Elite Dangerous | Update 18.06 | Thargoid War overhaul |Tuesday 28 May 2024

Yeah for tissue sampling not being the deciding factor in the invasion!
I also like the economic adjustments for Thargoid combat and mission rewards. The boards are getting closer and closer to making sense and not being a sore spot.

There are so many good changes in 18.06 that demonstrate that active thought and adjustments are happening for the enjoyment of the players.
The sampling over-value invalidated the ant-invasion efforts and anti-thargoid combat in general to a point where they didn't matter at all.
I hope we see the same addressing of that kind of mechanical imbalance in a more rapid response. It's nice to see that the ED team is seemingly re-engaging.
Yeah for tissue sampling not being the deciding factor in the invasion!
I also like the economic adjustments for Thargoid combat and mission rewards. The boards are getting closer and closer to making sense and not being a sore spot.

There are so many good changes in 18.06 that demonstrate that active thought and adjustments are happening for the enjoyment of the players.
The sampling over-value invalidated the ant-invasion efforts and anti-thargoid combat in general to a point where they didn't matter at all.
I hope we see the same addressing of that kind of mechanical imbalance in a more rapid response. It's nice to see that the ED team is seemingly re-engaging.
Agreed.. it really feels like we are on a new push to make Elite more player focused and that's a really good thing. Wanna say thanks to FDEV for their efforts!
We don't see the new changes until after Hadad. On Tuesday May 28.
well, it was more of a hint to perhaps consider reevaluing expectations in face of the reality of already multiple times adjusted titan fights, progress and rewards, rather than some exact comparison of settings, but sure ^^
If the thing is practically invulnerable until the tip-over point it makes being available on Thursday/Friday the only way to truly engage.
I did 2M on Tuesday (to cover me for a week until next Monday).
I did 2M on Wednesday (to cover me 'til Tuesday).
OK, it was harder, and took 3 or 4 runs on the core, but I got the 2M - I am working all weekend so will probs miss the big KABOOM, but tagged my 2M for all the rewards (as I have done for all 3 up to now).

On Thursday, after it became vulnerable, I got >2M per run on the core, but ONLY in Solo - I tried Open a couple of times but Titan was stuck on blue vents and no core (about 40 CMDR's and hundreds of Tharg scouts - instance totally bugged).

It is too late now, I know for Hadad, but everyone PLEASE, PLEASE note that on the next Titan (June/July/August?), an hour spent on a Tues/Wed just to get 2M, covers you for 7 days after, in case it is destroyed within those 7 days (which all 3 previously have).
All the rest of your playing time in that week, can be doing whatever you like!

It is also unlikely to last until Saturday as it stands, so anyone who can't play until Sat WILL miss out on the rewards unless you have spent a simple hours worth getting 2M in the last 6 days. SIMPLES.

EDIT - I also will avoid going into it tonight after work as, although I do enjoy the bombing runs, I will refrain and let other CMDR's get a nibble on it and partake of the rewards.
EDIT2 - maybe not!
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I hope with the rebalancing some concideration is being given to the TITANS hits points, right now It's way to low, 3.25 Hearts left after 33 hrs or so, a lot of CMDR's will be shut out by this, not everyone can chip in with such a small window.

Contributions can be in the 7 days leading up to the kill. So watch the progress, when you see that the control systems are going to get knocked down sufficiently on next tick for it to be vulnerable, go hit it for 2mil before the tick. You do not have to hit it in the "compromised" window for your contributions to count.
I got my 2 mil on Monday night just in case I couldn't get to it before it goes down. This does require monitoring progress, but that can be done at dcoh.watch
I did 2M on Tuesday (to cover me for a week until next Monday).
I did 2M on Wednesday (to cover me 'til Tuesday).
OK, it was harder, and took 3 or 4 runs on the core, but I got the 2M - I am working all weekend so will probs miss the big KABOOM, but tagged my 2M for all the rewards (as I have done for all 3 up to now)
I've done similar in the past, but this has often been based on some progress having been made in reducing controls, therefore being somewhere along the curve of resistance. I've never tried to hit a Titan at maximum resistance, so I'm wondering what the chances of this being viable in the two tier approach are?
Contributions can be in the 7 days leading up to the kill. So watch the progress, when you see that the control systems are going to get knocked down sufficiently on next tick for it to be vulnerable, go hit it for 2mil before the tick. You do not have to hit it in the "compromised" window for your contributions to count.
I got my 2 mil on Monday night just in case I couldn't get to it before it goes down. This does require monitoring progress, but that can be done at dcoh.watch
You're writing about now, aren't you?
Probably from the translation I am not clear, judging by the description of the change after 18.06 - NO TICK !

