Notice Fleet Carrier Update - Known Issues

after so many Buggy lunches my patience is running out really fast.
the worst is I can log in but can't buy the Carrier its the worst.
I also was dumb enough to buy some cosmetics for it.
One wonders how these errors didn't happen in the beta test but do on launch, the only conclusion is they added extensive changes that were not in the beta test which defeats a lot of the benefits of said test - and now here we are. 🤦‍♂️
And if today's release had been exactly the same as Beta 2, there'd be endless whining that none of the Beta feedback had been taken into account & the FDev clearly didn't care anymore as they weren't listening to the players.

For them, Lose / Lose.
Tim, Stephen, please, consider cutting in half (50% Off) all Fleet Carrier related cosmetics on the Elite Dangerous store as a token of good will and an apology token for all the issues the comunity have been subjected to in regards to this latest patch.

Thanks in advance.
And if today's release had been exactly the same as Beta 2, there'd be endless whining that none of the Beta feedback had been taken into account & the FDev clearly didn't care anymore as they weren't listening to the players.

For them, Lose / Lose.
what kind of feedback after beta 2 got in exactly?
Um, 7 hours to apply an update!! Did you do any regression testing??? It doesn't appear you did!!! Why is it every time an update is applied there are always problems with it?? What was the point of BETA!? If I allowed an application to update to the state Elite is in right now in my job, there would be serious repercussions...
Hey I lost my anaconda and 152M Credits My CMDR name is rascalix and it has placed me with one of my old ships the federal dropship please fix this I have many days of game time please fix if someone doesn’t fix this I might just quit Elite I just can’t get all that back again
You might want to report this through a ticket: (I think that's the right place to report).
Frontier is usually pretty accommodating. Just explain what happened. They might ask for more details.
The black adder error code appears to be a 403 (forbidden) error from the server that is supposed to be handling the fleet carrier purchases. Something is clearly badly broken.


Game just hung on the outfitting transfer module to station screen....Transfer is to station not FC... would be great if i could get an FC to transfer to but that is beyond FD as well..... Ferkin Release day... should have known
Yeh, Guardian Sites have vanished too.
We know that these things happen after a big update but you guys always seem to get the issues fixed after a few days. I managed to record a Fleet Carrier jumping, it looked amazing. I'm docked at another now so it's good to see FCs being used already.
Get some sleep and back at it again tomorrow.
Kudos for getting this thread up so fast.

Am in Kholu checking on changes to hotspots and Kholu 1 is showing hotspots in the outer ring but the ring appears misty and probes sail right through- doesn't affect any of the other rings in the system. Haven't tried relogging yet.

View attachment 176256
I had that happen to, jumped into a system. checked hotshots on one planet, then another. I then came back to the first and it was like this one you described. I ended up logging out to the hanger screen and back in. Fixed the problem.
on a side not, at the time there were 27 or so FC's in system. Probably just a coincidence.
playing on Xbox.
Reading through this thread......there are update bugs, and then there are update BUGS. How can this much stuff be broken?
I have a suspicion... do al Commanders who have the Black Adder issue the game running on steam by any chance?

Not Steam....Black Adder crashes is the only thing working consistently at the moment for me =)
Not sure if this is just me, but my carrier purchase just went through!! Been getting black adder errors all evening. Seen Tims post above and thought id try one last time before heading to bed. Purchase successful! Happy days :)
Great, congratulations.
Enjoy it commander.
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