9am for me. I should be arriving in system within the hour. We need to friend or wing up or something
Send me a friend request. Commander name is Klutz
I can wing you in to where I am but I'm not sure this is the best spot.
Live Stream up on YouTube here ...
Update: Taking the live stream down for a few hours. I'll post a link when I'm back online again.
I won't be live streaming the event since I'll be recording with shadowplay. You can't record locally and stream at the same time.
I'll post an edited video next week.
At the moment (20:35) it's quite dark on the surface of c. Turning the gamma up helps a bit.
Update: At 21:30 it's now right at 8.00Mm
Update: It's now
15 Oct in game at 00:15 am and the moon is 7.15Mm away. ~5.8Mm to go.
............ Still dark. Waiting for the moons to orbit out of the planets shadow.
Update: Checking the speed, it took 1257 seconds or 20.95 minutes to move 0.10Mm
So now it's moving at a
slow 0.004773 Mm/minute
At that speed*, collision would be in 1184 minutes from 00:45:52, but it won't stay at that speed.
Now at 7.00Mm at 00:45 am. 5.653 Mm to go. Still dark, Waiting for the light to come back.