Elite Dangerous, the DK2 and SLI discussion thread.

Very nice! Personally, I'm waiting for a die shrink before upgrading from my GTX 570. If there still isn't a die shrink by the time the first consumer VR HMD becomes available, I'll have to settle for whatever the fastest GPU on the market at that time happens to be.
Interesting article about Nvidia's 'Gameworks VR SLI' initiative.

GameWorks VR
NVIDIA Takes the Lid Off ‘Gameworks VR’ – Technical Deep Dive and Community Q&A
I’ve discussed two different ways to use VR SLI - affinity masking and broadcasting - but note that you don’t have to choose between them. Both styles of use can easily be mixed within the same application. So it’s easy for engine developers to start out using affinity masking, then gradually convert portions of their engine over to broadcasting as and when they need to. However, any level of VR SLI support does require active integration into an engine - it’s not possible to automatically enable VR SLI in games that haven’t integrated it.

I wonder if FD have any intention to integrated it into ED?
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Massive performance improvement for 9800 SLI users

I had to reload my NVidia drivers from scratch. normally I set SLI mode to alternate frame 1 instead of NVidia recommended. Forgot to change that today when I jumped into elite with 2x DSA and SLI on NVidia recommended im getting 115fps consistently with graphics nearly maxed. Something has changed in the last NVidia update or two. I am getting much better performance using NVidia SLI recommended mode than alternate frame 1. Anyone else see try this?
yea im running 980s sli and i have it running on 4x DSR with everything on ultra except shadows and the oculus quality slider 4 notches down
there is some judder coming close to planets but thats an issue with the game/netcode


This is why we need a q&a with the devs ... There are alot of questions cropping that need definitive answers.
I tried this some time ago and got terrible lag when using the DK2...everything was delayed and made me feel sick. I'll try it out again though. Thanks
I just tried turning SLI on with two 980ti cards and, while there wasn't judder, there was a lot of headtracking delay. An awful lot. I had to turn SLI off. Alternate Frame 1 seemed to just make the screen flicker and be really terrible. "Everything was delayed and made me feel sick" - this is exactly how I'd describe it but I'm using Nvidia Recommended

I haven't tried Alternate Frame 2 yet

All the DSR modes seemed to just cause the screen to flicker and there was like a ghosting effect. IDK what I'm doing wrong
I'm running 2 x 980 without any issue (except of course some game stutter not card related)

try a different combination of runtime and driver release
also try with only the oculus as the only connected display and set as primary
I just tried turning SLI on with two 980ti cards and, while there wasn't judder, there was a lot of headtracking delay. An awful lot. I had to turn SLI off. Alternate Frame 1 seemed to just make the screen flicker and be really terrible. "Everything was delayed and made me feel sick" - this is exactly how I'd describe it but I'm using Nvidia Recommended

I haven't tried Alternate Frame 2 yet

All the DSR modes seemed to just cause the screen to flicker and there was like a ghosting effect. IDK what I'm doing wrong

I don't think you are doing anything wrong.

The best setup I've now got is single card. SLI for me was more juddery for sure. Any frame rendering set up involving anything other than Nvidia recommended caused major delay and sickness.

I think until Nvidia/FD and Oculus al come together with VR SLI, support for latest SDK and the latest SDK we are stuck with what we have.

Don't forget to lower your Oculus image quality slider in ED to about half way. This improves things a lot for me in terms of judder.

The only major problem I have now is when I'm in planetary rings. I get pauses every 20 or so seconds that last for about 1 second. The whole game freezes. I am running 6.01 beta SDK so that may be the issue. I'm rolling back tonight to 5.01 to see if that resolves it.

So, with a single 980 GTX card I get smooth (mostly) viewing on the DK2. Turning down the Oculus quality setting to half helped A LOT. I also adjusted some of the other options lower.
Cool, thanks stevesideas. I suppose we're all waiting for the big elite update to 0.7 or higher to use all the cool stuff like direct mode and vr sli.
Has FD responded to this question at all yet. It would help with the VR side of game play, even before oculus 0.7 sdk.


Customer Support
Occulus and SLI don't really play well together I'm afraid. We recommend only using one card if you're an Occulus user. Apparently Occulus and Nvidia are aware of this though and are hoping to work together to make this work a lot better.

In a nutshell, it's not an Elite: Dangerous issue, it's an SLI/Occulus issue which we can't really do much about. Like you, we hope to see some progress on this. :)

-CMDR Atom
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