COMPLETED CG Enhanced Missile Rack Initiative (Mining)

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Not sure if anyone noticed, but 16 proto radiolic alloys is needed to purchase it, and not proto light alloys.

That makes it ridiculously expensive since you only need at most 7 PRAs for max G5 lighweight.

But then again, it's double engineered and you don't need military supercapacitators which is much harder to get compared to PRA.
Remember you don’t need any of the materials required for the lower grades either.
I joined the goal last night and got some Bromellite this morning and sold it off, I am still showing as 0 tonnes collected does this take time to update or am I not meant to sell but give it over somehow (I checked for that first) but could not find anything. and yes I am selling to Awyra Flirble
I joined the goal last night and got some Bromellite this morning and sold it off, I am still showing as 0 tonnes collected does this take time to update or am I not meant to sell but give it over somehow (I checked for that first) but could not find anything. and yes I am selling to Awyra Flirble
Left hand panel not always up to date, mission board in station best place to check.
I joined the goal last night and got some Bromellite this morning and sold it off, I am still showing as 0 tonnes collected does this take time to update or am I not meant to sell but give it over somehow (I checked for that first) but could not find anything. and yes I am selling to Awyra Flirble
Also make sure that you are signed up for the CG otherwise selling does not count towards the CG.
Have you tried the triple Bromellite hotspot in Col 285 Sector VH-K b9-2, planet 5, B ring?
I don't need the triple as I don't do that many runs in a row...
If I was doing it constantly for 3 hours yes you need the triple as the haz res loop could be completed but I only mine just enough in a day to cover around half of the haz res circle loop... to avoid the bordem setting in... I also split the mining into morning and afternoon thais avoids the 3hours wait for lasered rocks to respawn...
The triples slower to fill a cutter as you need to fly to many many more rocks to try to counter the 100% bonus chucks per rock in a haz res inside a hot spot spits out... but the triple allows for many more runs in the 3 hours before rocks reset...
I joined the goal last night and got some Bromellite this morning and sold it off, I am still showing as 0 tonnes collected does this take time to update or am I not meant to sell but give it over somehow (I checked for that first) but could not find anything. and yes I am selling to Awyra Flirble
It takes a few minutes to update. Mine took about 5 minutes after the first drop off to show.
I can't be arxed with flying halfway across the galaxy for bromellite, I have a single hotspot bookmaked relatively close to the cg and have done one run with a Python full but the rest have been holds full of (combined) osmium and samarium from a pristine metallic I know 3 jumps away, so far sitting at 50.5m made from sales on 955 tons, plus 20m coming from the tier 2 reward, which will keep the wolf from the door for my noob alt nicely.
To be really efficient you need to focus only on laser mining, ignore cores and ssd - while they're more engaging, they're also a waste of time compared with good old plain laser mining.
3 mining lasers, 9 collectors, strip the asteroid at point blank so the collectors dont have to cover too much distance.
200-250t per hour should be doable when random mining, else mapped mining can provide up to 500t per hour when done under right conditions.

edit: there is another triple bromellite hotspot at Arietis Sector IX-T b3-3 , planet 5, A ring (although i did not personally checked this one)

I refitted my ship with extra mining lasers and collectors (had 6 before) and dumped the other mining tools. I tried to get closer to the rocks and only went for rocks with 20% or higher of bromellite. Filled the ship in 3 hours 25 minutes compared to 6 hours and 10 minutes yesterday, so it was definitely an improvement.

Thank you for the advice.
Promising that they bring back modules you could earn with a previous CG and add it to the tech broker.

That makes it quite likely that the same will happen with the engineered FSD. The only module I'd really like to have and missed during the CG back then.
Current Progress:
Global Progress: 1,176,058 tonnes delivered (3.2M tonnes final target)
Contributors: 3,909
Reward Tier: 2/5
Global Reward: Modified missile rack available from human tech. brokers if Tier 1 reached
Discounted purchase requirements if higher tiers achieved

Rewards structure
Top 10 CMDRs~ 2,251 to 8,65632,000,000 Cr
Top 10%~ 673 to 2,25020,000,000 Cr
Top 25%~ 388 to 67212,000,000 Cr
Top 50%~ 193 to 3878,000,000 Cr
Top 75%~ 75 to 1924,000,000 Cr
Top 100%~ 1 to 74400,000 Cr
Your contribution: 1,987
Top 10%, Well Done, and not far off the top ten as well:)

I hate to say this - but, from them figures it looks like some over the hill old lorry driver, piloting a clapped out rusty dented old T9 is putting the rest of you too shame😎

The 8,656 is mine😊
Yes one free module, it reads in the other thread in News like it isn’t an unlock at the Tech Brokers but a purchase for mats for each extra module.

