General / Off-Topic Flat Earth

2001? Coincidence that the televised space program went hand in hand with the evolution of cinema?

People can believe what they like. You let mentally ill people get away with saying there is no difference between the TWO! genders. Despite testosterone. Anyone who is into training knows how much just a little extra testosterone in their system can really give you the edge over natties. Men > Women physically because TESTOSTERONE. sigh.

Why then don't you be all diverse and inclusive and stop with the insults of the Flat Earther's. They distrust the government, scientists and NASA. I get that, I dig it. It's cool since we are lied to constantly in all aspects of our lives. None of you have seen the curve, not one of you. Unless of course you have been to 75000 feet. That comes straight out of Neil De Grasse Tyson's mouth. Your knowledge of the globe Earth comes from second hand sources. Second hand because you get the info on the faith that someone is giving you cold hard facts. Since you don't have the tech or the ability to actually see the curve with your own eyes.

The vitriolic crud on here is just indicative of the same indoctrination you include Flat Earther's of.
2001? Coincidence that the televised space program went hand in hand with the evolution of cinema?
No, no coincidence at all. I guess that you are too young to have been alive at the time. Didn't see the technologies developing.

People can believe what they like. You let mentally ill people get away with saying there is no difference between the TWO! genders. Despite testosterone. Anyone who is into training knows how much just a little extra testosterone in their system can really give you the edge over natties. Men > Women physically because TESTOSTERONE. sigh.

I think you are overreacting. No one says that there is no difference. Just that males and females should be treated equally.

Why then don't you be all diverse and inclusive and stop with the insults of the Flat Earther's. They distrust the government, scientists and NASA. I get that, I dig it. It's cool since we are lied to constantly in all aspects of our lives. None of you have seen the curve, not one of you. Unless of course you have been to 75000 feet. That comes straight out of Neil De Grasse Tyson's mouth. Your knowledge of the globe Earth comes from second hand sources. Second hand because you get the info on the faith that someone is giving you cold hard facts. Since you don't have the tech or the ability to actually see the curve with your own eyes.
Seeing is believing, is that it?
In my youth. I built a radio receiver to track satellites and what do you know. It was where the hard sums said it would be. That is a form of seeing. Climb up a height and watch the horizon get further away. Go to the other hemisphere and look at the face of the man in the moon. It will be upside down compared to your normal view. All done personally by me.
As for distrusting your government. That is your problem.

The vitriolic crud on here is just indicative of the same indoctrination you include Flat Earther's of.

Yes there is a lot of vitriolic crud here, that is true. But Flat Earther's aren't actually stupid. Just lying for their own reasons. IMO
Didn't see the technologies developing.

It looks as if, despite the fact that it happened centuries ago, some missed The Enlightenment. Modern rationalism and empiricism...... all that.

So to all those Neanderthals out there I just say:

"Keep banging those rocks together, it will give you something to occupy yourself with while you wait to go extinct".
If seeing is believing, and I can't see sound, does that mean sound doesn't exist? [knocked out]

Have a guess. [where is it]
You can hear, feel and see the effects of sound in the air, if it is loud enough.
Remembering back a couple of years. You can use sound to move things around and pull them towards you. Just like a "tractor beam". Albeit very small things.

Things have moved on a bit since I first read about it.
Did they fake the movie of the "earthrise" as the Apollo command module orbited the moon? - The movie not the photo.

Yer man talks a load of jobbie.

of course they faked that footage! Here’s the proof!!!


dang it, ninja’d ;)
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2001? Coincidence that the televised space program went hand in hand with the evolution of cinema?

People can believe what they like. You let mentally ill people get away with saying there is no difference between the TWO! genders. Despite testosterone. Anyone who is into training knows how much just a little extra testosterone in their system can really give you the edge over natties. Men > Women physically because TESTOSTERONE. sigh.

Why then don't you be all diverse and inclusive and stop with the insults of the Flat Earther's. They distrust the government, scientists and NASA. I get that, I dig it. It's cool since we are lied to constantly in all aspects of our lives. None of you have seen the curve, not one of you. Unless of course you have been to 75000 feet. That comes straight out of Neil De Grasse Tyson's mouth. Your knowledge of the globe Earth comes from second hand sources. Second hand because you get the info on the faith that someone is giving you cold hard facts. Since you don't have the tech or the ability to actually see the curve with your own eyes.

The vitriolic crud on here is just indicative of the same indoctrination you include Flat Earther's of.

Why do I see a different set of constellations from the southern hemisphere ?.
Why then don't you be all diverse and inclusive and stop with the insults of the Flat Earther's.
Because I see them the same way I'd see an adult who still believes in Santa Clause
Unless of course you have been to 75000 feet. That comes straight out of Neil De Grasse Tyson's mouth.
Your knowledge of the globe Earth comes from second hand sources. Second hand because you get the info on the faith that someone is giving you cold hard facts.
Erm, were you intentionally ironic there, or did that really just happen?
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Did that dude ever hop In his rocket to prove his flat earth belief ?
I know it got canceled once and he had to relocate.
2001? Coincidence that the televised space program went hand in hand with the evolution of cinema?

