Yesterday, I went out in my Dolphin, I travelled 460ly, a few jumps. I FSS'd on the way, mapped a couple of valuables. I arrive at the destination system. No good. I chose the nearest system. 2.1ly away. I FSS that. 2 or 3 planets with rings. I DSS them, one of them has an Opal, Trit and LTD hotspot. I call the Carrier. It arrives. I get the mining ship out, I go mining for an hour and a half. I collect over 100t of Trit (not in the Trit hotspot) and around 60 Opals . With more focus I could have got more Trit.
The point of this story is this, I could now spend weeks, visiting all the local systems, exploring and mapping before I start the whole process again. If I had gone into the Trit hotspot instead of the Opal one, I could have easily doubled my find, covering either the jump I just made or the one I'm making next, depending on your view. One game session out of many to cover this one jump and weeks of exploring. What is wrong with that?