General / Off-Topic Flat Earth

The moon landings couldn't have been faked, simply because they took place during the Cold War. The Soviets were trying to beat us to the moon, and lost. They were also watching our every move, as we were them. If the Soviets found even the slightest single shred of evidence that even hinted we faked it, they'd have been all over it, crowing about what sort of liars we were. They'd have done it simply to score a diplomatic coup.
And never mention to a flat-earther the hundreds (if not thousands) of years of astronomical observations that can be used as evidence for the way we view our world today. I'm not sure exactly whom it was that first used these techniques to understand we were on a sphere (rather than a flat pain), but the history books are full of such examples.

The real problem is that to someone that believes in a flat-earth today, nothing you can do short of actually taking them into space and showing them personally, will change their mind (and even then you are likely to be accused of 'fixing up' the view!). These kind of conspiracy theory are not really worth trying to challenge imho, if not flat-earth it will be something else (alien cosmic-ray mind control etc). Having said that some conspiracy theory can be a good thing, just not pushed so far to the point of no-return (to rational sane thought).
The real problem is that to someone that believes in a flat-earth today, nothing you can do short of actually taking them into space and showing them personally, will change their mind (and even then you are likely to be accused of 'fixing up' the view!).
Actually taking them into space and throwing them out the nearest airlock would be more appropriate. It would save having to provide them with a Darwin Award......

He is trolling. That's all.

A possibility?


Has that Tesla got a reversing camera? Musk should have hooked one up and beamed us back some pictures.
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