Elite Dangerous Update 14.01 Deployment Imminent.

I'm really interested in anyone who's exo rank has reset to 0%. Can you reply/quote this with your experience if you've had it please? So I can keep track. Sorry to be a pain o7
FWIW, It happened to me too. Same name in-game. I assumed it was supposed to happen though.
And I'm talking it as someone, who tried practically everything in this game (mainly exploration).
Because now mainly "hardcore" explorers, which do only it claim, that it require a lot of skill.

No, exobio, and exploration as whole require:
-0 skill (unless you think, that fast FSS big systems is skill :p )
-practically 0 gear. You know, you need fsd, scanner and scoop. All other things (or better) are only QoL. Not "without it you will earn 10m daily, not 100".
-a lot of time
-a little knowledge.

Yes, knowledge, not skill. Knowledge =/= skill.

If you still don't understand it I will use combat as example.
Knowledge- knowing, which ship and modules you need, and how your enemy will behave.
Skill- doing it in PRACTICE.
You probably know "how" kill hydra. If you think, that knowledge is everything- come on, try it, I'm waiting. It require "no skill because is predictable and rules-based" ;)

Problem if people like you is in fact, that you clearly don't understand differencies between skill, knowledge, and you think, that something require "much skill, because you need a lot of time". Time isn't skill, sorry bro.

But I understand, that my opinion isn't worthy for mighty, skillfull explorers, which scan bacterias 10 times faster than me, because in 4 years I spent in void only 2 years, not 5 :D
You are mostly correct, but I make an exception for exobio in thargoid-occupied territory. It is quite challenging, and I found scanning the things on the moon right next to the taranis borderline impossible.

But yeah, in deep space neither xeno nor explo require much skill, if at any at all.
You are mostly correct, but I make an exception for exobio in thargoid-occupied territory. It is quite challenging, and I found scanning the things on the moon right next to the taranis borderline impossible.
Of course, activities in such areas are generally more difficult. Generally, nearly all things here are more difficult.

But we are on frontier's forum. Boost to moni always good, ignore any sense and balance. The cheapset species which are worthy more than earthlikes. Than MAPPED earthlikes are good, because game is full of people, which need dozens millions to at least try any activity.

And of course it is normal thing. Hardcore explorers will claim, that their thing require super skill, because they cannot just say "ye, it is easy, require knowledge, which you can achieve in 1 day, and a lot of time, because 90% of our time is in jumps/FSS".
Generally, all people, which focus on only 1 thing will claim, that their thing is the most challenging.

PS: If someone thing that it is good or normal- After 1,8m ly in jumps I discovered less than 150 earthlikes (let's use it as benchmark). So less than 750m from this type of plannets.
Now I can earn it by finding Idk, 7 stratums tectonicas in deep space?
And guess what. I can find it in this amount in 1 day :)
Exobio pauouts to be fair are spitting on faces of other players. And no. My fix for it definetely isn't "pls frontier, gib me moni for carrier from 10 earthlikes". No. To much money destroy any sense of progression. Especially if you can milk hundreds millions by activity with 0 risk, which require basically ship with fsd and artemis suit.
Start with x3 boost and better benefits from first logs could be ideal. But frontier isn't competent enough to make small steps in balance. They have to make changes from 50k to millions.

oh, btw. Meanwhile they nerfed new ceptor payouts. It was nerf by...40%? For ceptor which require even more time to find, than your lovely bacterias :)
Which also require better gear.
Praise the frontier, and praise their "balance". I never seen worse.
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I'm really interested in anyone who's exo rank has reset to 0%. Can you reply/quote this with your experience if you've had it please? So I can keep track. Sorry to be a pain o7
If the balancing was done as planned (going back to what was there before) it should be roughly 30x longer to reach any upper rank so yes, simple maths imply that most CMDRs must see their progression going back to 0%. It had been announced, so it seems to go according to plan, as it should, to keep this ranking meaningful. What is important is that changes are not retroactive (meaning that the game dosen't consider you have a ranking "debt" to fulfill before any progression).
Can someone tell me what the latest version of the launcher is? Mine is updating now. My game keeps crashing and each time I have to put my backed-up bindings back in.
Can someone tell me what the latest version of the launcher is? Mine is updating now. My game keeps crashing and each time I have to put my backed-up bindings back in.
.... and each time bindings are gone, kinda frustrating.

