Elite Sports Stunt Videos: Earn a Paint Job and Win a Stream Feature!

A quick question: can slightly older videos be used, or must they be brand new? I have this one video of some tomfoolery that dates back to just after the Odyssey launch.
Hi I submitted a video via email !
Just one question when the winners will be announced ? Today stream ? Good luck to everyone can't wait to see your videos
Hi I submitted a video via email !
Just one question when the winners will be announced ? Today stream ? Good luck to everyone can't wait to see your videos
Everyone with an eligible submission should get the paintjob according to OP. I assume only a few will be shown on stream and that it will take some time to select those.
Everyone with an eligible submission should get the paintjob according to OP. I assume only a few will be shown on stream and that it will take some time to select those.
With a max length of 30 seconds they could show 60 videos in half an hour. I'd be quite surpised if they even have that many so I'm expecting a livestream where they show them all!
With a max length of 30 seconds they could show 60 videos in half an hour. I'd be quite surpised if they even have that many so I'm expecting a livestream where they show them all!
I’m not sure there will be a livestream entirely dedicated to this, also add general chatter around the contributions ... but I could be wrong of course ...
Hi, have the winners been announced ?
While I'm at it could I ask when the winners will be announced for the tourist nav beacon competition ? Can't wait to see these kind of Cmdr creations. Should be a permanent contest like #stellarscreenshot

Hi, have the winners been announced ?
While I'm at it could I ask when the winners will be announced for the tourist nav beacon competition ? Can't wait to see these kind of Cmdr creations. Should be a permanent contest like #stellarscreenshot

Zac was asked about this on Tuesday's Supercruise News. He said that this kind of livestream takes a bit more effort than the usual ones to put together so we should expect to wait a few weeks (and he hesitated to say "month" ... or was it even going to be "monthS"?) before they're ready to show it. So I'm guessing not until November sometime.
Thanks everyone for your submissions! As Alec said, we'll be sharing the videos on a stream later this year. I'd love to tell you exactly when that will be, but we're still very much in the planning phase so I'm hesitant to stick a date on it at the moment.
Thanks Zac! While you're here ... any news on this one?

While I'm at it could I ask when the winners will be announced for the tourist nav beacon competition ?
Would be interested to know where they are!
Thanks everyone for your submissions! As Alec said, we'll be sharing the videos on a stream later this year. I'd love to tell you exactly when that will be, but we're still very much in the planning phase so I'm hesitant to stick a date on it at the moment.
Is there any way of knowing whether our submissions were considered valid? I submitted but received no reply or feedback.
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