People can believe what they like. You let mentally ill people get away with saying there is no difference between the TWO! genders. Despite testosterone. Anyone who is into training knows how much just a little extra testosterone in their system can really give you the edge over natties. Men > Women physically because TESTOSTERONE. sigh.

Why then don't you be all diverse and inclusive and stop with the insults of the Flat Earther's. They distrust the government, scientists and NASA. I get that, I dig it. It's cool since we are lied to constantly in all aspects of our lives. None of you have seen the curve, not one of you. Unless of course you have been to 75000 feet. That comes straight out of Neil De Grasse Tyson's mouth. Your knowledge of the globe Earth comes from second hand sources. Second hand because you get the info on the faith that someone is giving you cold hard facts. Since you don't have the tech or the ability to actually see the curve with your own eyes.

The vitriolic crud on here is just indicative of the same indoctrination you include Flat Earther's of.

Wouldn't normally touch this stuff with a bargepole, but as it's on the Frontier Forums and you're a fellow cmdr...

I'm afraid you've been misinformed.

It is very very possible to see the curve of the Earth and many many people have done so. So no, despite what you seem to have been told, our knowledge very often does comes first hand.
2001? Coincidence that the televised space program went hand in hand with the evolution of cinema?

People can believe what they like. You let mentally ill people get away with saying there is no difference between the TWO! genders. Despite testosterone. Anyone who is into training knows how much just a little extra testosterone in their system can really give you the edge over natties. Men > Women physically because TESTOSTERONE. sigh.

Why then don't you be all diverse and inclusive and stop with the insults of the Flat Earther's. They distrust the government, scientists and NASA. I get that, I dig it. It's cool since we are lied to constantly in all aspects of our lives. None of you have seen the curve, not one of you. Unless of course you have been to 75000 feet. That comes straight out of Neil De Grasse Tyson's mouth. Your knowledge of the globe Earth comes from second hand sources. Second hand because you get the info on the faith that someone is giving you cold hard facts. Since you don't have the tech or the ability to actually see the curve with your own eyes.

The vitriolic crud on here is just indicative of the same indoctrination you include Flat Earther's of.

Ok. We are using a computer right? Do you know exactly how it works, the hard science of it? I don't, but it works and our messages we place around the internet are sort of confirmation of that. We can say the same for probably the majority of the things we come into contact with every day in our day-to-day lives.

What is 100% certain is that due to the principles of science these things are as they are and do what they do, and all of it took hundreds and thousands of scientists (over many, many years/decades/centuries etc) working in their specialised fields to provide us (the public) with the knowledge of the facts that allow all of this stuff (from wooden sailing ships to computers to space rockets and camera's).

I love history. The game civilization was a large part of that interest, and really all you need do is look back at history and see how the evolution of our discovery of the world went (map making to practical stuff like a ship disappearing in the way it does as it goes over the horizon). The whole journey of our understanding of the way the world actually is (a globe rather than a flat-earth) can be found in the historic record, from multiple sources acting for multiple countries over multiple centuries. It's too big and wide a coverage to be any kind of conspiracy, and all in an age before any kind of global communication existed, or cohesive systems of government.

Modern day technology just helps confirm all that historic journey of discovery. We've seen directly many of the other planets in our solar system, they are all spheres too. Gravity works like that, the stars are spheres also are they not? Galaxies 'spin' around their axis and form 'circular' patterns. It seems to be a basic rule of the cosmos, rather than something Uncle Sam has made up to trick us all.

If you really want to know why the Flat-earth theory exists (and many like it), i could tell you (i have experience in this field) but you won't like it much, as it is indeed down to how governments deliberately spread false information into the public domain, for the purpose of getting certain types of people to chase shadows and spin their wheels on trivial non-important issues to stop them focussing on the bigger issues that might create a problem for said government (and corporate priorities). We call many of these type of things a conspiracy-theory and some are more credible than others, but all have a core element about sowing a trail of confusion and distrust and obscuring the important issues of the day.

I for one still have an issue of the whole 9/11 thing. We have live TV coverage in the uk from our own 7/7 attack where a Mr.Peter Power, working for a consultancy firm running a pretend scenario for just such an attack spoke directly to the BBC about it at the time, as it was unfolding. Now i also believe in coincidence, but there is just so much around the start of our 'war on terror' (the fabrications of Tony Blair to parliament etc) and the money made out of it, that i find it believable enough something did go down around all this. Still i have to draw a line somewhere (as we all do in these things) and really the more 'frivolous' conspiracy theories i just have no time for.