For the future:

The game NEVER wipes properly renamed binds, only "custom" suffers from this.
I'm really interested in anyone who's exo rank has reset to 0%. Can you reply/quote this with your experience if you've had it please? So I can keep track. Sorry to be a pain o7
Both my father and I had our rank progress reset to 0. His was to 0% on an elite rank he got post U14, mine was a loss of pre-U14 progress as well as loss of a total of 98% progress on Elite 1 that I had about 95% or so from post U14.
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Guys, I'm pretty sure there was no "reset" to 0% - it's just the thresholds that have moved. I don't know the new limits yet, but I'll try to give an example anyway.

Let's say you were rank Geneticist and have made 50% progress towards being Elite. That meant you have submitted about 300m credits worth of data with the old numbers. If the new limit for Elite is now 5b instead of 400m, the lower ranks would have changed as well. With your 300m of submitted data you wouldn't even be Geneticist. But Frontier won't take away acquired ranks. The result is the progress now shows 0%. For a long time. You will have to "earn" the Geneticist rank again, before the counter will show progress towards Elite.
I was at 98% of Elite 1 and went to 0%.
If the balancing was done as planned (going back to what was there before) it should be roughly 30x longer to reach any upper rank so yes, simple maths imply that most CMDRs must see their progression going back to 0%. It had been announced, so it seems to go according to plan, as it should, to keep this ranking meaningful. What is important is that changes are not retroactive (meaning that the game dosen't consider you have a ranking "debt" to fulfill before any progression).
See above, I had 98% progress in my rank and still have 0%. Even more, turning in another 180 million and I was still at 0, which should have been enough to move the needle. My fear is that they redid the targets on overall earnings and so my 125 hours or pre-U14 earnings may now only take me to Collector instead of Elite.
Guys, I'm pretty sure there was no "reset" to 0% - it's just the thresholds that have moved. I don't know the new limits yet, but I'll try to give an example anyway.

Let's say you were rank Geneticist and have made 50% progress towards being Elite. That meant you have submitted about 300m credits worth of data with the old numbers. If the new limit for Elite is now 5b instead of 400m, the lower ranks would have changed as well. With your 300m of submitted data you wouldn't even be Geneticist. But Frontier won't take away acquired ranks. The result is the progress now shows 0%. For a long time. You will have to "earn" the Geneticist rank again, before the counter will show progress towards Elite.

Ofc there was no reset to zero and ofc you are right.
But this "reset to zero" is about moving goalposts
Worse case scenario you were at 95% to Elite before the ranking fixing
Now you're at zero, because according to the new table, you are not even a Geneticist anymore.

It affects the prestige of the higher ranks! If you can get to an Elite rank very quickly, it is not a significant achievement, and you do not get any respect for it from other players. But when you had to work long and hard for that rank, you are more proud of it and get more respect from other players.

Anyway, the point was, ranking does not affect the game balance in any way.
I'm not denying the rank is a personal matter, because it is and for some people it may be important.
But it should not matter for you how fast i got my rank. And i dont care how fast you got yours.

Do i respect you because you started the game earlier and you got the Elite rank in Exploration in 2015, the hard and painful way? Nope. I dont give a Flying Frutexa
I got my Elite exploration rank by doing Robigo in 2019 - do i care about your respect about this personal achievement of mine? Nope, i dont give a flying... well you get the point.

Go earn a billion in Exobiology and tell me how long it takes you. I'll wait

500 millions in 6 hours.
Guess i'm just lucky to find a system with 4 moons around the same giant having a total of 34 bio signals, paying 234 millions. With discovery bonus that 468 millions for landing and zooming around 4 bodies
Then i was even more lucky, 6 jumps later to find another body with 8 bio, paying 54 millions, 108 with first discovery.

But you dont need to wait or to be lucky, just pick the starter sidewinder a g1 artemis and follow spansh
The only requirement is to be able to launch, fly to a designated body and land (sorry if you felt insulted by my assessment of exobio=zero skill, zero requirement, it was not my intention, but it exactly a zero requirement endeavor)

See above, I had 98% progress in my rank and still have 0%. Even more, turning in another 180 million and I was still at 0, which should have been enough to move the needle. My fear is that they redid the targets on overall earnings and so my 125 hours or pre-U14 earnings may now only take me to Collector instead of Elite.
Yes I fear you are right as that would be the easiest way to do this, more involved in resetting that credits paid history to match the rank threshold so we can make progress at the new speed, actually doing the same thing but resetting the credits history to approximate progress in the rank would be far too much trouble.

