News #Elite30Years - 10 day stream-athon!

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Just as a reminder on the 25th at 1400hrs BST David Braben is doing Elite presentation at EGX. It seems you've listed Fireytoad streaming over this time period. Someone tell Fireytoad to tell everyone on his stream at 1400 to LEAVE and go watch the EGX stream for an hour then come back.
That's the part I don't get. I have limited time to play ED so why would I want to watch someone else play it when I could be playing myself.....:S

For the record I can't juggle is that worth anything???

And I assume also, it's not just watching, you need to sign up/create an account etc etc etc?
I am chatting to the powers that be now, to see what can be announced :D

If there is anything else you folks want to suggest to coincide with the 10 days, please let me know and I will pass it on ;)

Some things that won't really be prizes, but that a lot of posters in the forum have been asking for. Like, another development video, some sneak peeks at what is to come in the next 3 months (October is the start of Q4...).

Personally, I would like to see more details on the stellar forge improvements mentioned in the last newsletter- which was a really interesting comment to me. That long-promised new Q&A with DB in the next newsletter?
Just as a reminder on the 25th at 1400hrs BST David Braben is doing Elite presentation at EGX. It seems you've listed Fireytoad streaming over this time period. Someone tell Fireytoad to tell everyone on his stream at 1400 to LEAVE and go watch the EGX stream for an hour then come back.

He can just host the EGX stream.
Just as a reminder on the 25th at 1400hrs BST David Braben is doing Elite presentation at EGX. It seems you've listed Fireytoad streaming over this time period. Someone tell Fireytoad to tell everyone on his stream at 1400 to LEAVE and go watch the EGX stream for an hour then come back.

I didn't even know that EGX were planning on doing that live, and I am going there! LOL

Tanks for the info, updating OP...
Just thought I would drop by and add I will be streaming 9:30 to 14:30 BST Tuesday and Wednesday this week Monday and Tuesday next week.

I'll be on my teamspeak 3 open for people to join and chat about the game. My stream will be covering making credits and features from the perspective of an Elite noob. First time player of the series from last Friday.

And man have I jumped in deep, bought 2 copies for friends and almost all the skins for ships, plus voice attack and the profiles voice pack. Loving I finally have a use for the X52 pro :p

So come join the stream and see the game from a new players POV. Also looking for vets to give advice I am sure I'm missing out on loads.

find the details in the first post under the community streams spoiler.... with my name misspelled lol ;)
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