Elite Dangerous Update 14.01 Deployment Imminent.

& where is this list ?
On the page linked by the original post in the thread.


Guys, I'm pretty sure there was no "reset" to 0% - it's just the thresholds that have moved. I don't know the new limits yet, but I'll try to give an example anyway.

Let's say you were rank Geneticist and have made 50% progress towards being Elite. That meant you have submitted about 300m credits worth of data with the old numbers. If the new limit for Elite is now 5b instead of 400m, the lower ranks would have changed as well. With your 300m of submitted data you wouldn't even be Geneticist. But Frontier won't take away acquired ranks. The result is the progress now shows 0%. For a long time. You will have to "earn" the Geneticist rank again, before the counter will show progress towards Elite.

That's entirely possible of course, we'll have to wait and see of that's the actual explanation but it sounds reasonable.
Guys, I'm pretty sure there was no "reset" to 0% - it's just the thresholds that have moved. I don't know the new limits yet, but I'll try to give an example anyway.

Let's say you were rank Geneticist and have made 50% progress towards being Elite. That meant you have submitted about 300m credits worth of data with the old numbers. If the new limit for Elite is now 5b instead of 400m, the lower ranks would have changed as well. With your 300m of submitted data you wouldn't even be Geneticist. But Frontier won't take away acquired ranks. The result is the progress now shows 0%. For a long time. You will have to "earn" the Geneticist rank again, before the counter will show progress towards Elite.
That's a good point!

Is that how the progress thing was suppposed to work? Or was it from the current point forward i.e. you current progress would/should have remained as is but slowed from then on?
That's a good point!

Is that how the progress thing was suppposed to work? Or was it from the current point forward i.e. you current progress would/should have remained as is but slowed from then on?
Of course I don't know either, but I assume those ranks are a pretty simple calculation, especially the ones tracked by credit income. Every time you get money, the game checks if you have moved past a threshold. If yes, award rank.

Your past progress hasn't changed at all, only these thresholds have (and you got to keep your rank, even if it's not actually "correct" now). It will just take longer to get to the next threshold, but nothing has been wiped.

(In before Sally tells us something has been wiped. 😝 Nah, I really don't think that's the case.)
This is what i find quite interesting.

1) Post U14 some people were overly fussed about something that is basically a tag with almost 0 effect in game - and i refer to Exobio ranking.
How is getting a tag "too fast" or "faster" going to affect the game balance?
The answer is really simple. It not going to affect the game in any way.
It affects the prestige of the higher ranks! If you can get to an Elite rank very quickly, it is not a significant achievement, and you do not get any respect for it from other players. But when you had to work long and hard for that rank, you are more proud of it and get more respect from other players.
Hi! Many people already have asked this question, so can you, please, answer it - Is there a fix for the payouts not matching what vistanomics says they will pay us as well?
"Attempting to use carrier management to jump to any location within a system map will be met with "Not a Valid Carrier Destination" until player re-enters this menu"

it is not fixed for me. I still have to open / close / reopen a system map to select a body for a FC destination
Same here.
Guys, I'm pretty sure there was no "reset" to 0% - it's just the thresholds that have moved. I don't know the new limits yet, but I'll try to give an example anyway.

Let's say you were rank Geneticist and have made 50% progress towards being Elite. That meant you have submitted about 300m credits worth of data with the old numbers. If the new limit for Elite is now 5b instead of 400m, the lower ranks would have changed as well. With your 300m of submitted data you wouldn't even be Geneticist. But Frontier won't take away acquired ranks. The result is the progress now shows 0%. For a long time. You will have to "earn" the Geneticist rank again, before the counter will show progress towards Elite.
Exactly this. But a couple of things - ideally, any rank from before U14 would count as much as new rank does, but it looks like fix broke this. Also, they could make it so you still showed 50% towards elite from your example - but that last 50% would then be that extra 4.6Bn or whatever. Your progress would still increase but very slowly.

This is what i find quite interesting.

1) Post U14 some people were overly fussed about something that is basically a tag with almost 0 effect in game - and i refer to Exobio ranking.
How is getting a tag "too fast" or "faster" going to affect the game balance?
The answer is really simple. It not going to affect the game in any way.
It doesn't affect game balance at all, obviously. Does it have to? Conversely, I'm not sure I'll bother with too much exobio once I hit Elite V - what's wrong with making that take some time? We've already established it doesn't affect balance. I'm still bitter Elite V in exploration is so trivial now (Elite C, when ?)

2) Some other people were concerned not with ranking, but with credits balance.
Getting 234 millions from a single system plus an whooping 4x first discovery bonus, totaling 1.1 billions - for an activity that does not require any ingame character progress (it can be done equally effective in the started sidewinder with a g1 store-bought artemis suit) and pose 0 risk whatsoever and requires 0 skill felt waaaay too much
With this sort of monetary rewards, they could as well remove the credits from the game and replace the BUY buttons with GET buttons.

