Newcomer / Intro Fighter Club, the fighting club for every skill level

I'm gonna be hauling rocks in Delkar for a while. If anyone is desperate for that top position on the list they can meet me there.

But I can't swap over to a Sidewinder because my hold is full of rocks. I do however have a ship-launched fighter; an Imperial GU-97 Aegis F. I'm willing to accept a challenge from any ship-launched fighters.
I think I may have just been lucky last time and you will most likely prevail this time :) As for carrying cargo in the sidey, that sounds like a great idea mate, I think you should have a hold full of 4 tons of something nice <laugh manically due to increased weight in opponents craft> :D

cant see how thats gona go well for you..
Sounds like you guys are having some fun. When is the next gathering?

Or do I just challenge one of you?
Sounds like you guys are having some fun. When is the next gathering?

Or do I just challenge one of you?

The Fighter Club is just all the duels of all the people on this list..


We meet up at Cleve Hub on Wednesdays at 7pm in stock Sidewinders, but that's just to keep things nice and simple. I chose Cleve Hub as the location because I thought a club like this might help a few newcomers learn the ropes. It turns out that someone coming over and asking if they want a fight doesn't encourage them to join <grin>

We may change the venue in later weeks.

The duels themselves can be at any time, any place and in any spacecraft that the two duellists agree upon. The above defaults are just to stop all the "how do you want to do this?", "I don't know how do you want to do this" conversations that would happen otherwise.

I am the keeper of the list if you challenge anyone before Wednesday then just PM me with the result, and ask your opponent to do the same. Just remember that the person you are challenging will have things to do, so give them plenty of time to prepare for battle.

If you want the top spot on the list as quickly as possible, and you own a ship-launched fighter, I shall be spending most of my time down at Delkar this weekend. It's only by some weird fluke that I'm at the top of the list at the moment, so the spot is really up for grabs.
Please remember to set your crimes to off.And dont forget to put em on again after.
The barrel game was fun
Switch your "Report Crimes" back on! <hee hee hee> Remind me when I say goodnight on Wednesday as well. We haven't been doing this long, and I've already been caught out twice.

Instead of starting a poll thread for this Tuesday I'll put up a few ideas of fun things to do in Stock Sidewinders after the duels are over.

- The Barrel Game where I drop a few barrels and the person who scoops them up first gets to keep them

- Test your ship against a swarm of Stock Sidewinders where someone jumps into a ship they want to check out, and we tickle him with our stock lasers until they yell out stop.

- Last Man Standing, the Highlander Game where we all just battle it out until there's only one left

- Mammoth Hunt where we all wing up and go to a Hazardous Resource Extraction site to take down Anacondas in our stock Sidewinders

- Your idea here.


Volunteer Moderator
"- Mammoth Hunt where we all wing up and go to a Hazardous Resource Extraction site to take down Anacondas in our stock Sidewinders"

I want to do that one :D
The votes are in. Give me a second to count them..

Okay, the winner is winging up and going to a Hazardous Resource Extraction site to take down Anacondas in our stock Sidewinders. It won the voting by one vote, but it was a unanimous victory. And I can see why as well. There is something very satisfying in taking down an Anaconda whilst being in a group of underpowered Sidewinders. It must be the primitive part of our brains that was around when we were taking down mammoths with sharpened sticks.

We will follow a very simple wing tactic. There is a leader of the group. Whatever that person is shooting at is what the rest of us shoot as well.
Remember. Tonight is Fighter Club Night
7pm outside Cleve Hub in a Stock Sidewinder with Report Crimes off.

I don't have access to Discord at the moment. Could someone post a reminder there?
Sorry I missed you Astaced.

The easiest way to join the club is to just saunter along to Cleve Hub on Wednesday. If you can't find us then Friend me so that I can invite you into a wing.

The only change to the ladder is that I am no longer at the number one slot. I'm now decidedly number two <sigh>

The Club List Currently :-

Theo, the discord channel invite is:-
This should let you hear what we are all saying even if you do have to type replies. You may not have heard me say "Don't shoot at that Anaconda! That's a cop!" <grin>
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And the winner of the muckabout poll is..

Mammoth Hunt

I do believe that Chris Simon's idea about us bringing our own mammoth to make it easier to find is what swung the voting.

So everyone is invited to bring their stock Sidewinders to the Fighter Club on Wednesday at 7pm outside Cleve Hub. After the duelling we can decide amongst ourselves who's going to be the mammoth <grin>
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I think it will all depend on how many people show up. I'm not even sure if the mammoth should be allowed an Anaconda <grin>

I reckon you need at least four stock Sidewinders to take down an Anaconda, and it would require some top-notch piloting skills to pull it off
Well I'm back in the bubble!
If the fight club is on tonight (WED 14/12) I'll be there. :D

The problem about splitting into two groups is that there isn't much to split at the moment. But any duels between two people can be of any weapons they can agree upon. They could even have a fight in T9s if they want. The Stock Sidewinders on Wednesday is just a default suggestion to minimise costs and plant a flag around which it's easy to rally.

Once you've hauled your A.R.S.E. back to the bubble I'd be happy to face you in a duel if you could furnish me with the exact specs of your machine beforehand so that I could practice a bit before we face each other.

My A.R.S.E. is pretty hot right now, just got a couple gimballed miniguns with incendiary ammo. Other than that, is got the best I can fit on it, with only the FSD being modded. Will probably get enhanced thrusters tomorrow, and do a bit of tuning.
I'll bring it along to the meet up.
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