Elite Dangerous Update 15 NOW LIVE - Release Notes


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Greetings Commanders.

It's Tuesday, May 9.
What's 9 + Tuesday? That's right, Update 15, and it's arriving today.

With the Elite Dangerous 'Live/4.0' servers now offline, let's take a quick moment to recap where we are in the schedule then ok, ok, the notes are yours...

Time (BST)Action
05:00Downtime warning ahead of server downtime for Elite Dangerous 'Live/4.0' Commanders - in game broadcast.
07:00Servers for Elite Dangerous 'Live/4.0' will go down. Elite Dangerous 'Legacy' servers will remain online.
15:00 (approx)Servers for Elite Dangerous 'Live/4.0' will return, along with deployment download of Update 15.

Deployment Platform (platform holder build compilation sizes may vary)Approximate Build Size
Steam10 GB
Epic16 GB

Headline Notes:

  • A new mission to restore power to settlements and retrieve data from within Thargoid-controlled territory has been added.
    • This new mission can be found at mission boards in systems in the Alert or Invasion states.
  • The Thargoid Pulse Neutraliser module has been added to Outfitting and Tech Broker at all rescue ships.
    • Commanders who are entitled to one of these modules for their efforts and prior investigations can find theirs stored at the Orunmilla megaship.
  • The Revenant seeks you...
    • Take caution when investigating Thargoid controlled territory at abandoned settlements...
  • What more awaits...? I know it's a bit tease-y but we really do want to see your first hand discoveries and additional mysteries first! There have of course been some teasers out there, as to what you might find as part of the update, but here's to bold new, unfolding mysteries first hand.

The rest I will leave you to digest within the following article: https://www.elitedangerous.com/news/elite-dangerous-update-15-release-notes

In the 'UI' section there have been a number of notable changes made from the UI team! I have labelled these as clearly as possible for you within the notes list and advise you to focus in on them as some include tweaks and changes to flow that you will have previously been used to.

I'm even going to go as far as to spoil what they are here, so they're well on your radar:
    • Representations of multiple fleet carriers can now be stacked on system map.
    • Maps: Data displayed on the right hand panels have been moved around to be more sensical, for example only planets will now have planet information, and trade data will now live on the market panel instead of the information panel.
    • The contacts panel now displays soldier rank rather than combat rank.
    • Consumable slot data is now present on the suit loadout customisation panel.
    • Frontline Solutions map now disables the 'View planetary map' button when selecting stations.
    • Maps: Now showing suggested systems for specific systems states in the anti-xeno panel to clarify the weekly reset.
    • Maps: Added fleet carriers as a POI category, so you can see at a glance what services a fleet carrier has active.
    • Updated the flow in outfitting when equipping a clean module to a hot ship.
      • When trying to equip a clean module to a hot ship you will now get a confirmation popup before choosing a slot and we no longer re-open the equip popup after this step.
There have also been a plethora of notable issue tracker issues addressed as part of Update 15, which would really benefit from a shout out. They all have their corresponding tracker links in line, over in the full article (this post would bloat massively if I was to include them here though).

To the bottom of the notes article you'll find a 'Known Issues' list included. Once again, do please take note of these with our thanks for your patience as the team keep them as a priority to investigate further and address as soon as they're able.
We will of course keep you notified of progress we hear on them as we move forward.

  • Propulsion Elements require adding to Caustic Generator loot. Currently they are only available following Thargoid defeat.

Once again, your update notes article link is here: https://www.elitedangerous.com/news/elite-dangerous-update-15-release-notes

This thread will remain locked until server downtime lifts. In the meantime I'll be here talking to myself, or rather making sure that any information you may need in light of Update 15 releasing to schedule is provided in comments.

I'll do the countdown thing. No worries.

Here we go then! See you in a few hours!

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Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous

Whilst we're in a little more of a 'comfortable waiting state', I'm sure you have, of course, but if you're stuck for something to read/get involved in down the line, have you seen this? forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/the-buckyball-racing-club-presents-thargoid-structure-scramble-2-swift-16-championship-race-2.616507/
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