderation
There is... Stuff they consider 'wrong' or 'outrageous' or similar qualifications is removed and the poster either warned or banned - that appears to be fairly consistent to me...

Wandering off-topic and back is fairly common here, nobody is being particularly unkind to anyone else, tempers are not frayed... "Nothing to see here, Moderators, this is not the thread you are looking for..."
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