Elite Dangerous | Update 18.06 | Thargoid War overhaul |Tuesday 28 May 2024

I still think the Titans just sitting there and letting us knock them over, with a weapon adapted from their old enemies, is ridiculous. If I was being attacked by a weapon that a) I had no defence against and b) could always adapt to anything I did, I would not sit around waiting to be killed by it.
I know what you mean and you can throw rotten tomatoes at me.
I'm not. Back to the game.
1. Tahrgoids are not human.
2. The Guardians, the Thargoids were eventually chased here by the LOR.
I still think the Titans just sitting there and letting us knock them over, with a weapon adapted from their old enemies, is ridiculous. If I was being attacked by a weapon that a) I had no defence against and b) could always adapt to anything I did, I would not sit around waiting to be killed by it.
That too. Or if they for some reason, somehow, can’t figure out how to neutralize those Guardian nanobots before they disrupt the heat vents, then at least make it look like the Titans aren’t just waiting to be slapped in the… whatever. Don’t think they have anything to be qualified as a “face”. Be that retreating, actually trying those ‘alert spams’ once in a while but if it fails, they don’t get any for a week or two(or three, could even make it dynamic depending on how many were fended off/didn’t go to control)… with respect to existing war rules, not overriding cooldowns.

Or they could’ve just made them move around. Threaten something actually important. The importance of the spires was played up in GalNet but in the end, they literally only ever served the purpose of swatting Thargoids. Hadad went down faster than the others despite having one up and running, which just tells me their gameplay effects for the Thargoids are literally zero. Barring the initial period where the matrix systems were fully unclearable(also ignoring the hiccup with pod rescues as those were introduced).

So… yeah, if spires are actually that irrelevant, and are just flicked on or off by the Thargoids based on how they feel(sure looks that way, considering how Indra just has 7 of its 8 running again right now, despite claims that the “spire contaminant” was effective at shutting them off), I don’t really get them never changing positions with the Titans at all.

I could rant about this a lot more. And also the whole shtick of Aegis suddenly deciding it needs to stop being a research organization first and military coordinator of the war second for… absolutely no reason, really. As far as I’m understanding Alba Tesreau’s character… that does, in fact, not seem very in character, especially the part where there’s literally not been any research since those Titan assaults set off. I don’t think it’s going to be very useful to analyze internal components and structures of a Titan AFTER they are gone, or magically yield a translator device, for that matter.

… and on the subject of pod rescues, thanks to decisions being made, the moral dilemma of those [humans] remaining on the Titans was immediately just brushed off with “We’re going to blow them up, deal with it” before it even started.

Frankly, as someone who only does AX on the wayside occasionally, on an alt, I couldn’t have been more bored or disappointed with the end of this mess. There’s practically nothing to do in it except pull out pods while a Titan is busy exploding, or continue to run evacs in the invasion format which, while good, has also run for a year or so (with a few months of mostly alert clearing) and at least for me doesn’t hold nearly the same entertainment value. Though part of that still has to do with the complete lack of story content not making me too motivated to engage with the war, period.

Though I did support the player initiative to retrieve as many pods from a Titan before it explodes as possible, for Oya and Leigong. Probably will if or when Raijin’s turn comes too.

Anyway, cutting the post here because thoughts are starting to run totally errant as they tend to.
I know what you mean and you can throw rotten tomatoes at me.
I'm not. Back to the game.
1. Tahrgoids are not human.
2. The Guardians, the Thargoids were eventually chased here by the LOR.
No fruit, rotten or otherwise, needed :)

And yes ascribing human values to aliens is always going to be a contradiction in terms to an extent, but sitting there waiting to be killed? Is this where we find out the Thargoids are secret masochists?
That too. Or if they for some reason, somehow, can’t figure out how to neutralize those Guardian nanobots before they disrupt the heat vents, then at least make it look like the Titans aren’t just waiting to be slapped in the… whatever. Don’t think they have anything to be qualified as a “face”.
Considering where the core comes out it might be the other end we are slapping. I don't know, maybe they enjoy that.

Think we'd better stop there, kink shaming aliens is probably not what they had in mind :)
Considering where the core comes out it might be the other end we are slapping. I don't know, maybe they enjoy that.

Think we'd better stop there, kink shaming aliens is probably not what they had in mind :)
I think they see it as what it is. A thermal exhaust core for emergencies. (Probably for emergencies, anyway, since it is rather vulnerable compared to the rest of the Titan.)

