Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Q&A- First Footfall

Q: Is First Footfall available to be claimed for every planet?
The galaxy of Elite Dangerous isn’t new, the year is 3307 and humans have been exploring space for more than 1,300 years. Planets and moons in human occupied systems, along with particular bodies of historical significance will have First Footfall already claimed.
By VALIDATING or someone else?

Stephen Benedetti

Community Manager
Well I presume the wording "Pioneer Suit Skin" indicates that it's purely cosmetic/a paintjob. Would be great if they released a screenshot of how it looks like. 🤞

Any chance, @Stephen Benedetti ?
We have nothing to share on the Pioneer Suit skin at this time. Stay tuned for any future announcements on our social channels.
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All sounds good. Particularly happy there's no bubble-rush like with mapping. However:

Elite Dangerous is a huge and expansive galaxy containing more than 400 billion star systems. To date our players have traversed just 2.3 million of these systems which equates to around 0.05%.

It's Friday afternoon, my brain is on weekend mode already - but pretty sure 0.05% of 400 billion is not 2.3 million?

Edit: 2.3 million systems would also mean I'd personally visited ~3.5% of the known systems. Seeing as EDSM has ~61 million, I'm guessing that should've been 230 million systems we've visited?
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Q: How does Odyssey affect the number of landable planets in-game?
The number of planets that will be landable for the first time in Odyssey will be in the billions but to give you a more tangible reference point, based on regions we’ve tested so far Odyssey will have around 20% more landable planets than the base game.

The base game had 0% of landable planets we had to wait for Horizons landable Ice and rocks
Q: If I join after launch will I still be able to experience First Footfall?
Elite Dangerous is a huge and expansive galaxy containing more than 400 billion star systems. To date our players have traversed just 2.3 million of these systems which equates to around 0.05%. In the same way that new Commanders continue to join the world of Elite and make their own, personal discoveries, we have no doubt that commanders will have the opportunity to make their own discoveries for many years to come.

I remember when it was 0.01%, we are speeding up! Thanks for this info particularly.

" to make their own discoveries for many years to come." ie long beyond our lifespans so as an individual in 'the console community' I can cope with that, knowing that lore places will be pre-discovered.....any chance Ms Farseer will have her name on one from her younger days?
Q: If I change my name will the First Footfall change with it?
Similarly to records of other achievements First Footfall is treated as a historical record and will be recorded with the Commander’s name at the time of exploration – this will not change with any name changes.
Wait a moment - we can change our CMDR names in game now? (Or SOON?)
Will any planets in the 'Sol system' be landable? Thanks for the Q & A
Mercury is allready landable, and a few of the other moons in the system as well
Not sure about pluto though 🤔

And as stated before, depending on temperature and gravity you either will or won't be able to disembark on foot.

You will be able to disembark your ship on any landable planet in your SRV however. Just not all on foot.
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