Elite Dangerous Odyssey: Update 6.01

Excellent write up as always Sally.

But when is someone going to have a word with the stations union about their employees all being part time crooks, or is there something there we should know?

It would be nice at least if they could be asked to actually do their jobs and allow us to buy a drink, or sit down, or both?

  • 'Hold E to Loot' was proving an absolute nightmare for many. We've listened and understood, thereby reverting the action back to being a single button press.
And fix for this soon I hope
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Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Thank you! Could we get some description of what the "balanced" option does in FSR?

Added for you o7
Also popping here to save you scrolling.
  • "Balanced" can be selected in the FSR graphics options!
    • Courtesy of AMD: "Balanced mode produces a super resolution image approximating native rendering quality, with a major performance gain compared to native."
    • Ultra Quality (1.3x Dimension Scaling, 1.69x Area Scaling, Resolution 77%)
    • Quality (1.5x Dimension Scaling, 2.25x Area Scaling, Resolution 67%)
    • Balanced (1.7x Dimension Scaling, 2.89x Area Scaling, Resolution 59%)
    • Performance (2.0x Dimension Scaling, 4.00x Area Scaling, Resolution 50%)
Added for you o7
Also popping here to save you scrolling.
  • "Balanced" can be selected in the FSR graphics options!
    • Courtesy of AMD: "Balanced mode produces a super resolution image approximating native rendering quality, with a major performance gain compared to native."
    • Ultra Quality (1.3x Dimension Scaling, 1.69x Area Scaling, Resolution 77%)
    • Quality (1.5x Dimension Scaling, 2.25x Area Scaling, Resolution 67%)
    • Balanced (1.7x Dimension Scaling, 2.89x Area Scaling, Resolution 59%)
    • Performance (2.0x Dimension Scaling, 4.00x Area Scaling, Resolution 50%)
Maybe if you have native >> 1080p... can we get back CAS as a third option for 1080p?

FSR Ultra is not good at 1080p, SS 0.85+CAS was better
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That was unexpected. Thanks! Here I go stealing gathering again.

I'd love someone to have a look at the data drop chances for 6.02 (or 7.00). Would be interesting to see how many people have unlocked Wellington Beck over the last couple of days for instance.
An issue has been fixed whereby NPC's would no longer use flashlights in the dark making it very hard to see...well...anything.
  • This fix also applies for Scavengers.
Too bad, for once they had some logical behavior. First thing you want when trying to shoot a hostile commander down is that he can't see you coming from half a mile... That's called "tactics" : Shutting off lights and turning on Night Vision.
And maybe making them react to light would be nice too. Making a "stealth" approach with a FULL BEAM on would alarm anyone seeing it.
And for commanders, we still need a non-lethal way to neutralize NPCs to avoid piling up fines and bounties on "stealth kills" out of the anarch factions (especially now that notoriety is fixed).

Thanks @sallymorganmoore !
NPCs lips are not moving AGAIN for many players after upgrade 6. By god, how many times we need to ask a final fixing on this??
This problem came back from "testing alpha" days! It was solved, and now is back again. Not every player has it, but many do. Fix it please!!!


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
NPCs lips are not moving AGAIN for many players after upgrade 6. By god, how many times we need to ask a final fixing on this??
This problem came back from "testing alpha" days! It was solved, and now is back again. Not every player has it, but many do. Fix it please!!!

Trying! Definitely trying! That's the tricky part, finding out why some do and some don't. We can't just tick a box, sadly, but it's under investigation for you!
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