… and I’m of the belief the maw side of the Titan is the “bottom” of it, so to speak. The side with the hearts, “pylons” and all that does appear much more armored. And more what I’d expect to be the “top” or front of a/the ship. Could swear there’s a lot more turrets there too.

(Not that it really matters since our puny weapons can’t do a thing unless the vulnerable internal components are exposed… but I would’ve figured it’d end up as more of a multi-stage fight where you shoot one part which exposes another or removes armor to hit internals, etc, than hitting a “pineapple” or “corn cob” until the whole thing just blows up.)
No fruit, rotten or otherwise, needed :)

And yes ascribing human values to aliens is always going to be a contradiction in terms to an extent, but sitting there waiting to be killed? Is this where we find out the Thargoids are secret masochists?
Masochism is peculiar only to sick people, there is no such thing in nature. Nor, for that matter, are gankers.
Masochism is peculiar only to sick people, there is no such thing in nature.
But the Thargoids are not simply animals, like us they have developed technology so they don't just randomly mutate according to their environment. Just as we don't and haven't ever since we discovered how to make fire and built our first tools and shelters. So that only applies if you think Thargoids are no more than animals, which is pretty arrogant and xenophobic.
I mean it's a fair point that at times they have done things and not been honest with us about the reasons for it or worse, insulted our intelligence with obvious excuses and deflections.

Undoubtedly—that needs saying how it is though, as you did, and as opposed to lying back to Frontier about these upcoming changes! Definitely a naughty omission is how the item "Hunting Orthrus in alert systems" is not followed with "as we intended 18 months ago and apologise now for assuming it was the best approach when it was not"; my point was that is still actually a change, and not a "back-pedal" as this post claimed.

Hopefully next week's video will tell us more about T8 and PP2.0 and not just what a cool change 18.06 is.

I think new Powerplay received enough close attention last month, although showing some non-Aisling port pictures would be nice. Definitely the focus ought to be on a Type-8 showcase, and between the next two Frontier Unlocked broadcasts I would want the third new starship and second major feature announced!
Undoubtedly—that needs saying how it is though, as you did, and as opposed to lying back to Frontier about these upcoming changes! Definitely a naughty omission is how the item "Hunting Orthrus in alert systems" is not followed with "as we intended 18 months ago and apologise now for assuming it was the best approach when it was not"; my point was that is still actually a change, and not a "back-pedal" as this post claimed.
Oh for sure it's not a back pedal. After all that implies it went somewhere in the first place :)
I mean it's a fair point that at times they have done things and not been honest with us about the reasons for it or worse, insulted our intelligence with obvious excuses and deflections.

They gaslighted us for not doing Alerts without even acknowledging that we were doing them - until they quadrupled their difficulty at a time when we were getting dozens of them a week so that difficulty increase really wasn't necessary, and made them so hard that it would take all week to do a few of them which was an unproductive use of our time. That was why we stopped and not, as they seem to think, because we were stupid. Way to appeal to your player base by publicly calling them idiots and even more galling when the idiocy was on their side, not ours. Slow clap.

Then there was the knee jerk reaction to sampling by nerfing it, instead of doing what they are finally doing now and making other activities worth doing instead. The fact they are doing it now proves they could have done it any time. Instead they spent months treating us as if we wanted to do sampling, which amongst fun things to do is up there with having your teeth pulled by a blind chimpanzee with dyspraxia, a pair of pliers and no anaesthetic.

Then the spamming of Alerts at Oya to cover up that they needed an extra week to fix Titan bugs. Like a child too scared to come clean and admit they made a mistake they covered it up with bluster and a non story about Orthruses that went nowhere.

So I get where the poster is coming from that they have been less than honest with us and condescended to us as if we were fools who didn't know what we're doing, not because we didn't but because they only skim read the situation and couldn't be bothered to look properly at what we were doing. Snarky remarks on their livestreams about us doing things the hard way with zero self awareness or recognition of their own ignorance as part of the problem.

I think they sometimes forget what a large middle aged to late middle aged demographic they have, people who have been round the block a few times and can see that painfully obvious excuse making a mile off. And it doesn't fool us for a second.

But yes, this is them finally doing what they should have done a year ago. Paying attention and not just coming out with gaslighting nonsense because they didn't read the room.

