Engineered AX Weapons for Everyone!

The aspect I think a lot of people are still ignoring is the ability to pre-charge your shots. On a Class 6 power distributor, that essentially allows you to double the capacity.

While the new Guardian charger does have inferior DPE compared to standard efficient plasmas, it compensates for this with basically double the DPS against resistant enemies.

Pair that with the effectively increased DPE from getting the first shot effectively for free, and I see no reason why this weapon won't be a highly effective option in skilled hands.
I still need more experience with this weapon but overall I'm finding the heat management is far easier with the plasma charger than the gauss cannons. I was having difficulty hitting the hearts at first but I swapped out a heatsink with a xeno scanner and I was able to hit it with even greater accuracy.
After some brief initial tests, I can conclusively say that I'm liking these new Plasma Chargers. Shot speed is ludicrous and the damage is certainly respectable vs. human targets ( least in a HAZ RES). Module damage, while certainly better than stock Plasma Chargers, is nothing to write home about but likewise usable; I managed to actually pop a few powerplants without too much difficulty. More tests against harder targets and some Coriolis build optimizations are needed to see how far these things can be pushed.
On a related note, I had to murder five people in Mainani* to get 36 articulation motors. I used some of them to unlock class 2 turreted plasma chargers at Bright Sentinel, then went to Shenve in the Witchhead Nebula to pin clean drives at Chloe Sedesi's. Seeing all the non-human signal sources, and that Hanna Enterprise was burning, I decided to have a go at snagging some life pods and stuff for mats. Unfortunately, while I was setting up a separate button for the collector, I failed to notice my mining lasers were still on in the same group, and bang, I was all the way back to Merope, with no motors. At which point I discovered that somehow, I hadn't unlocked the chargers as I thought I had (maybe because I died, I really have no idea?).

So I went back to Shenve, as that's where the action is, committed to getting more motors that way. Got another thirty into my 6E cargo bay easily, but then, to make room for another thirty or so, I ended up destroying the damaged pods I was going to trade for them :oops: Of course, what I should have done was destroy a few motors.

I'm at the point now where I have 52 motors, but have summoned my Corvette, for a cool 15 million, to grab some more mat fodder. It's a bit of a moot point, with my hold nearly full, so I was going to ask, if I do a few passenger rescue missions, because I'm such a nice guy, and for the mat rewards, will turning off my cargo hatch reduce the chance of losing cargo (and getting fined) if I don't get out of the station quickly enough? I'd like to think that with heatsinks (which I'm definitely a fan of, now), it won't happen, but it would be interesting if turning the hatch off did protect the cargo.

* sadly, 'dead is dead', and 'murder is murder', very much applies to NPCs, and my HUD told me the charge was murder in no uncertain terms. Still the authorities were very reasonable about me killing five civilians in cold blood when I turned myself in. The only down side was the trek back to Mainaini/Ngalinn.
Am I missing something obvious here. or is there a glitch?

Got back from Shenve, and stored most of my articulation motors in the carrier, taking 30 to Merope. At Bright Sentinel, I (again?) unlocked the Guardian turreted plasma charger, Class 2, and went to Outfitting, as invited by the pop-up.

Couldn't see Experimental weapons, of any kind, anywhere. Left the station and re-docked to see if I would have to unlock again, but no, the class 2 PCs aren't in the technology broker options anymore.

So if the chargers aren't available at Bright Sentinel for collection, where are they? Seems kind of odd that I'd have to go elsewhere, after the Outfitting prompt.

Don't make me break my keyboard, FDev. I'm a commander on the edge.
Am I missing something obvious here. or is there a glitch?

Got back from Shenve, and stored most of my articulation motors in the carrier, taking 30 to Merope. At Bright Sentinel, I (again?) unlocked the Guardian turreted plasma charger, Class 2, and went to Outfitting, as invited by the pop-up.

Couldn't see Experimental weapons, of any kind, anywhere. Left the station and re-docked to see if I would have to unlock again, but no, the class 2 PCs aren't in the technology broker options anymore.

So if the chargers aren't available at Bright Sentinel for collection, where are they? Seems kind of odd that I'd have to go elsewhere, after the Outfitting prompt.

Don't make me break my keyboard, FDev. I'm a commander on the edge.
Modified weapons are a purchase, not an unlock. Check your module storage.
Cheers. I did check my stored modules, and couldn't see anything, though. This wouldn't explain the 'Go to Outfitting' prompt either, but I'll check again when I'm in the game.
I've heard nothing from the Support Agents for four days now, despite losing weapons blueprints and other mats, and gaining nothing in return. The last reply noted that I had a plasma charger in my hardpoints, but when I explained that that was a class 1 fixed, and not modified, that I bought ages ago, I heard nothing more. It also doesn't explain why I can't even see a modified turreted class 2 plasma charger option now at Bright Sentinel (which may have jumped, or be about to).
[...] I (again?) unlocked the Guardian turreted plasma charger, Class 2, and went to Outfitting, as invited by the pop-up.

The engineered ("modified") plasma charger is only available as a fixed weapon, there is no turreted version. Unfortunately, Bright Sentinel also offers the regular Guardian stuff, so you need to check twice. The modified weapons (plasma chargers, shard cannons, and gauss - with gauss being the least usable) are listed alongside the regular ones. Unlike the regular unlocks, the modified weapons' unlock screen explicitly mentions that you will unlock a single item only.
Dayum. As I said to the Agent, 'I would much rather that this was a dumb mistake on my part'. Is it possible that I saw the words 'turreted' and 'Class 2', while eying through the experimental unlocks, and in my excitement failed to realise that I was now looking at a different weapon? Nothing in the screenshot I belatedly took says turreted, or even gimballed, but I'm sure I saw something that was turreted, and now don't. I'll have to comb my stored modules, and ships for anything else in light blue.

It might be a moot point, though. I did buy two Guardian turreted PMs at Shinrarta, and tried them in Merope. The trouble with turreted PMs is that, fired at an angle while moving, the shots are too slow to be accurate at anything more than point blank. They seem to work best with large, slow targets, and I'm not going up against big Thargoids, or any Thargoids, in anything but a support capacity.

Good for chipping away at Anacondas robbing an installation, though, with charged shots.
I personally find the "regular" plasma chargers (turreted or not) not very useful at all. The same is true for the "regular" shard cannons.

The modified plasmas otoh are quite something - among other things, the much improved speed (6000 m/s) - making them a viable alternative to gauss (still slower, but produce less heat). Modified shard cannons similarly improve over regular ones - much less spread, improved projectile speed. Both modified versions are now actually useful for AX combat.

Some other commander made youtube videos demo'ing both, which made me grind for the modified weapons:
Shame they nerfed the burst gauss so hard.

I bought like 6 of those things in various sizes, and they are worse than regular gauss now.
They were not nerfed. They were bugged on release and never intended to do 4x the damage of regular gauss. They just fixed this bug. This should be quite obvious since it would completely trivialize any AX encounter.
Arguably, they are worse than regular gauss now. So if that's the intention then that's simply bad design.
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