Elite Dangerous Update 15 NOW LIVE - Release Notes

A coolish shieldless Clipper with A grade long range sensors and lots of limpets did it for me. Did all my scanning from 900+m away, never had one proximity detonate on me.

I think the tissue samples can be sold on FCs too, so capitalism could also be a solution.

I've got 5 stored on my FC, you are welcome to those if your bad luck continues!
Thanks, I'm gonna keep trying tomorrow. I will try with Conda as no PP ships (not my RP).
The material requirement for the pulse neutraliser isn't high.
Realistically it's:
1 visit to a guardian site to pick up a relic
1 visit to the crashed thargoid ship to pick up sensor fragments and a probe
1 visit to a thargoid machine to pickle the relic into a grelic
1 visit to a maelstrom to headbutt the centre 5 times
Shoot a few scouts for propulsion elements

What grind?

I've been playing the game daily since Odyssey, just obviously not in the correct way, as I now need to undertake specific tasks to gather materials before I can engage with the new update content.

Using spansh to calculate the number of jumps an average 30ly ship would take to travel to the systems for Guardian Sites, Crashed Thargoid Ships from Sol:

HIP 17125354.940.0014
HIP 14909137.630.006
HIP 20567288.730.0011
Synuefe XR-H d11-102370.960.0014

1 jump per min on average = 45 mins.
Lets say 20 mins per activity, on average. 20x5 = 100 mins.

So I guess 145 mins - say 2.5 hours per module, optimistically; assuming no rebuys, failures, interdictions and not accounting for Super Cruise. I'd add an average of 5-10 mins per system for SC so let's add another hour.

For those who are "time poor" this is a fairly significant barrier to entry just to unlock the module on one ship, not accounting for the time needed to engineer that ship sufficiently (which is going to be a lot more).

  • Edit: So far it's taken me 4 hours travelling around, installing the right ship modules, getting sensors and relics.
  • Edit 2: You also need to install corrosive resistant cargo racks before starting.
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Have scouts been buffed in the update? I just took my shieldless Maelstrom Clipper for a quick recce, usually by the time I reach the Maelstrom I'm still on 97%+ hull (submit & boost away through all the interceptions). Today I'm down to 79% - each hit from a scout seemed to drop the hull 1%.
Scouts have defiantly been buffed, Wonder if this is a Stealth Buff or a Bug....
Well, I'm dumbfounded. This was the smoothest patch day from as far back as I can remember. It included new options, bug fixes, and no new bugs (that I've seen). Good job, FDev.... I didn't think that was possible :)
FDev should capitalize on all this good will with a new Odyssey sale.

How's performance? I've read a few reports that people feel it's smoother and faster. Is that a consensus with the majority of players?
Interdicted twice en route to the planet - neither interdiction could be evaded so it was a case of take damage and boost until waking again
Yea Submit to the goids, then start boosting (perhaps with silent running on ) and get away faster because your cool down is shorter and you get a head start before the goid drops in, same thing you do with Human Commanders .......
FDev should capitalize on all this good will with a new Odyssey sale.

How's performance? I've read a few reports that people feel it's smoother and faster. Is that a consensus with the majority of players?
I haven't run my fps counter, but on a 2020 i7 RTX 2060 laptop I have seen a definite boost in overall look and feel. Whatever they did, the lighting looks better and dare I say that I think it has softened some of those aliasing issues. Played quite a bit today to finally unlock the caustic sinks and on mostly ultra with 2.00x supersampling, it felt good. There is a definite sharper visual look and feel that was immediately apparant once I loaded it, in the good way. I haven't gone onfoot yet, that's the real test, but for Odyssey I settled on trading overall FPS in the 30-40s onfoot and when things get busy for a less aliased look and this update has been pretty sweet so far. It could be placebo but it feels smoother to the point of having maybe 10+ extra FPS.

I haven't visited the center of the Maelstrom, but it's next on the list now I can get the rest of the things I need to unlock the maelstrom pulse neutralizer wotsit. I was at Taranis earlier in open and it was going off constantly while I was trying to get the last three tissue samples and caustic components. lol.

My first impression is that Odyssey might finally really be where it was always intended to be.

o7 to Frontier, this is looking really nice so far and I can't wait (if I can avoid spoilers) to visit the center of the maelstrom tomorrow.
Well, I'm dumbfounded. This was the smoothest patch day from as far back as I can remember. It included new options, bug fixes, and no new bugs (that I've seen). Good job, FDev.... I didn't think that was possible :)
rubs eyes

checks calendar date for April 1st

crosses out 'don't' from 'don't play on patch day'
The best feature of this update (for keyboard+mouse users) wasn't in the patch notes.
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