Anyway, the point was, ranking does not affect the game balance in any way.
I'm not denying the rank is a personal matter, because it is and for some people it may be important.
But it should not matter for you how fast i got my rank. And i dont care how fast you got yours.

Do i respect you because you started the game earlier and you got the Elite rank in Exploration in 2015, the hard and painful way? Nope. I dont give a Flying Frutexa
I got my Elite exploration rank by doing Robigo in 2019 - do i care about your respect about this personal achievement of mine? Nope, i dont give a flying... well you get the point.
The trick here is Inara.cz rankings. And the fact that it was so SO trivially easy for a short time. It basically throws off the entire concept of any kind of progress based PvE competition. Some will argue the prestige did the same, but that's still a level playing field. Nobody complains that they don't get credit for scores in practice in the real game, prestige is the same way, the field was level even if it didn't allow anyone to move past a certain point up until a given time.
This is the first thing that went and completely imbalanced rank between players by making it literally 20 times easier for a few days, in which time about 90% of the people who currently are Elite got their ranks. (And probably 98% of the Elite V). Then it was ramped back down again and seemingly not only was it ramped down, but people who had gotten elite before seem to now be down around collector in terms of real progression level, needing another 100+ hours of work to get back to where they were before U14 and then 100s more to get to where others got in 10-12 hours. I went from something like 300 in the Inara rankings to 850.

500 millions in 6 hours.
Guess i'm just lucky to find a system with 4 moons around the same giant having a total of 34 bio signals, paying 234 millions. With discovery bonus that 468 millions for landing and zooming around 4 bodies
Then i was even more lucky, 6 jumps later to find another body with 8 bio, paying 54 millions, 108 with first discovery.

But you dont need to wait or to be lucky, just pick the starter sidewinder a g1 artemis and follow spansh
The only requirement is to be able to launch, fly to a designated body and land (sorry if you felt insulted by my assessment of exobio=zero skill, zero requirement, it was not my intention, but it exactly a zero requirement endeavor)
Yeah, this one I agree with you on 100%. I made my own spansh like list for this with a high value route and can easily make 100 million an hour or so now doing Exo. But at the new rates, you need around 30 billion, which is still 300 hours.
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Yes I fear you are right as that would be the easiest way to do this, more involved in resetting that credits paid history to match the rank threshold so we can make progress at the new speed, actually doing the same thing but resetting the credits history to approximate progress in the rank would be far too much trouble.
Except it really shouldn't be. They have a record of every exobiology thing you have ever scanned so that you can't scan it again. It's going to only be a few hundred things per person for most people, if that. That's a trivial calculation. I'd volunteer to write the code for it for free and it would likely only take me a few hours even having to figure out their code base.
Yea, as i said in a previous post, they should have left the ranking as it was.
Eventually add Prestige ranks upto Elite X or more.

After all, Exploration rank is still 300 millions or so and Trade is still 1bn or so (will all the increases in payouts over years )
the rank progression has been fixed
what about the missing credits ?
are we really receiving (in bank) the displayed rewards ?
See above, I had 98% progress in my rank and still have 0%. Even more, turning in another 180 million and I was still at 0, which should have been enough to move the needle. My fear is that they redid the targets on overall earnings and so my 125 hours or pre-U14 earnings may now only take me to Collector instead of Elite.
It might be yes. Doing the maths, it used to take 432 millions from Elite to Elite 1, if you do a 30x multiple then you get 12'960'000'000cr (!) needed to climb to Elite 1 as of today, or 129'600'000cr to move 1%. With your 180 millions on top of what you had (98%, so you had made 423'360'000cr) you should have moved up by 4.3% overall.
Yea, as i said in a previous post, they should have left the ranking as it was.
Eventually add Prestige ranks upto Elite X or more.

After all, Exploration rank is still 300 millions or so and Trade is still 1bn or so (will all the increases in payouts over years )
I disagree: the ability to go from New Player to Elite V in a matter of days would have made Exo ranking totally useless. Adding ranks could only lead to an inflation process that would ultimately reach every ranking: we all know how it goes whenever a game starts to add ranks: you end up with Elite 100 or a general rebasement.
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