Given how slow it is for me to mine Bromoshite and whatever, I am thinking it is faster for me to spam relog on Imperial Shielding and just buy the missile racks if I wanted.
So I'm not going to be back in the bubble until a short time before the end of the CG.

What surface mining location and commodity would you guys recommend for a quick mining operation of 500 or so tons?

I'm assuming Bromellite would be a plentiful one to go for but I've not been mining since the rebalance.
If there's a good Osmium and Bromellite location, that would be good too.
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What surface mining location and commodity would you guys recommend for a quick mining operation of 500 or so tons?
I got 500 tonnes fairly quickly at Ibor (40something ly away) That is an icy ring with bromellite hotspots. Also drops a lot of Lithium Hydroxide as byproduct, which adds to the total.

I know there are gurus for everything in this game, so here are some questions for the mining gurus:
I normally refrain from mining, as I find it boring, but this CG proved to be a nice change of pace... very relaxing business that is. :) But as usual I like to be efficient at what I am doing, so tips are welcome:
  • I am using a Python with 2 Lasers, 9 limpets and 128t cargo. Even like this, the limpets can't keep up with the mining rate. Should I get even more?
  • Do you always take a full hold of limpets when heading out? I keep having to jettison loads of them, so figure I need less. But how much to take to be on the safe side?
  • What do the mineral percentages and the low, medium and high indications imply? I struggle to notice any difference between the latter at least. What is the effective difference between a 20% bromellite low mineral content and a 20% high one?
I got 500 tonnes fairly quickly at Ibor (40something ly away) That is an icy ring with bromellite hotspots. Also drops a lot of Lithium Hydroxide as byproduct, which adds to the total.

I know there are gurus for everything in this game, so here are some questions for the mining gurus:
I normally refrain from mining, as I find it boring, but this CG proved to be a nice change of pace... very relaxing business that is. :) But as usual I like to be efficient at what I am doing, so tips are welcome:
  • I am using a Python with 2 Lasers, 9 limpets and 128t cargo. Even like this, the limpets can't keep up with the mining rate. Should I get even more?
  • Do you always take a full hold of limpets when heading out? I keep having to jettison loads of them, so figure I need less. But how much to take to be on the safe side?
  • What do the mineral percentages and the low, medium and high indications imply? I struggle to notice any difference between the latter at least. What is the effective difference between a 20% bromellite low mineral content and a 20% high one?
despite not being a mining guru ...
1. imho no - down to limpet speed and pythons cargo hatch placement there is no real speed increase after 10 active or so limpets on a python. my mining corvette has a few more. i'm more or less running the same set up on my python, 128t, 9 active limpets.. i recommend a class 3 prospector, so you can prospect the next asteroids while the collectors finish.

2. yes. limpets cost nothing, and while there is some fun trying to get the correct limpet number before hand, rng can render your guestimate moot.

3. low/medium/high only refer to materials content (phosphorus and such), so are irrelevant for mining inself. i personally mine asteroids with a good relative percentage of a commodity, i want to mine - but most commanders will skip anything below 10% in icey rings, and anything below 20% in metallic rings. obviously for a cg like this you'd work with additive percentages (so - 10% osmium + 10% samarium, = good).

now i'll be interested to read a real mining master :)
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I am using a Python with 2 Lasers, 9 limpets and 128t cargo. Even like this, the limpets can't keep up with the mining rate. Should I get even more?
  • Do you always take a full hold of limpets when heading out? I keep having to jettison loads of them, so figure I need less. But how much to take to be on the safe side?
  • What do the mineral percentages and the low, medium and high indications imply? I struggle to notice any difference between the latter at least. What is the effective difference between a 20% bromellite low mineral content and a 20% high one?
Not a guru, but here's my 5 cents...
-- Imho 9 is optimal. When asteroid is depleted and limpets are doing their job, you still have time to probe a few more asteroids around you, so there's no waiting.
-- With bromelite I hit only those which show >20%, doesn't matter if it's low-med-high. Pulling 200 tons in cca 2 hours this way in a Cutter (3 lasers, 9 limps).
-- Always taking full load of limpets and abandoning them in lots of 5 when "cargo is full".
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