FDevs made me a criminal.

So I came in to conclusion lately that FDevs made me a criminal.
I killed one Federal Dropship player with a docking computer. Then I killed Mostly Harmless Eagle player. I got Wanted level. Usually I would just fly to another system and start doing my normal stuff, like trading commodities or doing RES or go Mine for 14 h.

NOW I CAN'T! I still stay WANTED! So I just must do pirate missions, slavery smuggling and other illegal things as I am not scared anymore to become wanted, I am wanted anyway.
Why I am wanted everywhere I go? Why FDevs made me criminal?

Don't blame it on FDEV - own it and enjoy it!
FDev didn't force your CMDR to equip your vessel with a known dangerous piece of equipment and use it irresponsibly.

The docking computer is a driving aid, not an autopilot!
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