Elite Dangerous Odyssey: Update 6.01


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
You might want to tell some ahead of time to avoid the 'Hold E to Loot' style ideas that inevitably get reversed.

Perhaps do a Focused Feedback like you did with the Camera Suite?

Make a day the length of two then sure!
In all seriousness, we are going to share as much as possible moving forward, honest, we're just in the planning phases of comms with how we go about it.
I'm so glad the
  • An issue has been fixed whereby NPC's would no longer use flashlights in the dark making it very hard to see...well...anything.
    • This fix also applies for Scavengers.
Yay! Immersion is back on - I am so glad the NPC's have been supplied with new batteries and can now see where they are going. Their flashlights made for great ambiance and target-finding. :)
'Hold E to Loot' was proving an absolute nightmare for many. We've listened and understood, thereby reverting the action back to being a single button press.
Credit where credit is due: I was expecting we were going to have to live with this for weeks as part of the standard patch “cycle.” I’m not gonna go so far as to say “thank you” for promptly undoing a change nobody wanted and which was a bad idea to begin with, but, uh . . . <tips fedora>.

Now I’m gonna mention for the umpteenth time that detention ships still don’t work the way your own developers have explicitly described they are supposed to work and can something please be done about that?

thanks for the fixes and for me it was great to have the Suns looking great again...

Now is there any chance of getting an Opinion Poll mission, i have not seen 1 of these in over a week. ty

Also i have noticed if you try turn in a mission too fast (clicking quickly) sometimes the game will skip the reward screen and give you the default which is financial. I wait a few seconds now on each screen when i hand in missions.

thanks much.
  • Made some improvements to stability.
    • These are usually fixes to "random crashes" encountered by Commanders who send through crash logs. The issues lie often deep within code with non specific triggers of great detail.
@sallymorganmoore is this going to help with the suits loadout screen crashing as currently I can't play Odyssey (which I would really like to do) due to this?
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Any news on getting CAS back as a third upscaler option, since FSR doesn't work well enought with 1080p as native res (even at Ultra Quality) and SS 0.85+CAS was better?
Have you tried SS 0.85 and "normal" (not FSR) ?

I use a version of that on a 3440x1440 screen, with res set to 2650x1080 and SS to 1.25 with "normal". FSR - even on Super Ultra - creates a much more blurred image than normal.

This comes pretty close to native in appearance, to make me sometimes forget that I am not using native res. The biggest differences although is seen with objects in the distance.
(its hard to upscale details that are not present in the original image)
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Whew, made it back to finish my mission in time.

Although, @sallymorganmoore , the game has failed to exit cleanly. In terms of what I was doing - docked at the station, went to the Concourse, completed the retrieval mission, tried to exit game straight from Esc menu (not going back to main menu first). Black screen, had to kill the task eventually.
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As long as you guys grant personal requests...
Can I have the bio-scanner minigame back? I liked it, but make it more consequence heavy - say if you fail three times to line up the circles, you got to change the plant.
Ok, Ok - I'm joking, don't crucify me people!
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