Now I select a system under Thargoid control on the map and I see - the possibility of contact for another 5 days.
I think after the patch this figure will not be !

Right now you are given a week to destroy the Titan, and progress is increasing. As I see from the description - after the patch - progress will be linear and the state can change at any hour !
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You may disagree, but I'm guessing after the patch there will be a notable decline in player interest in the sites and the war overall as people move to other things after earning their cash. It happens very often after a widely enjoyed source of cash gets nerfed, almost like clockwork.
There may or may not. I can't agree or disagree on something that have yet come to pass. :D

Ofc they can do both; i only stated the reasons for my viewpoint on the orthrus which i think makes sense to a degree given the observations.
-whether it be true or not, only the devs know.

Edit, just saw this:
Please note that Orthrus destruction at a Spire site is not even much help for the peripheral progress! They have been tested as providing exactly the same progress as one Scout, so Commanders who have a peripheral progress goal should actually just destroy the Banshees and Revenants, chase the Orthrus away then destroy its Scouts instead. If missions are also increasing in progress value, consider augmenting your Credits by stacking those elsewhere for Scout kills before visiting the Spire site, assuming that said missions do not gain system-specific requirements.

If Orthrus-hunting and evacuation missions become more valuable for progress in Alert systems, they will replace much of the Research means in use at present, where kind Commanders do the latter at present for negative Credits.
Duly noted. :D
Just as a clarification, any Thargoid war action within a Spire system will result in spread pushback. For example, destroying Interceptors or completing an Anti Xeno Combat Zone.
Probably been asked a few times but will AX Reactivations be restored? The "hostile" ones are missing from Alert and Invasion systems at the moment and have been since the last update. It would be nice to have them back or an explanation for their disappearance.
My personal expectation for the spires with reduced Orthrus payouts is it will be less the credit farmers and more the players that actually go there because they enjoy the experience those sites offer(with credits providing a nice bonus), after the update. Plus Titan cleanup "crews".
I hope after the war is over, the spire sites and new titans will be opened up in parts of the permit locked Thargoid space so that assets and gameplay is not just thrown away (and occasional re-incursion into one or two systems for ground combat and AX hostile reactivation missions) - those were all great - but too hard to find... e.g. currently there are NO AX hostile reactivation missions anywhere!
I know what I thought about when I read the phrase "spread pushback." But I better not post it here. :p
Human minds at work…

e.g. currently there are NO AX hostile reactivation missions anywhere!
Which is because they’re bugged. As mentioned at least twice throughout this thread, assuming my terrific memory isn’t failing me badly (again). And it’s not even supposed to be bad yet.
My thought too. In theory I like the idea of a sliding scale and multiple levels of core protection but I guess (if I’m reading this right) that fd realised it was binary in practice (as you describe) and decided to just go with that.
Frontier has a very long history of using exponents where they shouldn't or letting too many multipliers compound so it's kind of refreshing to see them actually recognize what they've done and address it.
eg: Pretty much the entirety of legacy engineering, or how half the grid at the material trader ends up at prices that mechanically cannot be met.
The latter hopefully being one of the things getting addressed in the upcoming content update.
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Probably from the translation I am not clear, judging by the description of the change after 18.06 - NO TICK !

Now I select a system under Thargoid control on the map and I see - the possibility of contact for another 5 days.
I think after the patch this figure will not be !

Right now you are given a week to destroy the Titan, and progress is increasing. As I see from the description - after the patch - progress will be linear and the state can change at any hour !
The original post says “Spread pushback targeting is now dynamic”. Nothing about any other war mechanic becoming dynamic, so I think there will still be a Thursday tick.
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