Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Update 4

I'm quite partial to an Aldi instant coffee actually, you know?
Seriously, thanks for the kindness. We're getting there.
"It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shakes, the shakes become a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion."
Thanks... but I really don't understand why it takes that long to fix this... Maybe enlighten me afterwards, when you have time? It's been weeks now.
Well, I'm not Fdev but I'm guessing Opinion polls end up to be to easy to obtain so they wanted something extremely hard to get like smear campaigns but they overachieved that and now they will easy up on smear campaigns because it been a while since release and from what I know only 1 person managed to unlock that engineer that require them.


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous

First of all, big thank you to you and the whole CM team for your responsiveness! It's much appreciated.

I wanted to point out a long-standing issue that predates Odyssey. I've watched this one languish on the issue tracker since version 3.3.

Currently, smuggling and black markets are broken. There are seemingly two flags that are looked at when selling commodities on a black market. The first is whether the good was stolen or not. If it was, the black market will slap a -25% price reduction on it. The logic being that stolen goods are more dangerous to sell.

However, this same price reduction is also being applied to goods that aren't stolen. The result of which is drastically reduced profits when trying to smuggle, and in many cases, you'll actually lose credits.

Combine this with the fact that smuggling was not rebalanced when all the other professions were and it's quite clear that smuggling is dead right now. It's only use is for BGS manipulation currently.

One previous report on the issue tracker has expired and another is marked "Fixed". Unfortunately, it isn't fixed. Here's a link to the current issue on the tracker: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/12357

I know this isn't a super high priority with everything going on, but it would be nice to see some acknowledgment of the problem.


Hello Jack! Thanks for this. I'm going to take a look at 12357 once the servers are stable and a few other bits are out of the way.
Feedback on the smuggling and such is super helpful. Thank you for taking the time!
Seems to be working fine here although a bit laggy, glad to see the stats page working and having what I've done so far saved already! Small bug on the balance page though where it's missing a scroll bar.

  • MapUI - When renaming a bookmark in Bookmark Management, the edit field now contains the name of the bookmark.

Out of that whole list, this is the one that sticks out most, for me. So glad you folks got to this! Wait, also some sorting based on the alphabet? I didnt know the Cobra engine could do sorting...wonderful! First steps...
Settlements (new for Odyssey)
  • A fix has been implemented to bring a slightly floating terminal in an Outpost Concourse back down to its rightful position at ground level.
  • A fix has been implemented for a LOD on a sloped wall piece.
  • FUI screens added to Settlement lobby.
  • A fix has been implemented to bring a floating turret gun down to ground level.
  • A fix has been implemented for terrain clipping through the back of a room in an industrial settlement.
  • A fix has been implemented for terrain clipping through the the corner of a room in an Agricultural Settlement.
  • A fix has been implemented for a panel that displayed upside down.
  • A fix has been implemented for z-fighting that could be seen on a Chemical prop.
  • A fix has been implemented for atmospheric control panels disappearing when approached in an Industrial Building.
  • A fix has been implemented for production units sometimes not appearing in an Agricultural building.
  • Fixed misaligned windows in a couple of buildings.
  • Corrected windows being used in place of walls in an Extraction Building.
Here is a structure modification idea :
  1. FUI screens added to Settlement lobby. (← Thank you !)
  2. Implemented fixes for :
    • slightly floating terminal in an Outpost Concourse back down to its rightful position at ground level.
    • LOD on a sloped wall piece.
    • floating turret gun.
    • clipping terrain through the back of a room in an industrial settlement.
    • clipping terrain through the corner of a room in an Agricultural Settlement.
    • a panel was displayed upside down.
    • z-fighting could be seen on a Chemical prop.
    • atmospheric control panels disappearing when approached in an Industrial Building.
    • production units sometimes not appearing in an Agricultural building.
    • misaligned windows in a couple of buildings.
    • windows being used in place of walls in an Extraction Building.
I don't know if it fits the structure policies, tastes, etc. I just thought it could be easier to write and read as I don't know if you use automated tools to generate lines.
(UI modifications... oh my Gosh(y) )

I have been doing this for weeks with very little changes from Low to High, or a variation of those. However even using Medium & Low settings I get an awful migraine after a while, So I still have to be around the High preset (usually 16x Anistropic and SMAA, but that has very little bearing on the overall performance).
did you try Vertical Sync ? that should stabilize your FPS somehow and set Shadow Low and Bloom Off and mybe Ambient ( I think it is called ) Off

We believe we've found the issue and knocked it out of the game. You should now have a more stable experience, so anyone still trying - would you have a go for me please and let me know :)? Thanks!
I've been stable for about the last 10 minutes, most stable thus far so fingers crossed.

I'll add to the thanks for and impressed by the responsiveness this morning. It's noticed and appreciated.


We believe we've found the issue and knocked it out of the game. You should now have a more stable experience, so anyone still trying - would you have a go for me please and let me know :)? Thanks!
nope, still not working...
Joke: have you plugged in the server?


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