If I wanted to be presented with a series of spectacles I would have gone to an optician. What I wanted was some depth and intelligence applied to the process and we didn't get it. Instead of realising its potential as a high concept science fantasy war and embracing the chance to do something truly different we got a lame re-enactment of WW2 in space with tired old tropes about supply lines and beachheads. Which makes absolutely no sense against a species with far superior hyperspace abilities than we have, whose hyperspace abilities we cannibalised and produced an inferior version of just to get anywhere at all. They could have run rings around us, which is why at one point I wondered if this was an experiment on the part of the Thargoids, trying war our way as a test.

We'll do it because there's nothing else to do and some of it is fun and we're committed to finishing what we started but still - what an absolute, imagination deficit, dull, processional, by the numbers and clichéd waste of a good idea.
All of this... Was exactly the point that I was making. Bullseye
Undoubtedly—that needs saying how it is though, as you did, and as opposed to lying back to Frontier about these upcoming changes! Definitely a naughty omission is how the item "Hunting Orthrus in alert systems" is not followed with "as we intended 18 months ago and apologise now for assuming it was the best approach when it was not"; my point was that is still actually a change, and not a "back-pedal" as this post claimed.

I think new Powerplay received enough close attention last month, although showing some non-Aisling port pictures would be nice. Definitely the focus ought to be on a Type-8 showcase, and between the next two Frontier Unlocked broadcasts I would want the third new starship and second major feature announced!

This "change"

Combat bonds have been adjusted for the following Thargoid ships:
  • Cyclops 6,500,000 → 8,000,000
  • Basilisk 20,000,000 → 24,000,000
  • Medusa 34,000,000 → 40,000,000
  • Hydra 50,000,000 → 60,000,000
  • ???Orthrus 40,000,000 → 15,000,000??? ---- Is this an error?

    This reward structure is how thargoid payouts were around update 13 / 14 and prior to the war. Around the start of the thargoid war, and when they reballanced exo biology, they reduced the payouts of thargoid interceptors

    Thargoids used to be 8mill, 24mill, 40, 60 mill .... But they lowered them to 6.5, 20, 34, 50...
    So it's absolutely a back pedal, by reverting the payouts to what they used to be
  • ???Orthrus 40,000,000 → 15,000,000??? ---- Is this an error?
No, it's probably just to stop people making easy billions by blowing them away at Spire Sites. Or at least slow it down a bit.

After a certain point money is meaningless anyway. After getting a carrier, having enough upkeep for your grandkids to inherit it and more rebuys than you will ever need there's nothing to do with it. Much more important in this context, and at this stage of the war, is the war progress from killing them.
This reward structure is how thargoid payouts were around update 13 / 14 and prior to the war. Around the start of the thargoid war, and when they reballanced exo biology, they reduced the payouts of thargoid interceptors

Thargoids used to be 8mill, 24mill, 40, 60 mill .... But they lowered them to 6.5, 20, 34, 50...
So it's absolutely a back pedal, by reverting the payouts to what they used to be
That part of it can be seen as a reversal in a way if you take an overly reductionist view of it but it's a very superficial comparison. It's not even being done for the same reason. The rest of the update, and the more important part, is not a reversal of anything but a long overdue way forward. None of that has been done before.

The prices going back to what they were is the least important and most trivial part of the update.

Sorry if this is not the place to ask,

What is the next TITAN target?

I am a little curious, how will these new Counterstrikes work? Because right now, Counterstrike systems SEEM to only do one thing; inhabited counterstrikes get spread pushback from Thargoid Bio-Storage Capsule turn-ins.

But most of the outermost systems are going to be uninhabited, so it seems like this won't do anything? That's just how it reads to me. I've done a lot of testing, trying to figure out the thargoid war, so even just a hint in the right direction would be nice.
But the Thargoids are not simply animals, like us they have developed technology so they don't just randomly mutate according to their environment. Just as we don't and haven't ever since we discovered how to make fire and built our first tools and shelters. So that only applies if you think Thargoids are no more than animals, which is pretty arrogant and xenophobic.
I'm not sure what you mean. Is it how bees sleep in the winter? Do you remember Saimak's story (I think it was him) when a man covered an anthill with a hood?
But the Thargoids are not simply animals, like us they have developed technology so they don't just randomly mutate according to their environment. Just as we don't and haven't ever since we discovered how to make fire and built our first tools and shelters. So that only applies if you think Thargoids are no more than animals, which is pretty arrogant and xenophobic.
You're a talking monkey flying through space on a giant rock.
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