ANNOUNCEMENT Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Announcement

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Many, possibly.... but idiot questions or comments are everyday here, so assume no-one knows anything, not even what day it is, and a close approximation of the collective cognitive abilities of a minority of the forum membership is approached.
Shakes head walks away.
Many, possibly.... but idiot questions or comments are everyday here, so assume no-one knows anything, not even what day it is, and a close approximation of the collective cognitive abilities of a minority of the forum membership is approached.
I just walked outside tonight, and there was a full moon...
Ahhh... So now, that many people bought the new DLC, FDev decided to change their mind from "no VR AT LAUNCH" to "no further VR development".

I bought the game when it was in its original beta, just after Kickstarter. Both, because the kept showing the community what they were working on -every week- and because of VR. It was sad when they stopped telling us, what they are working on. Updates taking forever and that it took months even to fix game-breaking bugs was worse and got me to stop playing. Still, I was looking forward to the new DLC, which -sadly- turned out not to be playable @ 9FPS (though I´m on a 3070). And now, they decided to ditch VR even though I remember that 2015-interview with Braben where he told us how little time it took them to implement VR.

You suck, FDev.
Actually they said: There are no plans to develop the VR further as we have it now, bugfixing will still be applied. (Somewhere around 9 min into their Supercruise News stream yesterday)
A small but significant difference.
Ah OK thank you. 🙂

In fact, the full VR development for Odyssey is postponed until Greek calendars.

They will lose new buyers who play in VR exclusively.

No VR support or development is game breaking for me.
I play this game exclusive in VR and i also spent alot of money to get a good rig and VR, just for this game.

I joined the first forums Nov 11, 2006. And i have been supporting Frontier for a long time. Invested both in my time and financial.

Sadly it seams i have to give up my support for the Company , as they dont deliver what they promised us.

I cant figure out why they ditch VR support as we have not got any descent explanation.
Many other Companies se the future in VR and make or remake VR support for thier games.
But Frontier goes backwards. Its quite difficult to understand.
Ahhh... So now, that many people bought the new DLC, FDev decided to change their mind from "no VR AT LAUNCH" to "no further VR development".

I bought the game when it was in its original beta, just after Kickstarter. Both, because the kept showing the community what they were working on -every week- and because of VR. It was sad when they stopped telling us, what they are working on. Updates taking forever and that it took months even to fix game-breaking bugs was worse and got me to stop playing. Still, I was looking forward to the new DLC, which -sadly- turned out not to be playable @ 9FPS (though I´m on a 3070). And now, they decided to ditch VR even though I remember that 2015-interview with Braben where he told us how little time it took them to implement VR.

You suck, FDev.
I already had odyssey refunded, I suggest you to do the same.
This would be a perfect time for a CM to step in and allay some feard by telling everyone that they will always support VR in it's current form so as to not lose more VR players for good. If they are watching they might be able to salvage some damage right now.
Tbh I don't have VR at the moment, however to have ED up to Horizons with VR then stop there is one of the most ludicrous decisions I have ever seen. I won't be buying Odyssey until they give me the option as if I ever get VR I don't want to play half the game in one mode to have to switch to another mode to play the rest because fdev had trouble implementing it.
It's a great DLC, though obviously a lot of problems since launch. It is well on the way. Even if I didn't have the lifetime expansion pass, which I am pleased to own, I'd be keeping Odyssey.

I have to say though, I am frequently amazed by FD's decisions, which are often poles apart from my expectations. I guess it just doesn't stack up financially at the moment to implement VR.

Being a layperson, I have no idea why VR couldn't be implemented in a straightforward way without too much sweat - without adding in VR controller style support, but allowing keyboard and mouse or conventional controllers. It seems a no brainer to me. I am sure if I got to talk to the developers about the precise reasons, they'd highlight a sht-ton that I hadn't thought of...

I don't know, there can't be enough VR users to make it important. If there were, they could even sell the VR add-on for a supplement to pay for the work, though I am sure a lot of players would shout and rage if they did... maybe less than they are now though. I have to say, though it is disappointing and inconvenient, I am surprised that it is a reason for some players to flounce. I don't tend to use VR in summer anyway, but eh, each to their own.

Enjoy whatever shores upon which you alight.
I already had odyssey refunded, I suggest you to do the same.
I just had my application for a refund denied by Frontier: they said I have played too much, and that their post on the subject had been clear: “We understand that VR is a big part of Elite Dangerous and is a feature that holds a dedicated and passionate community. However, we do strongly believe that VR should only be enabled for on foot gameplay when we have an experience that truly matches the same quality bar that we set for cockpits”

That to me implies that VR on foot was still planned, whereas now they are saying it is not.
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