Elite Dangerous, the DK2 and SLI discussion thread.

I had 2x 970's and at first I didn't really see the issues some people talked about, but as time went on and as I got more used to the DK2 I started to see a hint of latency here and there. decided to sell the 970's in the end and opted for a single Titan X and never looked back since.

Interesting, I've got 2 x 970s (aggressively overclocked, liquid cooled) and have no issues. Driver releases on windows 10 have been getting better and better. Usage sits around 30% - 50% per card with a stable 75 FPS (except for the standard stuttering culprits)
Interesting, I've got 2 x 970s (aggressively overclocked, liquid cooled) and have no issues. Driver releases on windows 10 have been getting better and better. Usage sits around 30% - 50% per card with a stable 75 FPS (except for the standard stuttering culprits)

WHY does NO ONE post their SETTINGS? ...

What SLI setting? in game detail? any other control panel settings? (max pre-rendered frames, VR pre-rendered frames etc).

I have tried nvidia recommended (admittedly on an older driver) which didn't work, AFR1 which was a laggy POS at which point I wasn't interested in trying anything else.

Most recently I tried AFR1 and the frames were out of sync and I still hear people on here say "works for me" without posting a lick of evidence which makes me think you douchebags are just trolling us.

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Can a mod just close this thread? there is literally nothing usefull in here and people insist on posting useless comments which are no help to anyone.
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WHY does NO ONE post their SETTINGS? ...

What SLI setting? in game detail? any other control panel settings? (max pre-rendered frames, VR pre-rendered frames etc).

I have tried nvidia recommended (admittedly on an older driver) which didn't work, AFR1 which was a laggy POS at which point I wasn't interested in trying anything else.

Most recently I tried AFR1 and the frames were out of sync and I still hear people on here say "works for me" without posting a lick of evidence which makes me think you douchebags are just trolling us.

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Can a mod just close this thread? there is literally nothing usefull in here and people insist on posting useless comments which are no help to anyone.


In game settings are all maxed out except for antialising which I do through reshade, resolution is 1920 x 1080, 1.5 supersampling.

Maybe that helps.

Driver versions under win10, MSI Afterburner graphs of the game running (and minimised) as I've been posting all this, that's inside a station which is usually quite taxing, pretty solid 75 FPS though.

Other relevant hardware

- Intel 4790K CPU - clocked at 4.8 GHz (CPU hardly ever seems to be maxed out), also liquid cooled
- 16 GB DDR3 2400 MHz 19200 C10 RAM, actively cooled
- Intel SSD RAID 0

My system is well specced and is very fast. I spent ages ages tuning it but even so with 2 factory 970s you should get pretty close. I'm not CPU bound and even with the SSDs I still get stuttering when textures are loaded / reloaded.

Feel free to ask for clarification if I've skimped over or missed anything, maybe without the attitude though :D
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Just call me douchebag...

Nice - good work jvan ++ rep for you.

I'm clearly one of those lucky few for whom SLI not only works but also has a noticeable benefit.

I get so little time near my PC these days that you might have to wait a while for me to share my settings, so until then take it on trust or just assume that I'm a 'trolling douchebag' - it matters little to me :D
Can you give an indication of frametimes?
With the servers down at the moment I can spend a bit of time trying out some settings, I'll give yours a try and let you know how I get on.
My specs are in my sig.

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In game settings are all maxed out except for antialising which I do through reshade, resolution is 1920 x 1080, 1.5 supersampling.

Maybe that helps.

Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't you supposed to apply settings to the game executable (elitedangerous32.exe) rather than the launcher (edlaunch.exe)?
After messing about for a bit, SLI just doesn't work as well for me compared to single card. I duplicated your settings and found that DSR no longer works, the frames between cards are out of sync or something. Standard 1080p works just fine. I maxxed out the settings and tried the target practise training, my frametimes were sitting at an acceptable 16-17 ms, but here's the thing, I switched back to single card and my frametimes dropped by 1-2ms and weirdest of all, if I use DSR my frametimes dropped by 3-4ms compared to no DSR+SLI! the difference is noticeable.

