Fleet carrier improvements

It's done that way intentionally to prevent the chaos that would be caused by carriers jumping en masse non-stop every single second. Bad enough they have to compute all the jumps that every ship in the game makes. To allow carriers to simply go on autopilot all the time instantly would be a disaster.
What sort of chaos? Saving up to 15 waypoints (what is roughly max number of jumps on full tritium depot) on the server and update a record once a 20 minutes? Even if it would be 20k of carriers (peak number of players) it could be run on Raspberry PI I guess :)
What's more, it would give carriers an unfair advantage over long range ships that can travel faster and render them completely useless to the game, which would have caused such an uproar that many people would have simply quit playing altogether.
Anyone wishing to travel far (while being offline) now just need to go to Discord and find a FC owner to join the trip. Not everywhere, but most active destinations like Colonia, SagA etc. No one complaining about that.

And if someone would deside to travel through the systems not visited earlier it could be a set of random events on route which would interrupt the process. Something based on the skill of NPC crew (another feature to add). So it would be less predictable in comparison with "manual" variant, but still good way to avoid the need to get back into the game to schedule next jump every half an hour. And this could provide a "content" for FC owner to make the travel more entertaining. Or alternatively one could see and buy exploration data (via GalMap, almost existing function) and construct more predictable route (with less chance of random events) through the systems visited by other commanders earlier.
That's because the only thing you think of is what you want and not what the game needs.
no, i was thinking of what the commenter i was replying to wanted and what seems fdev generally aims for... which has nothing to do with what the game needs ever.

what they were asking for is not in conflict with the game nor how fdev has positioned the game via the way mechanics are implemented.

It's done that way intentionally to prevent the chaos that would be caused by carriers jumping en masse non-stop every single second. Bad enough they have to compute all the jumps that every ship in the game makes. To allow carriers to simply go on autopilot all the time instantly would be a disaster.

A. nobody is doubting it's done intentionally. what is in doubt is the motive behind the intention.
B. nobody is suggesting the limit to jump frequency be reduced to 1 second. or even close to that.
C. navigating routes that don't require user intervention for each jump wont cause disaster nor would it increase the load on what amounts to a mongodb update query. the only certain thing it would do is reduce the unnecessary micromanaging at each jump... something normal ships don't have to do because it is universally agreed that having to do that is a stupid use of game time.

What's more, it would give carriers an unfair advantage over long range ships that can travel faster and render them completely useless to the game, which would have caused such an uproar that many people would have simply quit playing altogether.

no, it would do none of that. the crying about carriers have been going on since they were introduced behind a paywall and none of the hypothetical end of times have come due to them. other players matter far less than you give them credit for in this game. fdev literally made most of what a player can impact not meaningfully matter to anyone else.

But then again, you never considered that, did you? Of course not, because you want the game to do everything for you without any regard at all for fair play and what the game actually needs to survive and function properly.

what i want out of the game is very different from how fdev designed it. this suggestion doesn't contradict the 'play as i want' mentality that elite has been developed with. fairness doesn't factor in because the game actions of other players in their carriers even if this suggestion was implemented wouldn't matter to anyone else.

nobody's game is getting upended because someone could schedule some jumps and not have to babysit the carrier, or get fuel without falling asleep mining, etc.

the game is what it is already. it's not gonna die due to some sense of punishing players with crap gameplay because there's no better option... the players still playing this game have accepted its flaws and lack of any desire to test player skills or reward them outside of maybe thargoid combat. fairness only exists in your mind, not the game. if anything, this reduces unfairness caused by players who have more time to babysit the game vs those who don't.

if we were talking about circumventing game mechanics that involve skill... we would be having a different discussion. We're not though, We're talking about pointless time sinks and circumventing time sinks is what elite dangerous is all about
One thing I'd like to propose is that the suggestions posited in this thread, like being able to do carrier jumps or fuel transfers, etc, be made available in a phone app that players can download to their devices. It would be very cool if it was possible to plan a carrier jump for my squad while I was at work, or I take a lunch break and check out my carrier's commodity market and adjust prices and quantities, etc. I'm not talking a full game play experience just the management part of the carrier on a phone app.

EDIT: Like I get the very real technical issue of setting carriers to follow a path automatically because various things can come into play that could mess that up, so I understand, well in that case, let me be able to set jumps from my phone.
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