Even 234 millions plus a 1x first discovery bonus feels a bit too much for an activity that requires 0 skill and 0 character progress.
But at least it was sort of better than 4x first discovery bonus

And no, dont ever get to, but balancing and getting the monetary rewards in line with the rest of activities.
What activities?
Stacking massacre missions (to get 100-200 millions credits per hour) requires a good combat skill and a good engineered ship - so a certain solid level of character progression
Mining platinum to get 150 millions per hour requires unlocking and engineering a Cutter and also good flying skills and not at last, resorting to mapped mining.
Bulk trading also requires a solid engineered large ship and solid flying skills.

Exobiology, as i said - does not requires anything of this.
It's the new road-to-riches for new players, Spansh even updated its magic plotter :)

So, to conclude - the faster increase in ranking system is not a real problem - or at least not a problem that really needed fixing, not at the cost of people losing apparent progress over it
But getting billions due to payout increases and 4x first discovery was a real problem (IMO ofc)

Exobiology requires "no skill", but combat does? The rules-based, utterly predictable combat requires skill? I'll take your word for that 😂😂😂.

Go earn a billion in Exobiology and tell me how long it takes you. I'll wait. I'll even let you use spansh's plotter. I'll give you a clue though - it won't top AX combat at some 300m/hr, and it won't top massacre missions either.

Conversely, if the buff to exobiology encourages others to try it then that's a good thing. If it encourages people to maybe even pick up Odyssey - even better.
Same for me, my rank did not change but my % progression to the next one re-set to 0.


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I'm really interested in anyone who's exo rank has reset to 0%. Can you reply/quote this with your experience if you've had it please? So I can keep track. Sorry to be a pain o7
Main account was 32% Taxonomist; now at 0%; one of my alts who was 36% Ecologist is now also 0%. As yet, not had chance to check my other alts.

Sally, you are never a pain :) o7
I'm really interested in anyone who's exo rank has reset to 0%. Can you reply/quote this with your experience if you've had it please? So I can keep track. Sorry to be a pain o7
I am at Geneticist rank - I was roughly 20/25% in, don't tend to track that closely. I now show 0% progress, I note I handed in roughly 100mil credit worth after this today and did not note any progression. I would note Commander 'Zimms', I think it was, on p8 here, and had assumed the same - basically a value tracker in the background that has not 'reset' but has not now progressed past the new trigger for Geneticist. Hard to confirm as I don't know what the new 'trigger' levels are.
I'm really interested in anyone who's exo rank has reset to 0%. Can you reply/quote this with your experience if you've had it please? So I can keep track. Sorry to be a pain o7
I was "Cataloguer" with a good 90% progress to the next rank. Now at 0%. Cash in from several dozens of samples was a mere 46 mio. Was a bit surprised that the payout was nerfed so drastically.
exobiology... I think many of us are going to be stuck on 0% of X for a while :) (which is not an issue)

basically, the new rank limits, mean we don't lose our titles...
however we will stay at 0% on that rank until we reach the new ranking limit.

lets say new exobiologist limit is now 500k , up from 125k
then Im going to stay on exobiologist 0%, until I hit 500k
so even though I might have been 50% exobiologist (so around 175k)...
Im going to be 0% until I reach 500k.

I guess we can consider we have honorary titles :)

this is not a reset, you still have as many credits earned towards new titles... they just don't count for as much !

ps I don't know what the new limits are, how can we find this out?
I'm really interested in anyone who's exo rank has reset to 0%. Can you reply/quote this with your experience if you've had it please? So I can keep track. Sorry to be a pain o7

As requested, dropped from ~45% progress through Taxonomist yesterday to now 0% progress.

(per both in-game panels and inara)
I had a smidgen of progress in Taxonomist which has now gone back to zero ... but I'm not that bothered as I recently experienced the "go up two ranks in one go" phenomenon.

However, I had felt a noticeable performance improvement from U14 which U14.01 seems to have killed, and that makes me sad. Easy come easy go I guess.
Exobiology requires "no skill", but combat does? The rules-based, utterly predictable combat requires skill?
And I'm talking it as someone, who tried practically everything in this game (mainly exploration).
Because now mainly "hardcore" explorers, which do only it claim, that it require a lot of skill.

No, exobio, and exploration as whole require:
-0 skill (unless you think, that fast FSS big systems is skill :p )
-practically 0 gear. You know, you need fsd, scanner and scoop. All other things (or better) are only QoL. Not "without it you will earn 10m daily, not 100".
-a lot of time
-a little knowledge.

Yes, knowledge, not skill. Knowledge =/= skill.

If you still don't understand it I will use combat as example.
Knowledge- knowing, which ship and modules you need, and how your enemy will behave.
Skill- doing it in PRACTICE.
You probably know "how" kill hydra. If you think, that knowledge is everything- come on, try it, I'm waiting. It require "no skill because is predictable and rules-based" ;)

Problem if people like you is in fact, that you clearly don't understand differencies between skill, knowledge, and you think, that something require "much skill, because you need a lot of time". Time isn't skill, sorry bro.

But I understand, that my opinion isn't worthy for mighty, skillfull explorers, which scan bacterias 10 times faster than me, because in 4 years I spent in void only 2 years, not 5 :D
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