I am curious about one thing, what is the purpose of the government not telling us the truth about our flat earth? Like what purpose would that serve and for what reasons? I think the only thing i could see it changing is next time i go travelling around the world, i'd be much more careful about falling off the edge (i must admit i paid that no thought during my gap-years travels where i plotted and travelled to the other side of the world). But that would be the only real concern, so why would it need to be kept secret in such a total and unified (all nations seem to want to keep it hushed up) manner? Very curious, and slightly pointless as conspiracy theories go i feel?
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Back in the olden days you could find a sales rep that might indeed know their products and understand how to get their customer what they were looking for, these days you are a fool waiting to be ripped off if you don't go into a store knowing exactly what you want before hand.

I wouldn't wonder if it isn't a large part behind the rise of the online retailer ;)
Anyone that cares to can personally verify the fact that the Earth is spherical via several different methods, without ever leaving the ground. Those connected enough to the societies and knowledge around them to have internet access and still seriously believe the Earth is flat are either abjectly lazy, stupid, or both, no exceptions.

As for the differences between the biological sexes, they are numerous and not solely due to testosterone. However, except for the equipment required to bear or sire children, almost everything else is within two or three standard deviations between the averages of each sex's capabilities (and would be even lower were social factors accounted for), meaning there is often far more difference between opposite ends of healthy norm within a sex than between typical examples of each sex. Almost any set of objective criteria for almost any task could be met by at least some people of either sex and using sex itself to discriminate is generally arbitrary and counter productive. Sex and gender aren't synonymous either.

Thoughts ?

Reminds me of the time an acquaintance of mine, while claiming 9/11 was an inside job, went off on a huge tirade about how there was no practical way to get a fire hot enough to melt steel I-beams from the burning jet A and other contents of the towers, even accounting for convection, etc...

So, I asked him how hot he thought the fires got. He says it couldn't have been more than 1000C.

After rummage around for a bit, produce a mild steel rod (a piece of old rebar, about as thick as my thumb), an IR thermometer, and a propane torch. After demonstrating that neither of us could permanently deform the rebar with our bare hands, I prop it up on some cinder blocks and put the torch on it. We come back an hour or so later and the middle portion of the rebar is red hot. I turn off the torch and let him measure the temperature of the rod (which is ~850C at it's hottest point and cooling), put on my gloves, then pick it up...and twist the thing into a pretzel with only mild difficulty.

I then explain to him that if I had heated it to 1000C it would have been yellow hot and would have had trouble holding up it's own weight, let alone supporting anything else, and that the argument that 'you can't melt steel with jet fuel' is meaningless because you don't have to. Most totally undamaged steel structures would eventually collapse if exposed to fire long enough, even if that fire fell several hundred C short of steel's melting point...the fact the Towers suffered severe structural damage and lost much of their fireproofing in the impacts that started the fires made their collapse inevitable, not suspicious.

Anyway, your friend is wrong, precisely how I wouldn't be able to say without a verbatim transcript of his statements, but there is certainly a gross oversight in his analysis or that of his sources. Most conspiracy theorists have huge holes in their logic somewhere and when their arguments are sound, it's only because it's the wrong argument.
Those connected enough to the societies and knowledge around them to have internet access and still seriously believe the Earth is flat are either abjectly lazy, stupid, or both, no exceptions.

Or desperate. Not joking here. We're increasingly living in times where our primary needs are met: we have shelter, we have food, we have safety. Which seems to make people more aware that we are also increasinlgy pointless. We have no unique skills, or contributions to make. Our villages wont starve if we die. There wont be a massive eruption of chaos if we get hit by a bus tomorrow. Most of us deal with that by acknowledging it is perfectly fine to not be important, that taking care of friends and family while having some fun is more than we can ask for in life. Maybe we occassionally watch a movie and pretend we are superheroes for an hour or two, or play a rough survivalist in a game.

For some that is not enough. Which is why the overwhelming majority of conspiracy believers dont spend a lot of time on finding contradicting information, or 'uncovering the truth'. The point is just to feel special. To know something almost noone else knows. The goal isn't to change anything, the goal is to feel less meaningless. Its not intentionally being stupid or lazy, our minds are more than capable of deluding ourselves if deemed important enough.
Or desperate. Not joking here. We're increasingly living in times where our primary needs are met: we have shelter, we have food, we have safety. Which seems to make people more aware that we are also increasinlgy pointless. We have no unique skills, or contributions to make. Our villages wont starve if we die. There wont be a massive eruption of chaos if we get hit by a bus tomorrow. Most of us deal with that by acknowledging it is perfectly fine to not be important, that taking care of friends and family while having some fun is more than we can ask for in life. Maybe we occassionally watch a movie and pretend we are superheroes for an hour or two, or play a rough survivalist in a game.

For some that is not enough. Which is why the overwhelming majority of conspiracy believers dont spend a lot of time on finding contradicting information, or 'uncovering the truth'. The point is just to feel special. To know something almost noone else knows. The goal isn't to change anything, the goal is to feel less meaningless. Its not intentionally being stupid or lazy, our minds are more than capable of deluding ourselves if deemed important enough.

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