I will try again tomorrow, the demo does not have an option for supersampling so I can't try that with SLI just at the moment.
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I can confirm the problem with DSR in SLI - I've spent quite a long time fiddling with various options to see if I could get it to work, but I never found a solution other than at standard resolution.

Some posts point to working DSR with SLI but no config info to back up the claims.

Personally, I prefer the in-game SS to DSR in any case, so I put that up to 2x and tweak down the oculus quality to about 80% to get a reasonable balance between frame rate and quality, at least for my rig.

I'll try to get my NVCP settings posted at some point - I read a post on here somewhere where some guy went in a completely different direction with his settings and used that to build a fresh config along which seemed to yield a reasonably significant (c. 10%) improvement over what I was seeing before.
Right now I can't see how SLI can provide a better experience. My framerates are solid 75FPS with and without SLI but single card has a noticeably lower frametime and therefore less lag between head movement and screen updates. If there was a config that could bring down the frametime to the same level (or better) than single card I would be quite happy but this probably won't come to fruition until we start to see retail HMDs.
What it does for me is to be able to run with higher in-game super-sampling and more of the other graphics settings in high or ultra, but I'm using 2 x GTX 970s which run out of juice quite a long way before your 980Ti does.

I haven't done a like-for-like comparison for some time, but when I first went with SLI I did some comparisons. After tweaking to get a reasonable 75FPS with SLI enabled, I went back to using one card with the same settings and saw the framerate drop to between 55 and 60 FPS, so I believe that there is some mileage here. I don't think that anyone is saying that it is a perfect solution, but for those of us with lesser cards it gives us a bit of extra GPU power for which we're prepared to sacrifice some head-tracking latency.

I think you've done some good work here - not least in putting me off upgrading to 2 x 980Tis until the consumer ready HMDs come out!
Nvidia 3D settings and vertical sync in SLI

Running 2 980Ti cards, latest drivers and all the usual 3D settings.

When I have vertical sync set to "On (smooth)" which seems to be the nvidia recommendation for SLI I get judder and ghosting when I turn my head.

Switched it to "Adaptive" and it largely goes away and I can have all the in game settings to max including SS at 2.0.

Just thought i'd report that.
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Nvidia DSR with SLI and ED resulting in mad flickering

Anyone seen this and have a solution?

I don't get this when using in game SS only when SS is set to 1.0 and I use DSR set to anything above 1.0.
Can you report on your experience of SLI vs none? I find that my frametimes are too high with SLI enabled which causes nausea (16ms vs 14ms with a single card). These spike to 30ms with the second display enabled which is completely unplayable, this does not occur with single card.
I can still run with everything maxxed out with 1.5X SSAA on a single card but I'm overclocking my cards fairly well (1470 core 8ghz memory)
The only ever time I have witnessed mad flickering in ED is when I start the game with my DK2 in direct mode (by mistake)

Restart in extended mode clears it.

2x970 SLI with DSR x 2


Only solution is not to use DSR, use in game SSAA instead, or if your cards are fast enough, don't use SLI.

Indeed. That is what I have to do. I was simply wondering if I was doing something wrong with the settings or not.

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The only ever time I have witnessed mad flickering in ED is when I start the game with my DK2 in direct mode (by mistake)

Restart in extended mode clears it.

2x970 SLI with DSR x 2



Definitely in extended mode.
Can you report on your experience of SLI vs none? I find that my frametimes are too high with SLI enabled which causes nausea (16ms vs 14ms with a single card). These spike to 30ms with the second display enabled which is completely unplayable, this does not occur with single card.
I can still run with everything maxxed out with 1.5X SSAA on a single card but I'm overclocking my cards fairly well (1470 core 8ghz memory)

With a single card I can run 1.5 SS but with everything else to low or off. With both cards, SS at 2.0 and most settings to high or ultra.

I've not measured the frame times with either. I noticed that setting the v-sync to adaptive really helps. Setting it to on always causes massive frame lag.
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I never used smooth but I'll try adaptive. Are your cards stock? Any issues with supercruise?

Easiest way to check frametimes is to install Afterburner with Rivatuner statistics server (included), then open it and click "detach", pretty sure frametime graph is enabled by default.
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